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Purpose of the Database
Since the early 1990s, researchers and policy makers have had an increasingly difficult time understanding how states operate their cash assistance programs for needy families. The complexity of welfare programs increased in the early 1990s, as more states applied for waivers to experiment with their welfare programs and as Congress accelerated the approval process. The increase in state waivers began shifting the control of cash assistance from the federal government to the states. This shift culminated in the passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) in August of 1996. This legislation replaced Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) with Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). TANF provided states with block grant funding and placed very few restrictions on how states implemented their individual programs. This change increased the degree of variation across state programs and thus increased the difficulty of tracking program rules.
All 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands operated an AFDC program and have operated the TANF program. The Welfare Rules Database does not track early TANF and AFDC policies in the territories (territory data is available as of 2022), therefore we limit discussion of historical policies throughout the coding manual to the 50 states and D.C.
Under AFDC, most program rules were determined at the federal level. States were allowed to set their own rules in several areas, including some key policies, such as: income eligibility limits, benefits levels and eligibility requirements for two-parent families. While the federal government offered states a finite number of options, those options fit within a program structure that did not vary across states. Differences in AFDC programs across states could be researched easily using the AFDC State Plans that states were required to submit to the federal government and/or through documents prepared by the Administration for Children and Families summarizing information in those plans.
By the mid-1990s, a large number of states had received waivers to experiment with new policies, such as family caps and time limits. These waivers also allowed states to modify aspects of their AFDC programs previously set by the federal government. Waiver policies were described in the Waiver Terms and Conditions agreed upon by the state and federal government, not in the AFDC State Plans. The Terms and Conditions did not provide a full understanding of the policies because certain implementation details were not addressed and the implementation schedules often changed after the agreement was reached.
With the replacement of AFDC with the TANF block grant, tracking states' policies became even more difficult. The level of detail in TANF State Plans varied greatly across states. Generally, the Plans offered insufficient information to completely understand the details of eligibility, benefit computation and client requirements. This detailed information can only be obtained from state regulations, caseworker manuals and/or interviews with state administrators.
Congress reauthorized TANF in 2005, with the passage of the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA). In so doing, the federal government has reestablished some of its influence over states' programs, particularly in the operation and design of work programs. However, while the definitions of certain activities and the tracking and calculation of participation rates have been given tighter new parameters, states are likely to have highly varied responses to the new requirements.
Given the difficulties associated with researching state TANF policies, a method of organizing the information in a way that would serve many purposes seemed advisable. In early 1997, under the Assessing the New Federalism (ANF) project, the Urban Institute began developing the Welfare Rules Database. The database was conceived as a single location where information on program rules could be researched across states and across time, without the need to consult multiple documents. The database was envisioned as a resource for researchers working on both descriptive and quantitative projects.
The Welfare Rules Database (WRD) provides a longitudinal account of the changes in state and territory welfare rules. The WRD organizes the detailed information on welfare rules across states and territories, time, and geographic areas within states or territories and different type of assistance units. Data on the three territories that operate TANF programs are available beginning in 2022.
The data sources used to capture state and territory policies has varied over time. Caseworker manuals and state regulations provide the data from 1997 to the present, while AFDC State Plans and Waiver Terms and Conditions provide the data for years prior to 1997. In some states, the caseworker manuals and regulations also include information for years prior to 1997. In those states, the database reflects the manuals and regulations.
Design of the Database
The database is organized into 30 categories of rules, as shown in Appendix A. Appendix B provides detailed descriptions of the categories and the variables. The focus is welfare rules; the database does not contain information regarding caseloads, budgets, outcomes or administrative practices. In addition, the database does not address the possibility that the rules found in state or territory manuals and/or regulations may be applied differently in practice.
Each category listed in Appendix A contains a series of variables designed to capture the intricacies of the rules covered within that category. The variables include a mix of yes/no variables, numeric variables, variables allowing a limited number of possible responses and free-form text variables. Each variable has a corresponding notes variable to capture additional details related to that particular variable. In addition, each category has an "Additional Notes" variable to capture any additional information regarding the rules not captured by the category's variables.
For each state or territory, year and category, the database contains at least one record of information outlining the exact rules for that particular state or territory and year. A record is the set of variables that captures a state’s or territory’s policies for a given category. A record is comparable to an observation in a survey data set. Multiple records for a given state or territory, year and category may exist. Multiple records are coded if rules differ across key variables, such as:
- Months in a given year
- Geographic region of the state or territory
- Experimental versus control group
- Type of assistance unit (i.e. two-parent versus one-parent units)
- Component of the program
Further descriptions of these situations are provided in the following pages.
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The Welfare Rules Database was originally developed in Microsoft Access. Recently, the database was converted to an Oracle database; however, coders still view and enter data using the Access interface.
This section of the Coding Manual describes the Access interface used by The Urban Institute researchers to code and clean the data. WRD users outside The Urban Institute will never use the Access interface. However, users may want to review this section for a better understanding of the coding process.
Structure of Database
Tables in the database resemble standard spreadsheets. There are two types of tables: data and definition tables.
Data Tables
Data tables hold the welfare rules data. For each category, a table exists that contains the values of all the variables for that category. In the table, there is a separate column for each variable in the category. Each row corresponds to a separate record for each state or territory and year. The tables are sorted by state or territory and by year.
Data are generally entered through Access screens known as forms. These screens display the variable definitions and provide fields in which to enter data. A record is created when a coder enters data for the key variables. These variables distinguish each record in a particular category. Once the key variables are completed, the record is automatically saved in the data table. Records can also be created by entering data directly into the tables or by importing an Excel spreadsheet into the table.
Definition Tables
Definition tables contain the names, descriptions and variable types for the variables in each category. One of the largest definition tables is the "Variables" table. This table contains all variables for all categories in the database. A new variable is always added to the "Variable" definition table.
Each of the key variables in the header has a corresponding definition table. For example, Coverage Description has the table, "Coverage by State and Year." This table lists the Coverage Description codes and definitions for all states and territories and years. The information for each state or territory and year appears when the coder selects the arrow button (pull-down box) next to the Coverage Description field on each form. The coder can add new information to this table by using the box with three dashes next to the Coverage Description field. "Components by State and Year" and "Detailed Demographics" function in similar ways. Each table is described in the section devoted to Key Variables.
Forms are the Access screens where data are entered and viewed. Each form has a set structure with blank fields for entering data. Each form begins with a header. The variables in the header are the same for each category. They capture the state or territory, year, months, unit type, and coverage corresponding to the rules entered in a particular record. The variables specific to each category follow the header variables. A description of each variable is found next to the field in which data are entered.
Once data are entered, the form becomes known as a record. The records are organized by state and territory, in alphabetical order. Within each state or territory, the records are arranged by year, beginning with the earliest year for which data has been coded for that particular category. When data are entered into a form, the record is automatically saved as a new row in the corresponding data table.
Types of Variables
For each category, a series of variables is used to describe the exact rules used by a particular state or territory in a particular year. There are many different types of variables:
- Numeric variables
- Yes/no variables, sometimes displayed as a check box (Yes = -1, No = 0)
- Short text variables, that allow a limited number of responses
- Long, free form text variables
Most variables have companion notes variables that allow the coder to enter details or nuances of a state’s or territory’s rules that are not captured in the available fields.
Every category ends with an Additional Notes variable. These variables are free-form text variables where the coder can enter any other information about that category that does not fit within the specified variables.
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When to Code a New Record
Statement of General Principle
A new record is coded for a particular category only when a change in policy creates a different set of rules for that category in that state or territory and year.
A new record is not coded due to a change in the geographic group or unit types covered by a set of rules during a year or a mid-year change in the funding source from AFDC to TANF. (More information on how to handle changes in coverage and funding sources is given below.)
Header Variables
Header variables are the key and non-key variables that appear at the top of each form. These variables provide details regarding when, where and to whom the rules captured in a record apply.
Key Variables
The key variables distinguish each record in a particular category from the other records. These variables indicate the geographic region, time period, group of people and program to which the rules captured in the record apply. Every record in the database must have a unique set of key variables.
The complete list of key variables includes:
- State or Territory
- Year
- Month Begin
- Month End
- Program
- Unit Type
- Component
- Coverage
- Coverage Description
- Majority Rule
State/Territory Variable
The State/Territory variable indicates the state or territory to which the rules of the record apply.
Year and Month Variables (Year, Month Begin, Month End)
At least one record per category and state or territory is coded for every calendar year. The Year, Month Begin and Month End variables describe the period of time during which the rules of a particular record apply.
Coding Instructions for the Months Variables
The Month Begin variable captures the exact month in which the rules outlined in the form were implemented, while the Month End variable indicates the last month in which the rules were in effect.
If the rules captured in a record began prior to that particular calendar year, Month Begin is coded “0.” If the rules captured in a record continue beyond that particular calendar year, Month End is coded “0.” If the rules began during a previous year and continue into the following year, both Month Begin and Month End are coded “0.” If it is unclear when a particular set of rules started or ended, Month Begin or Month End are coded “99”, respectively.
Connecting Records When Coder is Unsure of when One Record Ended and Another Began
The first available manual from a state may be dated after 1996. In this situation, it is sometimes unclear as to whether or not the AFDC policy was in place until the date of the 1997 manual or whether the policy outlined in the manual began prior to the manual date. If the coder is not confident that the 1996 policy remained the same between the last 1996 record coded and the date of the new manual, the 1996 and 1997 records are coded in the following manner. Uncertainty regarding the start or end point of policies is primarily isolated in the 1996 through 1998 timeframe, around the change from AFDC to TANF. It is unlikely that this sort of coding is necessary in later years.
1996 Record:
- Year: 1996
- Month Began: 0
- Month End: 99
1997 Record:
- Year: 1997
- Month Began: 99
- Month End: 0
- Additional Notes: These policies were definitely in effective X/XX (the date from the manual); however, they may have been implemented earlier.
Multiple records are added if program rules change during the calendar year. For example, if a state’s asset limit is $1,000 in 1995 and it increases to $3,000 in May of 1996, two records are coded for 1996, in following manner:
Record 1:
- Year: 1996
- Month Began: 0
- Month End: 4
Record 2:
- Year: 1996
- Month Began: 5
- Month End: 0
Program Variable
The Program key variable captures the funding source for a particular set of rules. The Program variable in each record containing pre-PRWORA rules is coded “AFDC.” In October of 1996, states began switching to TANF funding; however, the date in which the funding source changed varied by state. If the rules in a particular category did not change when the funding source changed, only one record for that set of rules exists and the Program field is coded “AFDC/TANF” for the year in which the funding source changed. The following year is coded “TANF.” If the rules in a particular category did change when the funding source changed, two separate records are coded: one for the old rules coded “AFDC” and one for the new rules coded “TANF.” The final option for this variable is “State Program.” This option only applies when a state or territory implements a program entirely funded by the state or territory.
The Program key variable captures the funding source for a particular set of rules. The Program variable in each record containing pre-PRWORA rules is coded “AFDC.” In October of 1996, states began switching to TANF funding; however, the date in which the funding source changed varied by state. If the rules in a particular category did not change when the funding source changed, only one record for that set of rules exists and the Program field is coded “AFDC/TANF” for the year in which the funding source changed. The following year is coded “TANF.” If the rules in a particular category did change when the funding source changed, two separate records are coded: one for the old rules coded “AFDC” and one for the new rules coded “TANF.” The final option for this variable is “State Program.” This option only applies when a state or territory implements a program entirely funded by the state or territory.
Unit Type Variable
The Unit Type variable captures the type of assistance units to which the rules in a given record apply. Characteristics of assistance units include the number of caregivers, the type of caregiver (i.e. minor parent or pregnant woman), recipient versus applicant assistance units and assistance units with earnings versus those without earnings. Rules that vary for different assistance unit types are coded in separate records.
For example, if the Activity Requirements for a state in 1997 vary depending on whether the unit head is married, two records are coded for that year. The Unit Type variable for one record is coded “Two-parent families”, while the other record is coded “All, except two-parent families.”
This variable does not capture the characteristics of individual unit members. If a rule varies by the characteristics of an assistance unit member, the variation is described in the notes section associated with that variable.
Unit Type options:
- All
- All, except two-parent families
- Two-parent families
- All, except two-parent and minor parent families
- Minor parent families
- All, except child-only units
- Child-only units
- Pregnant women
- Recipients
- Applicants
- Recipients with earnings
- Recipients without earnings
- Union (applicants and recipients without earnings)
Adding Notes Regarding a State’s or territory’s Definition of the Unit Type
The first time a Unit Type is used for a state or territory, year and category, a detailed description of the Unit Type may be added to the “Detailed Demographics” table. This description provides details regarding how the unit type is defined in a given state or territory. While the concept of minor parents is relevant in all states and territories, the exact definition may vary between states and territories. In addition, category specific definitions may exist for a particular unit type. If a detailed description exists for a particular state or territory, year and category, the description automatically appears in the Unit Type variable in the Internet interface.
Important Information Regarding Unit Type and Unit Type Descriptions
If the rules for a particular category do not change during a given year, but the unit types covered by those rules change, another record is NOT created. In this case, a modified Unit Type option is needed and details are added to the Unit Type description field. A new record is only coded when the policies captured in that category change.
For example, suppose a state has two separate asset limits for applicants and recipients prior to October of 2000. Applicants have a limit of $3,000, while recipients have a limit of $5,000. As of October 1, 2000, the asset limit for applicants increases to $5,000. Asset Limits should only have two records for 2000.
Record 1 - 2000 ($3,000 asset limit)
- Month Begin: 0 , because the rules were in effect prior to 2000
- Month End: 9, because applicants received a new limit as of October of 2000
- Unit Type: Applicant
- Unit Type Description: Applicant
Record 2 - 2000 ($5,000 asset limit)
- Month Begin: 0, because the rules were in effect for recipients prior to 2000
- Month End: 0, because rules continued for applicants and recipients in 2001
- Unit Type: Recipient; All
- Unit Type Description: Through September only applies to recipient units. Beginning in October, applies to all units.
Special Unit Type Categories:
Several categories only apply to the specific types of units described in the category's name. These categories include:
- Eligibility of Pregnant Women
- Eligibility of Two-Parent Families
- Eligibility of Units Headed by Minor Parents
- Income and Assets of Children
- School Policies for Dependent Children
- Minor Parent Activities Requirements and Bonuses
For these categories, the Unit Type variable is always coded "All."
Components Variable
Components are coded when a state or territory divides its caseload into mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive groups that are treated differently across more than one category. Furthermore, the definition of these groups must involve more than one characteristic, eliminating the possibility of coding the two groups using the Unit Type variable.
Due to the difficulty in determining when Components exist, a rule of thumb has been established. Code groups as Components when the state or territory treats the groups separately. A state or territory may indicate that it views the groups separately in several ways. If the state or territory uses capital letters, bold text or italicized text when printing the name of each group in its manual and/or regulations, the groups are treated as different Components.
If a state or territory has two or more Components, each Component has a separate record in the categories where rules vary by Components. If the rules do not differ by Components for a particular category, separate records are not needed.
Some states and territories divide their caseload into two mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive groups; however, only one of the components has a specific name. The Component variable of the records applying to the component without a name are coded as "All, except (component name)." For example, Virginia's work program is called VIEW. Across several categories, VIEW participants are subject to different rules than welfare recipients who do not participate in VIEW. Consequently, "VIEW" is coded as a component in the categories in which the rules differ based on VIEW participation. The Component variable in the records that apply to recipients who do not participate in VIEW is coded as "All, except VIEW."
A brief description of each component for a given state or territory and year is located in the Component category. However, this category will not be available until Phase II of the release.
Important Information Regarding Components
If the rules for a particular category do not change during a given year, but the components covered by those rules change, the changes in components are coded in the Component field. A new record is not created. A new record should only be coded when the policies captured in that category change.
Coverage and Coverage Description Variables
This variable captures whether or not the rules in a particular record affect all individuals in the state or territory (Statewide) or only some of the counties or regions within a state or territory (Not Statewide). In addition, this variable also indicates whether a statewide policy affects the entire caseload (Statewide, Full Coverage) or whether the policy only affects a portion of the caseload across the state or territory (Statewide, Not Full Coverage).
When rules for a category vary for different geographic regions (Not Statewide) or when only a portion of the caseload across the state or territory is affected by a policy due an experiment or the phase-in of a policy (Statewide, Not Full Coverage), separate records are coded. For example, if several counties within a state or territory operate under a different set of rules due to a waiver, two records are needed: one for the rules for the majority of the state or territory and the other for the rules in the counties affected by the waiver.
The three options for coverage include (More detailed descriptions are provided below):
- Statewide, Full Coverage
- Statewide, Not Full Coverage
- Not Statewide
At least two records are coded for a state or territory and year if "Statewide, Not Full Coverage" or "Not Statewide" are used.
Coverage Description
If the appropriate Coverage code is "Statewide, Not Full Coverage" or "Not Statewide", the Coverage Description field is also coded. This variable captures the details about who is covered by the rules in each record. A number corresponds with each Coverage Description for a state or territory and year; this number is referred to as the Coverage Description code.
The Coverage Description includes the following information, if applicable:
- Details regarding how a policy is phased-in.
- Names of counties or cities affected by the rules.
- Whether participation in the program is voluntary.
- Percentage of caseload covered.
Important Information Regarding Coverage and Coverage Descriptions
If the rules for a particular category do not change during a given year, but the individuals covered by those rules change, the coverage changes are coded in the Coverage Description field. A new record is not created. A new record should only be coded when the policies captured in that category change.
Examples of How to Code Different Coverage Situations:
Statewide, full coverage:
For the portion of the year reflected in the months variables, the rules outlined in the form were statewide, operating in every county within the state or territory, and the rules applied to the entire caseload in each county (or the entire caseload falling into the demographic group and/or component on the record, if applicable).
When the coverage variable is coded "Statewide, Full Coverage," a Coverage Description is not coded. The default setting is "0" for the Coverage Description code.
On May 1, 2003, the amount of assets an assistance unit was allowed to hold increased in all counties for all applicants and recipients. The previous limit had been in effect since 1997. Two records are coded for the state in 2003.
Record 1 - 2003 (old asset rules)
- Month Begin: 0 , because the rules were in effect prior to 2003
- Month End: 4, because the new rules became effective May 2003
- Coverage: Statewide, full coverage
Record 2 - 2003 (new asset rules)
- Month Begin: 5, because the new rules were implemented in May of 2003
- Month End: 0, because recipients/applicants continued to use the new rules during 2004
- Coverage: Statewide, full coverage
Statewide, not full coverage:
For the portion of the year reflected in the Months variables, the rules outlined in the record were statewide, operating in every county within the state or territory, but not every recipient/applicant in a county was subjected to those rules.
This code is used when the caseload in every county is phased in gradually to new rules or a random selection of recipients use one set of rules while the remainder uses another set.
Beginning May 1, 1997, all counties within a state began phasing in 10% of the caseload each month into the new rules for benefit calculation. By February 1, 1998, all recipients would be subject to the new rules. In this case, there would be two records for 1997 and another two records for 1998.
Record 1 - 1997 (old benefit computation rules)
- Month Begin: 0 , because the rules were in effect prior to calendar year 1997
- Month End: 0, because some recipients continued to use the old rules until February 1998
- Coverage: Statewide, not full coverage
- Coverage Description: Statewide, full coverage through April. Beginning in May, 10% of the caseload began phasing out each month, decreasing to 0% by February 1, 1998.
Record 2 - 1997 (new benefit computation rules)
- Month Begin: 5 , because the new rules were implemented for some recipients in May 1997
- Month End: 0, because recipients continued to use the new rules into 1998
- Coverage: Statewide, not full coverage
- Coverage Description: Beginning in May 10% of the caseload each month began phasing in, increasing to 100% of caseload by February 1, 1998.
Record 1 - 1998 (old benefit computation rules)
- Month Begin: 0 , because the rules were in effect prior to 1998
- Month End: 1, because after January 31, 1998 no recipients would be subjected to the old rules
- Coverage: Statewide, not full coverage
- Coverage Description: May 1, 1997, began phasing out 10% of the caseload each month, decreasing to 0% by February 1, 1998.
Record 2 - 1998 (new benefit computation rules)
- Month Begin: 0 , because the rules were in effect prior to 1998
- Month End: 0, because new rules continued into 1999
- Coverage: Statewide, not full coverage
- Coverage Description: Starting May 1, 1997 began phasing in 10% of the caseload each month, increasing to 100% of caseload by February 1, 1998.
Record 1 - 1999 (new benefit computations rules)
- Month Begin: 0 , because the rules were in effect prior to 1999
- Month End: 0, because new rules continue into 2000
- Coverage: Statewide, full coverage
Not Statewide:
For at least one month within the portion of the year reflected in the months variables, one or more counties/regions were operating under different rules than the remaining counties/regions within the state.
This code is used when a state or territory phases in new rules by counties and when a state or territory operates a waiver or experiment in only a portion of the state or territory. This type of phasing in new policies, or operating a pilot program in a portion of the state, was more common in the late 1990s, as states implemented their new TANF programs.
A state began a waiver on November 1, 1995, changing the assets limit in 5 counties. During 1996, the waiver rules were phased in, county by county through November. By December 1, 1996, all counties within the state were abiding by the new rules.
Record 1 - 1995 (old asset rules)
- Month Begin: 0 , because the rules were in effect prior to 1995
- Month End: 0, because some counties would still operate under old rules in the following year
- Coverage: Not statewide
- Coverage Description: Statewide, full coverage through September. Beginning in November, statewide, except 5 counties. Remaining counties phased out by county, phase out completed by November 31, 1996.
Record 2 - 1995 (new asset rules)
- Month Begin: 11 , because new rules were implemented for waiver counties in November 1995
- Month End: 0, because waiver county recipients would continue to use the new rules into 1996
- Coverage: Not Statewide
- Coverage Description: Five counties in November, phasing in by county, statewide by December 1, 1996.
Record 1 - 1996 (old asset rules)
- Month Begin: 0 , because the rules were in effect prior to 1996
- Month End: 11, because all counties were using new rules by December of 1996
- Coverage: Not Statewide
- Coverage Description: Statewide, except five counties in November of 1995. Remaining counties phased out by county, phase out completed by November 31, 1996.
Record 2 - 1996 (new asset rules)
- Month Begin: 0, because the new rules were implemented for some counties in November 1995
- Month End: 0, because counties will continue to use the new rules into 1997
- Coverage: Not Statewide
- Coverage Description: Five counties in November, phasing in by county, statewide by December 1, 1996.
Record 1 -1997 (new asset rules)
- Month Begin: 0, because the new rules were implemented before 1997
- Month End: 0, because counties will continue beyond 1997
- Coverage: Statewide, full coverage
Majority Rule Variable
For a particular state or territory and year, each category must have one and only one record coded as the Majority Rule record (Majority Rule equal to -1). This code indicates the set of rules that were used for a majority of the state’s or territory’s caseload for a majority of the year.
The majority rule status applies only to a particular category. Majority rule records are NOT necessarily consistent across categories for a given state or territory and year. The majority rule record in one category may not describe the same population or time period as the majority rule record in another category. For example, the majority rule record in a given year for Income Eligibility Limits may apply to recipients from July to December. However, in the same year, the Dollar Amounts majority rule record may apply to all units in only 20 counties from January to December.
If there is only one record for a given state or territory, year and category, that record is coded as the majority rule record.
If a set of statewide rules is in effect January 1 through June 30, and then another set of rules becomes effective statewide on July 1, the second record, coded Month Begin: 7 and Month End: 0, is considered the majority rule record.
If the statewide rules for a particular category change twice/three times in a given year resulting in three/four different records in effect for an equal number of months, the record containing the rules in effect in July is coded as the majority rule record.
If a state or territory has two records for a given category and year, one for applicant and another for recipients, the recipient record is considered the majority rule record.
Non-Key Variable - Waiver Name
One non-key variable is located in the header, Waiver Name. Non-key variables are not used to distinguish records from one another; however, they do provide more information about the record.
Prior to PRWORA, a waiver name is coded for all records that captured rules pertaining to a state's waiver program. If a state implemented a waiver that affected the rules captured in three categories, two records are coded for each category. Only one record is coded for each of the remaining categories unaffected by the waiver Terms and Conditions. The waiver name is coded in the appropriate field for the records containing waiver rules.
After PRWORA, the need for waivers became largely obsolete. However, some states and territories chose to continue their waivers in order to avoid compliance with certain federal requirements. Other states and territories continued their waiver programs; however, their programs were already in compliance with all PRWORA regulations. The database only codes waiver names for states and territories that continued their waivers in order to avoid certain federal requirements. For these states and territories, the waiver name is only coded in categories that contain rules that are not allowed without the waiver. The State TANF Plans are used to determine whether or not the waivers are needed to avoid any federal regulation.
Use of Header Variables
Characteristics of Units versus Characteristics of Unit Members
If a rule varies based on characteristics of an individual in the unit, such as members over 60 years old, the rules affecting a majority of the caseload are coded in the variable fields. The rules that apply to units containing individuals with the specified characteristics are outlined in the notes sections corresponding to the variables that differ.
Control Groups
Every state to which the Department of Health and Human Services granted a waiver was required to maintain a randomly assigned control group. Control groups were supposed to be used to evaluate the impact of the waiver policies. The policy for coding control groups is the following:
Rules for control groups are not coded in a new record, unless the control group composes more than 20% of a particular geographic area.
Beginning in 1997
All information given by a state regarding control groups is coded, including control groups comprising less that 20% of a particular geographic area. The existence of a control group is captured in the Coverage and Coverage Description variables.
All Variables
Percentages as Whole Numbers
Percentages are coded without the decimal. The variable descriptions are worded so that the response is interpreted correctly.
Special Codes
Not Applicable (n.a.)
In the following cases, n.a. is placed in the variable field or in the notes section when the variable is numeric:
Code n.a. if:
- An entire category does not apply for a given state or territory
- Example: If the state or territory no longer has any special eligibility criteria for two-parent families, all variables within the Eligibility of Two-Parent Families are coded n.a.
- Any necessary explanations are coded in the Additional Notes section.
- A previous variable completely explains the rule and additional information about the variable is not needed.
No Limit
If there is no limit on a particular value, the variable is coded No Limit.
Question Mark (?)
This code is used when a rule or policy captured by the variable exists but there is not enough information to code it accurately. A ? is placed in the variable field, unless the variable is numeric. If the variable is numeric, the ? is placed in the notes section and the field is left blank.
Importance of Consistency
Consistency is extremely important because analysts will use this database to compare information across states and territories and years. Appendix B is constantly consulted to ensure that each state and territory is coded consistently.
(Organized from the perspective of a family applying for benefits)
Does the state try to divert the family from applying for benefits?
What kinds of families are potentially eligible?
Eligibility by Number/Type of Parents
Eligibility of Units Headed by a Minor Parent
Employment-Related Eligibility of Two-Parent Families
Which people in a family are potentially eligible?
Eligibility of Individual Family Members
Inclusion of Non-Citizens in the Unit
Treatment of Additional Adults in the Household
Amount of assets a family can have and still be eligible
How is Income Counted?
Amount of income a family can have and still be eligible?
If family passes all eligibility tests, what is the amount of their benefit?
What are a recipient family's child support requirements?
What are a recipient family's behavioral requirements?
School Policies for Dependent Children
Immunization and Health Screening Requirements
What are a recipient family's work-related activities requirements?
Minor Parent Activities Requirements and Bonuses
How long can a family receive benefits?
What happens after a family no longer receives benefits?
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Activities exemptions
Activities requirements
Activities sanctions
Asset test
Benefit computation
Child support
Child support sanctions
Contracts and agreements
Countable income
Deemed income
Dollar amounts
Earned income disregards
Eligibility by number/type parents
Eligibility of individual family members
Eligibility of pregnant women
Eligibility of two-parent families
Eligibility of units headed by minor parents
Family caps
Immunization and health screening policies
In-kind income
Inclusion of non-citizens in the unit
Income and assets of children
Income eligibility tests
Minor parent activities and bonuses
School policies for dependent children
Time limits
Transitional benefits
Treatment of Additional Adults in Household
Activities Exemptions
This category identifies which individuals in an assistance unit are exempt from participating in Activities Requirements. The exemptions reflect the exact description in the state's manuals and/or regulations. If an individual does not have any of the characteristics outlined in these variables, they are considered non-exempt and must participate in the requirements described in the Activities Requirement category.
Under the old AFDC rules, exempt persons included persons who were: ill or incapacitated; the caretaker of someone ill or incapacitated; the caretaker of a child under three or a child under 6 if child care is not guaranteed; working 30 hours or more per week; a child under 16 or under 18 and attending school; a woman in the second trimester of pregnancy; or residing in an area where JOBS was not available.
Overlap Issues:
• This category is coded using the exact exemption criteria for each state's formal activities/work program, as outlined in each state's manual and/or regulations. Some states exempt children and minor parents from their formal activities programs, while other states do not. If dependent children and/or minor parents are not exempt (that is, their activities requirements are considered a part of the state's formal activities program), their requirements are coded in Activities Requirements category. In addition, the requirements of dependent children and minor parents are also captured in the School Policies for Dependent Children and Minor Parent Activity Requirements and Bonuses categories, respectively, regardless of whether these persons are exempt or non-exempt from the state's formal activities program.
Special Issues:
- Notes about exemptions that apply differently to minor parents appear in the variable at the bottom of the form (beginning in 2001). Prior to 2001, minor parent differences were captured in the notes field next to the particular exemption policies that varied.
- Notes about exemptions that apply differently to two parent households appear in the variable at the bottom of the form.
Variables and Notes:
Variable | Notes |
(ActvExemptWrkHrs | ae_wkhrs) |
Indicates the number of hours per week a unit member must work in an unsubsidized job in order to be considered exempt from Activities Requirements. Under AFDC 30 |
(ActvExemptChildAge | ae_chage) |
Captures the age under which dependent children are exempt from Activities Requirements. Under AFDC 16 |
(ActvExemptChildAgeInSchool | ae_schag) |
Captures the age under which dependent children currently enrolled in school are exempt from Activities Requirements. Under AFDC 18 |
(ActvExemptParAge | ae_mpage) |
Captures the age under which parents are exempt from Activities Requirements (captures the exemption of minor parents). Under AFDC 16 |
(ActvExemptParInSchool | ae_smpag) |
Captures the age under which parents currently enrolled in school are exempt from Activities Requirements (captures the exemption of minor parents who are attending school). Under AFDC 18 |
(ActvExemptIllIncapacitated | ae_illps) |
Indicates whether or not an ill or incapacitated person is exempt from Activities Requirements. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvExemptCaringForIllIncapacitated | ae_illct) |
Indicates whether or not a unit member caring for another ill or incapacitated unit member is exempt from Activities Requirements. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvExemptOlderAdultAge | ae_elder) |
Captures the age at which persons are considered exempt from Activities Requirements (captures the exemption of elderly persons) Under AFDC 60 |
(ActvExemptPregnantMonth | ae_prgmo) |
Captures month of pregnancy when a pregnant woman becomes exempt from Activities Requirements. Under AFDC 4 |
(ActvExemptCaringForChildAge | ae_cldct) |
Captures persons exempt from Activities Requirements due to caring for children under this age (in months). Under AFDC 36 |
(ActvExemptNoChildCare | ae_nogcc) |
Captures persons exempt from Activities Requirements due to caring for children under this age (in months) when child care is not guaranteed. Under AFDC 72 |
(ActvExemptDomesticViolence | ae_dvvic) |
Captures whether or not victims of domestic violence are exempt from activities requirements. Under AFDC Waivers were provided on a case-by-case basis. |
(ActvExemptOtherExemptions | ae_othex) |
Captures other reasons a person is exempt from Activities Requirements Under AFDC n.a. |
(ActvExemptTwoParUnits | ae_2prnt) |
Lists the Activities Requirement exemptions that apply differently to two parent families, as well as any additional exemptions that are limited to one parent in a two parent family. Under AFDC Persons caring for a child under 36 months old is exempt; person caring for a child under 72 months old is exempt when child care is not guaranteed. |
(ActvExemptMinorParUnits | ae_exmp) |
Lists the Activities Requirement exemptions that apply differently to minor parent families. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ActvExemptOtherNotes | ae_other) |
Captures additional notes regarding Activities Exemptions. |
Activities Requirements
The Activities Requirements category outlines each state's activity/work program, exactly as the state manual describes the program. The category includes the rules that require applicants and/or recipients to participate in education, job training and/or work in order to maintain eligibility or avoid a sanction. There are three major aspects of activities requirements: when is the requirement imposed, who must meet the requirement and what must the recipient and/or applicant do in order to meet the requirement.
This category describes when the requirement is imposed, including at least two possible situations. A state may impose a certain requirement after an assistance unit has received assistance for a specified number of month. For example, after receiving assistance for 60 days a recipient must participate in Activities Requirement #1, by taking part in job search or training 20 hours per week. Alternatively, an Activities Requirement may be imposed after a recipient has participated in the previous Activities Requirement for a specified amount of time or until completion. For example, after a recipient completes the job training program (Activities Requirement #1), the recipient must participate in a subsidized or unsubsidized job for 20 hours a week or more (Activities Requirement #2).
This category also captures which individuals within an assistance unit must meet each of the Activities Requirements. This variable is different from the header variable "Unit Type" which indicates the type of units to which a particular set of rules applies. (For more information regarding the use of the "Unit Type" variable, see the codebook.) Under AFDC rules, all non-exempt recipients were required to participate in education, job training and/or work activities. Alternatively, activities requirements may only apply to a sub-group of non-exempt participants. For instance, non-exempt recipients, who have received assistance for 24 months, may receive a different activities requirement.
Finally, this category describes each Activities Requirement, including the allowable activities in which a non-exempt recipient may participate and minimum and/or maximum time a recipient must participate. Under AFDC, the Activities Requirement consisted of participation in allowable JOBS activities to the extent that those services were available. Under waivers and TANF, states have changed the allowable activities as well as the time a recipient is required to participate.
"Work Requirement Time Limit"
In addition to outlining all activities requirements, this category provides a summary of the state's "work requirement time limit," if one exists. The term "work requirement time limit" is often used; however, the term is not always used in a consistent manner. To prevent any confusion, the term "work related time limit," when used in the database, has a very specific definition.
In order for a state policy to be consider a "work requirement time limit," a state must require a non-exempt parent/caregiver to work at least 20 hours/week in a "real job" after receiving benefits for a specified period of time. A "real job" includes participation in one or more of the following activities: A subsidized or unsubsidized job, participation in CWEP/AWEP, self employment or work as a child care provider for children other than ones own. In addition, failure to meet this requirement must result in one of the following sanctions to qualify as a "work requirement time limit": removal of the parent/caregiver from the unit when calculating benefits or the ineligibility of the entire unit. (Note: Some financial sanctions may be more severe than the removal of the parent/caregiver; however, they are not considered time limits because no one in the unit becomes ineligible.) Finally, the failure to meet the requirement is only considered a "work requirement time limit" if the penalty is imposed until compliance or for the lifetime of the unit.
If a state policy meets these requirements, this category summarizes information on the "work requirement time limit." This summary information includes the number of months after which participation in a "real job" is required, the sanction imposed for non-compliance, the duration of the sanction, as well as the Activities Requirement under which additional information on this requirement is coded.
Overlap Issues:
• Activities Requirements must be used in conjunction with two other categories. The Activities Exemptions category captures the individuals within each unit that are exempt from any requirements. The Activities Sanctions category outlines the sanctions imposed on non-exempt individuals that do not comply with the requirements outlined in this category.
• This category is coded using the exact exemption criteria for each state's formal activities/work program, as outlined in each state's manual and/or regulations. Some states exempt children and minor parents from their formal activities programs, while other states do not. If dependent children and/or minor parents are not exempt (that is, their activities requirements are considered a part of the state's formal activities program), their requirements are coded in this category. However, separate categories exist for each of these groups: School Policies for Dependent Children and Minor Parent Activity Requirements and Bonuses. These categories capture all information regarding the activities requirements of children and minor parents, regardless of whether these persons are exempt or non-exempt from the state's formal activities program. If children and/or minor parents are included in the state's formal Activities Requirements program, their requirements appear in 2 categories.
Special Issues:
• When to use the "Unit Type" variable in the header versus the "Activities Requirement #1-5 applies to:" variable:
When activities requirements vary by type of unit (i.e. one or two parent units, units headed by a minor parent or child only units, including unit distinguished by whether or not the unit has earnings), an Activities Requirement record should be coded for each type of unit for which rules vary. However, if the activities requirements vary by characteristics of unit members (i.e. age of youngest child or educational background of parent/caregiver), only one record should be coded. Differences in activities requirements for unit members with different characteristics should be captured using the "Activities Requirement #1-5 applies to:" variable within one Activities Requirements record.
• Within a given record, a new requirement is coded if "When is Activities Requirement #1-5 imposed?" or "Activities Requirement #1-5 applies to:" is different.
• Capturing the interaction/movement between activities requirements in the same record.
If several activities requirements apply to one group of non-exempt participants, the requirements should be coded in the order of application (Activities Requirement #1 through #5). If there are two sub-groups within a record, the requirements for one group should be coded in order of application. After all the requirements for the first sub-group are coded, the requirements for the second group should be coded in the order of application.
Variables and Notes:
Variable | Notes |
| |
(ActvReqWhenImposed1| ar_#1whn) |
Indicates length of assistance allowed before Activities Requirement #1 is imposed. Under AFDC Under JOBS, there was no specific time at which activities were required. Therefore, this variable is blank (should be coded n.a.) |
(ActvReqDescribe1 | ar_#1dsc) |
Describes what is required for Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC Participation in allowable JOBS activities to the extent these services are available. |
(ActvReqRequiredFor1 | ar_#1who) |
Indicates to which group of non-exempt individuals Activities Requirements #1 applies. Notes See notes above under Special Issues. Under AFDC Non-exempt recipients |
(ActvReqActvHours1 | ar_#1hrs) |
Indicates the maximum and/or minimum hours of activity participation required for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Includes all available information. Under AFDC These was no minimum requirement under JOBS. However, custodial parents with children under the age of 6 and guaranteed child care were not required to participate for more than 20 hours per week. |
| |
(ActvReqBasicRemedialEdu1 | ar_#1bas) |
Indicates whether basic or remedial education are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in basic or remedial education for Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqHighSchoolOrGED1 | ar_#1hsl) |
Indicates whether high school attendance or work towards a GED are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in high school or work towards a GED for Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqESL1 | ar_#1esl) |
Indicates whether English as a second language classes are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in English as a second language classes for Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqPostSecondaryEdu1 | ar_#1pse) |
Indicates whether post secondary education attendance is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in post secondary education for Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobSkillsTraining1 | ar_#1jst) |
Indicates whether job skills training is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job skills training for Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobReadinessActv1 | ar_#1jrd) |
Indicates whether job readiness activities are allowable activity for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job readiness activities for Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobDevJobPlcmnt1 | ar_#1jdp) |
Indicates whether job development and job placement are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job development and job placement for Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobDevJobSearch1 | ar_#1jbs) |
Indicates whether job search is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job search for Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqOnJobTraining1 | ar_#1otj) |
Indicates whether on-the-job training is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in on-the-job training for Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqUnsubsidizedJob1 | ar_#1uns) |
Indicates whether unsubsidized employment is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in unsubsidized employment for Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqSubsidizedJob1 | ar_#1sub) |
Indicates whether work supplementation or subsidized employment are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in work supplementation or subsidized employment for Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqCWEPorAWEP1 | ar_#1cwe) |
Indicates whether Community Work Experience or Alternative Work Experience (CWEP/AWEP) are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in Community Work Experience or Alternative Work Experience (CWEP/AWEP) for Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqSelfEmployment1 | ar_#1slf) |
Indicates whether self-employment is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in self-employment for Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqProvidesChildCare1 | ar_#1ccp) |
Indicates whether providing child care for others is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can provide child care for others for Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqCounseling1 | ar_#1cns) |
Indicates whether counseling is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in counseling for Activities Requirement #1. Notes This variable captures any information on substance abuse and domestic violence treatment in particular. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqLifeSkillsTraining1 | ar_#1lfe) |
Indicates whether life skills training is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in life skills training for Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqCommunityService1 | ar_#1com) |
Indicates whether community service is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in community service for Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqOtherActv1 | ar_#1oth) |
Describes any other allowable activity for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in the activity described in ar_#1oth for Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC None |
(ActvReqTotalAllowedToPartic1 | ar_#1tot) |
Captures the total amount of time a unit can participate in any combination of allowed activities in Activities Requirement #1. Under AFDC No limit |
| |
(ActvReqWhenImposed2 | ar_#2whn) |
Indicates length of assistance allowed before Activities Requirement #2 is imposed or any other description regarding when Activities Requirement #2 is imposed. Under AFDC Under JOBS, there was no specific time at which activities were required. Therefore, this variable is blank (should be coded n.a.) |
(ActvReqDescribe2 | ar_#2dsc) |
Describes what is required for Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC Participation in allowable JOBS activities to the extent these services are available. |
(ActvReqRequiredFor2 | ar_#2who) |
Indicates to which group of non-exempt individuals Activities Requirements #2 applies. Notes See notes above under Special Issues. Under AFDC Non-exempt recipients |
(ActvReqActvHours2 | ar_#2hrs) |
Indicates the maximum and/or minimum hours of activity participation required for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Includes all available information. Under AFDC These was no minimum requirement under JOBS. However, custodial parents with children under the age of 6 and guaranteed child care were not required to participate for more than 20 hours per week. |
| |
(ActvReqBasicRemedialEdu2 | ar_#2bas) |
Indicates whether basic or remedial education are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in basic or remedial education for Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqHighSchoolOrGED2 | ar_#2hsl) |
Indicates whether high school attendance or work towards a GED are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in high school or work towards a GED for Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqESL2 | ar_#2esl) |
Indicates whether English as a second language classes are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in English as a second language classes for Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqPostSecondaryEdu2 | ar_#2pse) |
Indicates whether post secondary education attendance is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in post secondary education for Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobSkillsTraining2 | ar_#2jst) |
Indicates whether job skills training is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job skills training for Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobReadinessActv2 | ar_#2jrd) |
Indicates whether job readiness activities are allowable activity for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job readiness activities for Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobDevJobPlcmnt2 | ar_#2jdp) |
Indicates whether job development and job placement are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job development and job placement for Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobDevJobSearch2 | ar_#2jbs) |
Indicates whether job search is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job search for Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqOnJobTraining2 | ar_#2ojt) |
Indicates whether on-the-job training is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in on-the-job training for Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqUnsubsidizedJob2 | ar_#2uns) |
Indicates whether unsubsidized employment is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in unsubsidized employment for Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqSubsidizedJob2 | ar_#2sub) |
Indicates whether work supplementation or subsidized employment are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in work supplementation or subsidized employment for Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqCWEPorAWEP2 | ar_#2cwe) |
Indicates whether Community Work Experience or Alternative Work Experience (CWEP/AWEP) are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in Community Work Experience or Alternative Work Experience (CWEP/AWEP) for Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqSelfEmployment2 | ar_#2slf) |
Indicates whether self-employment is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in self-employment for Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqProvidesChildCare2 | ar_#2ccp) |
Indicates whether providing child care for others is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can provide child care for others for Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqCounseling2 | ar_#2cns) |
Indicates whether counseling is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in counseling for Activities Requirement #2. Notes This variable captures any information on substance abuse and domestic violence treatment in particular. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqLifeSkillsTraining2 | ar_#2lfe) |
Indicates whether life skills training is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in life skills training for Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqCommunityService2 | ar_#2com) |
Indicates whether community service is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in community service for Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqOtherActv2 | ar_#2oth) |
Describes any other allowable activity for Activities Requirement #2. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in the activity described in ar2_alw_other for Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC None |
(ActvReqTotalAllowedToPartic2 | ar_#2tot) |
Captures the total amount of time a unit can participate in any combination of allowed activities in Activities Requirement #2. Under AFDC No limit |
| |
(ActvReqWhenImposed3 | ar_#3whn) |
Indicates length of assistance allowed before Activities Requirement #3 is imposed or any other description regarding when Activities Requirement #3 is imposed. Under AFDC Under JOBS, there was no specific time at which activities were required. Therefore, this variable is blank (should be coded n.a.) |
(ActvReqDescribe3 | ar_#3dsc) |
Describes what is required for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC Participation in allowable JOBS activities to the extent these services are available. |
(ActvReqRequiredFor3 | ar_#3who) |
Indicates to which group of non-exempt individuals Activities Requirements #1 applies. Notes See notes above under Special Issues. Under AFDC Non-exempt recipients |
(ActvReqActvHours3 | ar_#3hrs) |
Indicates the maximum and/or minimum hours of activity participation required for Activities Requirement #1. Notes Includes all available information. Under AFDC These was no minimum requirement under JOBS. However, custodial parents with children under the age of 6 and guaranteed child care were not required to participate for more than 20 hours per week. |
| |
(ActvReqBasicRemedialEdu3 | ar_#3bas) |
Indicates whether basic or remedial education are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #3. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in basic or remedial education for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqHighSchoolOrGED3 | ar_#3hsl) |
Indicates whether high school attendance or work towards a GED are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #3. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in high school or work towards a GED for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqESL3 | ar_#3esl) |
Indicates whether English as a second language classes are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #3. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in English as a second language classes for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqPostSecondaryEdu3 | ar_#3pse) |
Indicates whether post secondary education attendance is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #3. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in post secondary education for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobSkillsTraining3 | ar_#3jst) |
Indicates whether job skills training is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #3. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job skills training for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobReadinessActv3 | ar_#3jrd) |
Indicates whether job readiness activities are allowable activity for Activities Requirement #3. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job readiness activities for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobDevJobPlcmnt3 | ar_#3jdp) |
Indicates whether job development and job placement are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #3. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job development and job placement for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobDevJobSearch3 | ar_#3jbs) |
Indicates whether job search is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #3. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job search for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqOnJobTraining3 | ar_#3ojt) |
Indicates whether on-the-job training is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #3. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in on-the-job training for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqUnsubsidizedJob3 | ar_#3uns) |
Indicates whether unsubsidized employment is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #3. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in unsubsidized employment for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqSubsidizedJob3 | ar_#3sub) |
Indicates whether work supplementation or subsidized employment are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #3. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in work supplementation or subsidized employment for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqCWEPorAWEP3 | ar_#3cwe) |
Indicates whether Community Work Experience or Alternative Work Experience (CWEP/AWEP) are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #3. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in Community Work Experience or Alternative Work Experience (CWEP/AWEP) for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC Yes |
(ar_#3sfe) |
Indicates whether self-employment is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #3. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in self-employment for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqProvidesChildCare3 | ar_#3ccp) |
Indicates whether providing child care for others is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #3. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can provide child care for others for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC No |
Indicates whether counseling is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #3. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in counseling for Activities Requirement #3. Notes This variable captures any information on substance abuse or domestic violence treatment in particular. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqLifeSkillsTraining3 | ar_#3lfe) |
Indicates whether life skills training is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #3. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in life skills training for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqCommunityService3 | ar_#3com) |
Indicates whether community service is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #3. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in community service for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqOtherActv3 | ar_#3oth) |
Describes any other allowable activity for Activities Requirement #3. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in the activity described in ar_#3oth for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC None |
(ActvReqTotalAllowedToPartic3 | ar_#3tot) |
Captures the total amount of time a unit can participate in any combination of allowed activities in Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC No limit |
| |
(ActvReqWhenImposed4 | ar_#4whn) |
Indicates length of assistance allowed before Activities Requirement #4 is imposed or any other description regarding when Activities Requirement #4 is imposed. Under AFDC Under JOBS, there was no specific time at which activities were required. Therefore, this variable is blank (should be coded n.a.) |
(ActvReqDescribe4 | ar_#4dsc) |
Describes what is required for Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC Participation in allowable JOBS activities to the extent these services are available. |
(ActvReqRequiredFor4 | ar_#4who) |
Indicates to which group of non-exempt individuals Activities Requirements #4 applies. Notes See notes above under Special Issues. Under AFDC Non-exempt recipients |
(ActvReqActvHours4 | ar_#4hrs) |
Indicates the maximum and/or minimum hours of activity participation required for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Includes all available information. Under AFDC These was no minimum requirement under JOBS. However, custodial parents with children under the age of 6 and guaranteed child care were not required to participate for more than 20 hours per week. |
| |
(ActvReqBasicRemedialEdu4 | ar_#4bas) |
Indicates whether basic or remedial education are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in basic or remedial education for Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqHighSchoolOrGED4 | ar_#4hsl) |
Indicates whether high school attendance or work towards a GED are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in high school or work towards a GED for Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqESL4 | ar_#4esl) |
Indicates whether English as a second language classes are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in English as a second language classes for Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqPostSecondaryEdu4 | ar_#4pse) |
Indicates whether post secondary education attendance is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in post secondary education for Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobSkillsTraining4 | ar_#4jst) |
Indicates whether job skills training is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job skills training for Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobReadinessActv4 | ar_#4jrd) |
Indicates whether job readiness activities are allowable activity for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job readiness activities for Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobDevJobPlcmnt4 | ar_#4jdp) |
Indicates whether job development and job placement are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job development and job placement for Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobDevJobSearch4 | ar_#4jbs) |
Indicates whether job search is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job search for Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqOnJobTraining4 | ar_#4otj) |
Indicates whether on-the-job training is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in on-the-job training for Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqUnsubsidizedJob4 | ar_#4uns) |
Indicates whether unsubsidized employment is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in unsubsidized employment for Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqSubsidizedJob4 | ar_#4sub) |
Indicates whether work supplementation or subsidized employment are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in work supplementation or subsidized employment for Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqCWEPorAWEP4 | ar_#4cwe) |
Indicates whether Community Work Experience or Alternative Work Experience (CWEP/AWEP) are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in Community Work Experience or Alternative Work Experience (CWEP/AWEP) for Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC Yes |
(ar_#4sfe) |
Indicates whether self-employment is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in self-employment for Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqProvidesChildCare4 | ar_#4ccp) |
Indicates whether providing child care for others is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can provide child care for others for Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqCounseling4 | ar_#4cns) |
Indicates whether counseling is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in counseling for Activities Requirement #4. Notes This variable captures any information on substance abuse or domestic violence treatment in particular. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqLifeSkillsTraining4 | ar_#4lfe) |
Indicates whether life skills training is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in life skills training for Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqCommunityService4 | ar_#4com) |
Indicates whether community service is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in community service for Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqOtherActv4 | ar_#4oth) |
Describes any other allowable activity for Activities Requirement #4. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in the activity described in ar_#4oth for Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC None |
(ActvReqTotalAllowedToPartic4 | ar_#4tot) |
Captures the total amount of time a unit can participate in any combination of allowed activities in Activities Requirement #4. Under AFDC No limit |
| |
(ActvReqWhenImposed5 | ar_#5whn) |
Indicates length of assistance allowed before Activities Requirement #5 is imposed or any other description regarding when Activities Requirement #5 is imposed. Under AFDC Under JOBS, there was no specific time at which activities were required. Therefore, this variable is blank (should be coded n.a.) |
(ActvReqDescribe5 | ar_#5dsc) |
Describes what is required for Activities Requirement #5. Under AFDC Participation in allowable JOBS activities to the extent these services are available. |
(ActvReqRequiredFor5 | ar_#5who) |
Indicates to which group of non-exempt individuals Activities Requirements #5 applies. Notes See notes above under Special Issues. Under AFDC Non-exempt recipients |
(ActvReqActvHours5 | ar_#5hrs) |
Indicates the maximum and/or minimum hours of activity participation required for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Includes all available information. Under AFDC These was no minimum requirement under JOBS. However, custodial parents with children under the age of 6 and guaranteed child care were not required to participate for more than 20 hours per week. |
| |
(ActvReqBasicRemedialEdu5 | ar_#5bas) |
Indicates whether basic or remedial education are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in basic or remedial education for Activities Requirement #3. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqHighSchoolOrGED5 | ar_#5hsl) |
Indicates whether high school attendance or work towards a GED are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in high school or work towards a GED for Activities Requirement #5. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqESL5 | ar_#5esl) |
Indicates whether English as a second language classes are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in English as a second language classes for Activities Requirement #5. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqPostSecondaryEdu5 | ar_#5pse) |
Indicates whether post secondary education attendance is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in post secondary education for Activities Requirement #5. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobSkillsTraining5 | ar_#5jst) |
Indicates whether job skills training is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job skills training for Activities Requirement #5. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobReadinessActv5 | ar_#5jrd) |
Indicates whether job readiness activities are allowable activity for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job readiness activities for Activities Requirement #5. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobDevJobPlcmnt5 | ar_#5jdp) |
Indicates whether job development and job placement are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job development and job placement for Activities Requirement #5. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqJobDevJobSearch5 | ar_#5jbs) |
Indicates whether job search is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in job search for Activities Requirement #5. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqOnJobTraining5 | ar_#5otj) |
Indicates whether on-the-job training is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in on-the-job training for Activities Requirement #5. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqUnsubsidizedJob5 | ar_#5uns) |
Indicates whether unsubsidized employment is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in unsubsidized employment for Activities Requirement #5. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqSubsidizedJob5 | ar_#5sub) |
Indicates whether work supplementation or subsidized employment are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in work supplementation or subsidized employment for Activities Requirement #5. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqCWEPorAWEP5 | ar_#5cwe) |
Indicates whether Community Work Experience or Alternative Work Experience (CWEP/AWEP) are allowable activities for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in Community Work Experience or Alternative Work Experience (CWEP/AWEP) for Activities Requirement #5. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvReqSelfEmployment5 | ar_#5slf) |
Indicates whether self-employment is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in self-employment for Activities Requirement #5. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqProvidesChildCare5 | ar_#5ccp) |
Indicates whether providing child care for others is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can provide child care for others for Activities Requirement #5. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqCounseling5 | ar_#5cns) |
Indicates whether counseling is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in counseling for Activities Requirement #5. Notes This variable captures any information on substance abuse or domestic violence treatment in particular. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqLifeSkillsTraining5 | ar_#5lfe) |
Indicates whether life skills training is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in life skills training for Activities Requirement #5. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqCommunityService3 | ar_#3com) |
Indicates whether community service is an allowable activity for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in community service for Activities Requirement #5. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqOtherActv5 | ar_#5oth) |
Describes any other allowable activity for Activities Requirement #5. Notes Description Indicates the length of time an individual can participate in the activity described in ar_#5oth for Activities Requirement #5. Under AFDC None |
(ActvReqTotalAllowedToPartic5 | ar_#5tot) |
Captures the total amount of time a unit can participate in any combination of allowed activities in Activities Requirement #5. Under AFDC No limit |
(ActvReqActvAssignment | ar_asign) |
Captures any information available in the manuals concerning policies that place certain types of people into one set of activities instead of another set of activities Under AFDC n.a. This information was captured in the Work Requirement Outcomes |
| |
(ActvReqWorkReqLimit | ar_wrqtl) |
Does the state have a "work requirement time limit," defined by the following: After a certain number of assistance months, the state requires the parent/caregiver to work at least 20 hours per week in a "real job" (i.e. a subsidized or unsubsidized job, participation in CWEP/AWEP, self employment or work as a child care provider). Failure to meet this requirement must result in one of the following sanctions to qualify as a "work requirement time limit": removal of the parent/caregiver when calculating benefits or ineligibility of entire unit. Finally, the failure to meet the requirement is only considered a "work requirement time limit" if the penalty is imposed until compliance or for the lifetime of the unit. Under AFDC No |
(ActvReqMonthsAfterWorkReq | ar_wrqmo) |
Captures the number of months after which work is required under the "work requirement time limit" Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(ActvReqSanctNonCompliance | ar_wrsnc) |
Description of sanction imposed for not complying with the "work requirement time limit" Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(ActvReqSanctDur | ar_wrsdr) |
Duration of sanction imposed for not complying with the "work requirement time limit" Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(ActvReqAddInfo | ar_wradd) |
Number associated with the Activities Requirement (in the database) where additional information on the "work requirement time limit" is coded. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(ActvReqOtherNotes | ar_other) |
Captures any additional notes regarding Activities Requirements. |
Activities Sanctions
This category captures the sanctions imposed on non-exempt recipients that do not comply with the activities requirements outlined in the Activities Requirements category. Each sanction in the state is outlined beginning with the first sanction imposed for non-compliance with the Activities Requirement #1 (Activities Sanction #1). After each sanction for Activities Requirement #1 is coded in the order in which they would be imposed, the first sanction for failing to meet Activities Requirement #2 is coded. This process continues for all activities requirements and their corresponding sanctions. The details pertaining to each sanction include: the reasons for imposing the sanction, whether a conciliation process exists, whether the sanction includes a benefit reduction, the details of the sanction and the effect of the sanction on other assistance programs, such as Food Stamps, Medicaid and child care subsidy programs. This category also provides a variable that summarizes the worst case sanction imposed in the state for failing to meet an activities requirement. In order to completely understand when this sanction is imposed, users must read through the detailed listing of all the possible sanctions.
Overlap Issues:
• The Activities Sanctions category must be used in conjunction with two other categories. The Activities Exemptions category captures the individuals that are exempt from any requirements. The Activities Requirements category outlines the activities requirements that apply to non-exempt individuals.
• This category is coded using the exact exemption criteria for each state's formal activities/work program, as outlined in each state's manual and/or regulations. Some states exempt children and minor parents from their formal activities programs, while other states do not. If dependent children and/or minor parents are not exempt (that is, their activities requirements are considered a part of the state's formal activities program), their sanctions for not meeting the requirements are coded in this category. However, the activities sanctions for dependent children and minor parents are also captured in the School Policies for Dependent Children and Minor Parent Activity Requirements and Bonuses categories, respectively, regardless of whether or not they are exempt from the state's formal activities program.
Special Issues:
• Sanctions should be coded in the order in which they are imposed.
Variables and Notes:
Variable | Notes |
(ActvSanctMostSevere | as_worst) |
Describes the worst case sanction for non-compliance with an Activities Requirement Notes: If the sanction is similar to JOBS except the disregards are different from the standard disregards for that state and year, the response reads as follows: The needs of the sanctioned individual are not included for benefit calculation; however, their income (after the disregards described below) and assets are still included for eligibility and benefit calculation purposes. The individual is sanctioned for X months or until compliance, whichever is longer. The sanctioned individual receives the following disregards: (describe the disregards). If the head is sanctioned, the benefit is issued to a protective payee. Under AFDC The needs of the sanctioned individual are not included for benefit calculation; however, their income (after standard disregards) and assets are still included for eligibility and benefit calculation purposes. The individual is sanctioned for 6 months or until compliance, whichever is longer. If the head is sanctioned, the benefit is issued to a protective payee. |
| |
(ActvSanctWhyImposed1 | as_#1why) |
Captures the circumstances under which Activities Sanction #1 is imposed (i.e. Failure of Non-exempt recipients to comply with Activities Requirement #1). Under AFDC Sanction #1: Failure of non-exempt recipient to comply with activities requirement #1 without good cause for the first time |
(ActvSanctConcilliation1 | as_#1cnc) |
Indicates whether or not there is a conciliation process through which participates can correct the situation/problem before Activities Sanction #1 is imposed. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvSanctBenReduction1 | as_#1bnr) |
Indicates whether or not Activities Sanction #1 results in a reduction of benefits for the unit. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvSanctDescribe1 | as_#1dsc) |
Describes the amount of Activities Sanction #1. Notes: If the sanction is similar to JOBS except the disregards are different from the standard disregards for that state and year, the response reads as follows: The needs of the sanctioned individual are not included for benefit calculation; however, their income (after the disregards described below) and assets are still included for eligibility and benefit calculation purposes. The sanctioned individual receives the following disregards: (describe the disregards). Under AFDC The needs of the sanctioned individual are not included for benefit calculation; however, their income (after standard disregards) and assets are still included for eligibility and benefit calculation purposes. The individual is sanctioned until compliance. If the head is sanctioned, the benefit is issued to a protective payee. |
(ActvSanctDur1 | as_#1dur) |
Describes the duration of Activities Sanction #1. Notes: If the sanction is similar to JOBS except the disregards are different from the standard disregards for that state and year, the response reads as follows: The individual is sanctioned until compliance. Under AFDC The individual is sanctioned until compliance. |
(ActvSanctEffect1 | as_#1fsm) |
Describes the effect of Activities Sanction #1 on the unit's receipt of benefits from other programs, such as Food Stamps, Medicaid and child care subsidy programs. Notes This variable should be coded in the following manner: Food Stamps: (Describe the effect on Food Stamps) Medicaid: (Describe the effect on Medicaid) Child care: (Describe the effect on child care subsidies) When the information is not available, code it "?". States are most likely to specify that a sanction which excludes a family member's needs for benefit computation does not exclude them from Medicaid eligibility. In this case, the effect of the sanction on Medicaid is coded "none". Under AFDC Unknown |
| |
(ActvSanctWhyImposed2 | as_#2why) |
Captures the circumstances under which Activities Sanction #2 is imposed (i.e. Failure of Non-exempt recipients to comply with Activities Requirement #1). Under AFDC Sanction #2: Failure of non-exempt recipient to comply with activities requirement #1 without good cause for the second time |
(ActvSanctConcilliation2 | as_#2cnc) |
Indicates whether or not there is a conciliation process through which participates can correct the situation/problem before Activities Sanction #2 is imposed. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvSanctBenReduction2 | as_#2bnr) |
Indicates whether or not Activities Sanction #2 results in a reduction of benefits for the unit. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvSanctDescribe2 | as_#2dsc) |
Describes the amount of Activities Sanction #2. Notes: If the sanction is similar to JOBS except the disregards are different from the standard disregards for that state and year, the response reads as follows: The needs of the sanctioned individual are not included for benefit calculation; however, their income (after the disregards described below) and assets are still included for eligibility and benefit calculation purposes. The sanctioned individual receives the following disregards: (describe the disregards). Under AFDC The needs of the sanctioned individual are not included for benefit calculation; however, their income (after standard disregards) and assets are still included for eligibility and benefit calculation purposes. If the head is sanctioned, the benefit is issued to a protective payee. |
(ActvSanctDur2 | as_#2dur) |
Describes the duration of Activities Sanction #2. Notes: If the sanction is similar to JOBS except the disregards are different from the standard disregards for that state and year, the response reads as follows: The individual is sanctioned for 3 months or until compliance, whichever is longer. Under AFDC The individual is sanctioned for 3 months or until compliance, whichever is longer. |
(ActvSanctEffect2 | as_#2fsm) |
Describes the effect of Activities Sanction #2 on the unit's receipt of benefits from other programs, such as Food Stamps, Medicaid and child care subsidy programs. Notes This variable should be coded in the following manner: Food Stamps: (Describe the effect on Food Stamps) Medicaid: (Describe the effect on Medicaid) Child care: (Describe the effect on child care subsidies) When the information is not available, code it "?". States are most likely to specify that a sanction which excludes a family member's needs for benefit computation does not exclude them from Medicaid eligibility. In this case, the effect of the sanction on Medicaid is coded "none". Under AFDC Unknown |
| |
(ActvSanctWhyImposed3 | as_#3why) |
Captures the circumstances under which Activities Sanction #3 is imposed (i.e. Failure of Non-exempt recipients to comply with Activities Requirement #1). Under AFDC Sanction #3: Failure of non-exempt recipient to comply with activities requirement #1 without good cause for the third or subsequent time |
(ActvSanctConcilliation3 | as_#3cnc) |
Indicates whether or not there is a conciliation process through which participates can correct the situation/problem before Activities Sanction #3 is imposed. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvSanctBenReduction3 | as_#3bnr) |
Indicates whether or not Activities Sanction #3 results in a reduction of benefits for the unit. Under AFDC Yes |
(ActvSanctDescribe3 | as_#3dsc) |
Describes the amount ofActivities Sanction #3 Notes: If the sanction is similar to JOBS except the disregards are different from the standard disregards for that state and year, the response reads as follows: The needs of the sanctioned individual are not included for benefit calculation; however, their income (after the disregards described below) and assets are still included for eligibility and benefit calculation purposes. The sanctioned individual receives the following disregards: (describe the disregards). Under AFDC The needs of the sanctioned individual are not included for benefit calculation; however, their income (after standard disregards) and assets are still included for eligibility and benefit calculation purposes. If the head is sanctioned, the benefit is issued to a protective payee. |
(ActvSanctDur3 | as_#3dur) |
Describes the duration of Activities Sanction #3. Notes: If the sanction is similar to JOBS except the disregards are different from the standard disregards for that state and year, the response reads as follows: The individual is sanctioned for 6 months or until compliance, whichever is longer. Under AFDC The individual is sanctioned for 6 months or until compliance, whichever is longer. |
(ActvSanctEffect3 | as_#3fsm) |
Describes the effect of Activities Sanction #3 on the unit's receipt of benefits from other programs, such as Food Stamps, Medicaid and child care subsidy programs. Notes This variable should be coded in the following manner: Food Stamps: (Describe the effect on Food Stamps) Medicaid: (Describe the effect on Medicaid) Child care: (Describe the effect on child care subsidies) When the information is not available, code it "?". States are most likely to specify that a sanction which excludes a family member's needs for benefit computation does not exclude them from Medicaid eligibility. In this case, the effect of the sanction on Medicaid is coded "none". Under AFDC Unknown |
| |
(ActvSanctWhyImposed4 | as_#4why) |
Captures the circumstances under which Activities Sanction #4 is imposed (i.e. Failure of Non-exempt recipients to comply with Activities Requirement #1). Under AFDC n.a. |
(ActvSanctConcilliation4 | as_#4cnc) |
Indicates whether or not there is a conciliation process through which participates can correct the situation/problem before Activities Sanction #4 is imposed. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ActvSanctBenReduction4 | as_#4bnr) |
Indicates whether or not Activities Sanction #4 results in a reduction of benefits for the unit. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ActvSanctDescribe4 | as_#4dsc) |
Describes the amount of Activities Sanction #4. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ActvSanctDur4 | as_#4dur) |
Describes the duration of Activities Sanction #4. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ActvSanctEffect4 | as_#4fsm) |
Describes the effect of Activities Sanction #4 on the unit's receipt of benefits from other programs, such as Food Stamps, Medicaid and child care subsidy programs. Notes This variable should be coded in the following manner: Food Stamps: (Describe the effect on Food Stamps) Medicaid: (Describe the effect on Medicaid) Child care: (Describe the effect on child care subsidies) When the information is not available, code it "?". States are most likely to specify that a sanction which excludes a family member's needs for benefit computation does not exclude them from Medicaid eligibility. In this case, the effect of the sanction on Medicaid is coded "none". Under AFDC n.a. |
| |
(ActvSanctWhyImposed5 | as_#5why) |
Captures the circumstances under which Activities Sanction #5 is imposed (i.e. Failure of Non-exempt recipients to comply with Activities Requirement #1). Under AFDC n.a. |
(ActvSanctConcilliation5 | as_#5cnc) |
Indicates whether or not there is a conciliation process through which participates can correct the situation/problem before Activities Sanction #5 is imposed. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ActvSanctBenReduction5 | as_#5bnr) |
Indicates whether or not Activities Sanction #5 results in a reduction of benefits for the unit. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ActvSanctDescribe5 | as_#5dsc) |
Describes the amount of Activities Sanction #5. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ActvSanctDur5 | as_#5dur) |
Describes the duration of Activities Sanction #5. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ActvSanctEffect5 | as_#5fsm) |
Describes the effect of Activities Sanction #5 on the unit's receipt of benefits from other programs, such as Food Stamps, Medicaid and child care subsidy programs. Notes This variable should be coded in the following manner: Food Stamps: (Describe the effect on Food Stamps) Medicaid: (Describe the effect on Medicaid) Child care: (Describe the effect on child care subsidies) When the information is not available, code it "?". States are most likely to specify that a sanction which excludes a family member's needs for benefit computation does not exclude them from Medicaid eligibility. In this case, the effect of the sanction on Medicaid is coded "none". Under AFDC n.a. |
(ActvSanctOtherNotes) |
Captures any additional information regarding Activities Sanctions. |
Asset Test
Asset Test includes information on the type and amount of assets an assistance unit may hold. Some states have two separate asset limits. One policy limits the value of unrestricted assets. The other limits the value of assets set aside for a designated purpose. These types of programs are often called Individual Development Accounts (IDAs). IDAs and other restricted savings programs are referred to as restricted asset limits. In addition, the category outlines the value of a vehicle that is exempt and whether a vehicle's value is based on equity or fair market value.
Some assets have historically been excluded when determining eligibility and benefits. It is assumed that these types of income are excluded unless mentioned in the "Additional notes" section.
Historically excluded assets:
Bona fide funeral agreement, burial trust or contract up to $1,500 per unit member
Burial plot for each unit member
Home Property
Essential household items/Furnishings
Assets which are essential for self-employment
Federally Excluded Payments:
Native American judgement funds
Relocation Assistance
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act
Any bona fide loan
Any grant, loan, or work study payment for an undergraduate's education
Payments to volunteers under Title 1
Supplemental food assistance under the Child Nutrition Act
Supplemental food assistance under the National School Lunch Act
Reimbursements to foster grandparents, senior health aides or senior companions
HUD utility cost subsidy and retroactive tax
Disaster Relief
Agent Orange Settlement Payments
Radiation Exposure Compensation
Japanese Restitution
Payments to victims of Nazi prosecution
Life Insurance Policies
Energy Assistance Payments
Overlap Issues:
- IDA and similar restricted savings programs are captured in this category. If a state allows assistance units to disregard current earnings placed into a regular savings account during the month received (a policy separate from IDA and the like), the rule is captured in the Earned Income Disregards category.
- Some states classify EITC and lump sums payments as assets; however, they are coded in the Countable Income category.
- Special treatment of children's assets is captured in the Income and Assets of Children category
Special Issues:
- States often have different limits for applicants and recipients. For these states, 2 records are coded based on Unit Type: one for applicants and one for recipients.
Variables and Notes:
Variable | Notes |
(AssetTestLimit | at_unres) |
Indicates the unrestricted asset/resource limit. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Starting in 1981, countable assets were limited to no more than $1000. |
(AssetTestAmntRestrict | at_restr) |
Indicates the allowable value of assets that can be held for a particular use, often referred to as IDAs (Individual Development Accounts). Alternatives:
Under AFDC 0, because no restricted assets were allowed. |
(AssetTestAmntRestrictType | at_rtype) |
Captures the permitted uses of restricted allowable assets. Under AFDC Not applicable (n.a.). Special savings accounts did not exist. |
(AssetTestAccountType | at_isida) |
Captures whether the restricted savings account is an Individual Savings Account (IDA). Under AFDC Not applicable (n.a.). Special savings accounts did not exist. |
(AssetTestMatchRate | at_match) |
Captures the rate at which recipient's savings are matched by the state or some designated organization. Under AFDC Not applicable (n.a.). Special savings accounts did not exist. |
(AssetTestMatchedBy | at_idawho) |
Describes who matches the funds in recipient's savings accounts. Typically this is the state or some designated organization in the community. Under AFDC Not applicable (n.a.). Special savings accounts did not exist. |
(AssetTestExemptVehicle | at_vehex) |
Indicates the value of the vehicle that does not count toward the asset limit. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Recently $1500 |
(AssetTestExemptValueVehicle | at_vehva) |
Describes whether the value of a vehicle is assessed in terms of equity or fair market value. Equity value of a car equals the fair market value minus to the amount still owed on the car. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Equity value |
(AssetTestOtherNotes | at_other) |
Captures any additional information regarding Asset Test. |
Benefit Computation
This category examines how benefits are calculated for an assistance unit. Under AFDC, benefits varied from assistance unit to assistance unit based on each unit's net income (as well as by family size). However, under waivers and TANF, benefits may vary by hours worked or may be set at a flat amount. This category outlines the benefit formula as well as the dollar amounts used in the formula. It also captures whether a state prorates benefits for assistance units who share a living space with non-recipients. Finally, the category includes information regarding the benefit calculation for assistance units who have recently moved to the state.
Overlap Issues:
- Definitions of State Dollar Amounts #1-3 are contained in the Dollar Amount category.
- The exact values of the Benefit Standard and Maximum Benefit for all family sizes are contained in the Dollar Amount category.
- The definition of net income for a given state in calculated based on information contained in Countable Income, Income and Assets of Children, Earned Income Disregards, Child Support, Family Caps, In Kind Income and Deemed Income.
Special Issues:
- None
Variables and Notes:
Variable | Notes |
(BenCompBenefitType | bc_btype) |
Describes how benefits vary between assistance units. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Varies by level of net income |
(BenCompFormula | bc_bform) |
Describes the benefit formula used when a state's benefit varies by net income (as under the traditional AFDC-type program). Alternatives:
Notes Some state manual indicate the percentage of the need standard used as the payment standard. For these states, the payment standard id calculated as a separate dollar amount using this percentage. The dollar amount, not the percentage, is coded in the database. The aforementioned percentage is often referred to as the deficit payment percentage. Under AFDC Any of the first four formulas were used, depending on the state and year. |
(BenCompBenefitStandard | bc_bestd) |
Specifies the dollar amount used as the benefit standard, if the formula described under bc_bform uses a benefit standard. Alternatives:
Notes State dollar amounts are defined in the Dollar Amounts category. Under AFDC State dollar amount #2, which was used as the payment standard. |
(BenCompMaxBenefit | bc_bemax) |
Specifies the dollar amount used as the maximum benefit, if the formula described under bc_bform uses a maximum benefit. Alternatives:
Notes State dollar amounts are defined in the Dollar Amounts category. Under AFDC State dollar amount #3 was used as the maximum payment. |
(BenCompPercentage | bc_bepct) |
Specifies the percentage used, if the formula described under bc_bform uses a percentage. Alternatives:
Notes The percentage is often referred to as the deficit payment percentage. Under AFDC An appropriate percentage was entered for the state or n.a. |
(BenCompMinBenAmntElig | bc_minel) |
Describes the minimum benefit required for an assistance unit to be "technically eligible." Technical eligibility means that the assistance unit is treated like an AFDC/TANF family for other purposes (such as Medicaid and Food Stamps eligibility), but does not necessarily receive a cash benefit if its computed dollar value is less than bc_bemin. Alternatives:
Under AFDC 0 |
(BenCompMinBenAmntPaid | bc_bemin) |
Specifies a state's minimum benefit level. If the benefit computed is less than this amount, the assistance unit will not receive a benefit payment, even though the unit may be technically eligible. Under AFDC 10 |
(BenCompBenRound | bc_bernd) |
Specifies the state's practices for rounding the benefit. Under AFDC This variable is only coded from 2006 forward. |
(BenCompFlatDollarAmntUsed | bc_bflat) |
Indicates the dollar amount used as the benefit, if the state's benefit is a flat dollar amount. Alternatives:
Notes State dollar amounts are defined in the Dollar Amounts category. Under AFDC n.a. |
(BenCompOtherNotes | bc_other) |
Captures any additional notes regarding benefit calculation. |
Child Support
The Child Support category contains information on each state's child support enforcement rules that impact welfare recipients. The variables focus only on requirements and policies affecting the custodial parent and do not concentrate on license suspension, new-hire reporting, and other rules that affect the non-custodial parent.
The Child Support Enforcement law of 1975 provided federal matching funds to states in order to identify, located and collect child support from fathers. This legislation introduced many new requirements and established child support distribution policies for AFDC applicants and recipients. These policies include requiring all recipients to assign their support rights to the state, to cooperate in establishing paternity and securing support and creating pass-through and fill-the-gap policies. Although these polices were federal standards, under AFDC waivers, states began experimenting with different pass-through amounts and cooperation requirements. Under TANF, the state must still enforce child support collection, but they are allowed extensive program flexibility.
Overlap Issues:
• Sanctions for non-cooperation with child support enforcement are coded in the Child Support Sanctions category.
• Information on calculating the assistant unit's benefit is captured in the Benefit Computation category, but the child support pass-through and child support counted as unearned income are discussed only in the Child Support category.
• The amount of unearned income from child support payments that is disregarded is not captured in the Earned Income Disregard category, but is captured here.
Special Issues:
Variables and Notes:
Variable | Notes |
(ChildSuppCooperationReq | cs_coopr) |
Captures what a custodial parent must do in order to cooperate with the child support agency, including establishing paternity, as well as, identifying and locating the noncustodial parent. Under AFDC Custodial parents had to cooperate to establish paternity and obtain payments. Cooperation was defined by Federal law, as the following: "Cooperation includes any of the following actions that are necessary for identifying and locating a parent, establishing paternity, obtaining support payments, or obtaining other payments: appearing at state/local child support agency to provide information and documentation, appearing as a witness at judicial hearings or proceedings, providing information or attesting to lack of it under penalty of perjury, or paying the child support agency any payments received from the absent parent. (Section 232.12 (a) and (b), 45 CFR Ch.II)" |
(ChildSuppFillTheGap | cs_ftgap) |
Captures whether the state uses fill-the-gap policy to provide supplemental payments to assistance units in order for them to be no worse off then if they had received the entire child support payment. Alternatives:
Under AFDC: This supplemental amount was required in certain states, sometimes called the "fill the gap" states. When the federal government changed the child support rules for AFDC units in 1975 (requiring payments to be made to the child support agency instead of the unit, and instituting the $50 pass through) the changes could have made some units worse off, depending on the exact benefit formulas used in their state. The supplemental payment was required in those states to prevent any units from being worse off. In each year since 1975, states were required to make the supplemental payments if (a) they had a benefit formula in 1975 that could have resulted in some families losing benefits, and (b) they still had that type of formula. In 1996, there were 8 of these states. |
(ChildSuppPassThruAmnt | cs_pasth) |
Captures the amount of child support added to the unit's benefit as a pass-through. Alternatives:
Notes This variable is only coded if the entire child support amount available to the unit is also disregarded from eligibility and benefit calculations. If this variable is positive, cs_incme= 0, and vice versa Under AFDC Since 1975, the federal government has required AFDC units to assign their child support rights to the state. As a result, child support paid on behalf of the unit went to the child support agency instead of the unit. However, the state was required to give the first $50 of support received to the unit as a pass-through. This amount was not included in the eligibility or benefit calculations. So, essentially this amount was added the unit's AFDC benefit each month. |
(ChildSuppAmntTransf | cs_incme) |
Captures the amount of the child support payment transferred to the unit as unearned income. Alternatives:
Notes This variable is only coded if a portion of or none of the child support amount available to the unit is disregarded from eligibility and benefit calculations. If this variable is positive, cs_pasth=0 and vice versa. Under AFDC The child support payment was not treated like unearned income but rather just "passed through" to the family. |
(ChildSuppAmntTransfDisregard | cs_dsrgd) |
Identifies the amount of the child support transferred as unearned income that is disregarded. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Child support was not treated as unearned income (since 1975), so the concept of an income disregard does not apply. Zero is used for not applicable. |
(ChildSuppAssurance | cs_asure) |
Indicates whether the state ensures that every assistance unit with a child support enforcement order receives their payment every month regardless of whether any support is collected on the family's behalf. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(ChildSuppAssuranceDescribe | cs_asdsc) |
Describes the states child support assurance program. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ChildSuppOtherNotes) |
Captures any additional information regarding child support. |
Child Support Sanctions
The Child Support Sanctions category includes information on sanctions resulting from the failure to meet child support cooperation requirements.
The consequence of failing to meet a child support cooperation requirement is coded as a sanction only if it results in a direct penalty. Most often, this penalty is financial. Requiring the distribution of benefits through a protective payee is also considered a sanction because it directly impacts the receipt of benefits. However, consequences that are designed to avoid a financial or other direct penalty are considered conciliation processes, not sanctions. For example, consequences such as discussing the problem with a case worker, developing a formal plan for addressing the problem, and even "probationary periods" in which the requirement becomes more stringent are forms of conciliation and therefore are not included as a sanction.
Sanctions often are chronological. For example, the first time non-cooperation occurs, sanction #1 applies. If the problem continues or recurs despite the first sanction, then sanction #2 and sanction #3 applies.
Under AFDC there was only one sanction policy; the custodial parent was removed from the grant until compliance. However, under TANF, states have much more flexibility. Although the federal government requires a minimum sanction of 25% of the benefit be deducted for noncompliance, states may eliminate up to the entire benefit and may create a series of sanction policies.
Overlap Issues:
• The child support sanctions category corresponds to the Child Support category. All sanctions stem from the failure to cooperate with child support enforcement requirements.
Special Issues:
Variable and Notes:
Description | Notes |
(ChildSuppSanctMostSevere | ss_worst) |
Describes the most severe penalty imposed as a result of failing to meet child support cooperation requirements. The worst case sanction variable includes a description of the sanction and, if relevant, the duration of the sanction. Notes This variable contains the same information found in the "Description of sanction" variable corresponding to the most severe penalty. For example: "Unit size for benefit computation excludes the adult recipient for twelve months." Under AFDC Removal of the custodial parent from the benefit. |
(ChildSuppSanctWhyImposed1 | ss_#1why) |
Captures why child support sanction #1 is imposed on the unit. Notes This variable is generally straightforward but a few instructions are necessary. 1. Chronological sanction are clearly outlined. For example, "First failure to...." 2. A sanction that results from a particular person's failure are explicitly described. For example, "Failure of adult to...." 3. A consequence of failing to meet the requirements is coded as a sanction only if it results in a direct penalty. Consequences such as discussing the problem with a case worker, developing a formal plan for addressing the problem, and even "probationary periods" in which the requirement becomes more stringent are all considered forms of conciliation. However, if the direct penalty does occur after this type of conciliation process, that should be explained. Under AFDC Noncompliance with child support requirements. |
(ChildSuppSanctConcilliation1 | ss_#1cnc) |
Captures whether child support sanction #1 can be avoided through a conciliation process. Alternatives: Yes No Notes As discussed above, most non-financial consequences of failing to meet a cooperation requirement are considered part of conciliation processes. States may also have general provisions for conciliation without specifying a process. The details of the conciliation, if given, are written in this variable's notes. Under AFDC There was a conciliation process under AFDC. |
(ChildSuppSanctBenReduc1 | ss_#1bnr) |
Identifies whether child support sanction #1 reduces the unit's benefit. Alternatives:
Under AFDC The benefit was reduced under AFDC. |
(ChildSuppSanctDescribe1 | ss_#1dsc) |
Describes the amount of child support sanction #1. Notes Examples include: When the sanction is described by the state as the removal of the parent and/or child from the assistance unit for the purpose of benefit determination, or as the exclusion of the parent's and/or child's needs, this is uniformly coded as, "Unit size for benefit computation excludes" child, parent, or whomever. Under AFDC Removal of the custodial parent from the benefit. |
(ChildSuppSanctDur1 | ss_#1dur) | Description Describes the duration of child support sanction #1. Under AFDC The individual is sanctioned until compliance. |
(ChildSuppSanctEffect1 | ss_#1fsm) |
Describes the effect of child support sanction #1 on the unit's receipt of Food Stamps, Medicaid, and/or child care. Notes When the information is not available, code it "?". States are most likely to specify that a sanction which excludes a family member's needs for benefit computation does not exclude them from Medicaid eligibility. In this case, the effect of the sanction on Medicaid is coded "none". Under AFDC Unknown |
(ChildSuppSanctWhyImposed2 | ss_#2why) |
Captures why child support sanction #2 is imposed on the unit. Notes This variable is generally straight-forward but a few instructions are necessary. 1. Chronological sanction are clearly outlined. For example, "First failure to...." 2. A sanction that results from a particular person's failure are explicitly described. For example, "Failure of adult to...." 3. A consequence of failing to meet the requirements is coded as a sanction only if it results in a direct penalty. Consequences such as discussing the problem with a case worker, developing a formal plan for addressing the problem, and even "probationary periods" in which the requirement becomes more stringent are all considered forms of conciliation. However, if the direct penalty does occur after this type of conciliation process, that should be explained. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ChildSuppSanctConcilliation2 | ss_#2cnc) |
Captures whether child support sanction #2 can be avoided through a conciliation process. Alternatives:
Notes As discussed above, most non-financial consequences of failing to meet a cooperation requirement are considered part of conciliation processes. States may also have general provisions for conciliation without specifying a process. The details of the conciliation, if given, are written in this variable's notes. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ChildSuppSanctBenReduc2 | ss_#2bnr) |
Identifies whether child support sanction #2 reduces the unit's benefit. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(ChildSuppSanctDescribe2 | ss_#2dsc) |
Describes the amount of child support sanction #2. Notes Examples include: When the sanction is described by the state as the removal of the parent and/or child from the assistance unit for the purpose of benefit determination, or as the exclusion of the parent's and/or child's needs, this is uniformly coded as, "Unit size for benefit computation excludes" child, parent, or whomever. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ChildSuppSanctDur2 | ss_#2dur) | Description Describes the duration of child support sanction #2. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ChildSuppSanctEffect2 | ss_#2fsm) |
Describes the effect of child support sanction #2 on the unit's receipt of Food Stamps, Medicaid, and/or child care. Notes When the information is not available, code it "?". States are most likely to specify that a sanction which excludes a family member's needs for benefit computation does not exclude them from Medicaid eligibility. In this case, the effect of the sanction on Medicaid is coded "none". Under AFDC n.a. |
(ChildSuppSanctWhyImposed3 | ss_#3why) |
Captures why child support sanction #3 is imposed on the unit. Notes This variable is generally straight-forward but a few instructions are necessary. 1. Chronological sanction are clearly outlined. For example, "First failure to...." 2. Sanction that result from a particular person's failure are explicitly described. For example, "Failure of adult to...." 3. A consequence of failing to meet the requirements is coded as a sanction only if it results in a direct penalty. Consequences such as discussing the problem with a case worker, developing a formal plan for addressing the problem, and even "probationary periods" in which the requirement becomes more stringent are all considered forms of conciliation. However, if the direct penalty does occur after this type of conciliation process, that should be explained. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ChildSuppSanctConcilliation3 | ss_#3cnc) |
Captures whether child support sanction #3 can be avoided through a conciliation process. Alternatives:
Notes As discussed above, most non-financial consequences of failing to meet a cooperation requirement are considered part of conciliation processes. States may also have general provisions for conciliation without specifying a process. The details of the conciliation, if given, are written in this variable's notes. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ChildSuppSanctBenReduc3 | ss_#3bnr) |
Identifies whether child support sanction #3 reduces the unit's benefit. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(ChildSuppSanctDescribe3 | ss_#3dsc) |
Describes the amount of child support sanction #3. Notes Examples include: When the sanction is described by the state as the removal of the parent and/or child from the assistance unit for the purpose of benefit determination, or as the exclusion of the parent's and/or child's needs, this is uniformly coded as, "Unit size for benefit computation excludes" child, parent, or whomever. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ChildSuppSanctDur3 | ss_#3dur) | Description Describes the duration of child support sanction #3. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ChildSuppSanctEffect3 | ss_#3fsm) |
Describes the effect of child support sanction #3 on the unit's receipt of Food Stamps, Medicaid, and/or child care. Notes When the information is not available, code it "?". States are most likely to specify that a sanction which excludes a family member's needs for benefit computation does not exclude them from Medicaid eligibility. In this case, the effect of the sanction on Medicaid is coded "none". Under AFDC n.a. |
(ChildSuppSanctOtherNotes) |
Captures any additional information regarding child support sanctions. |
This category summarizes the components in effect in a given state for a given year. Components exist in a state if the state divides its caseload into mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive groups that are treated differently across more than one category of rules. Furthermore, the definitions of the groups involve more than one characteristic, eliminating the possibility of coding the different groups using the Unit Type variable.
Due to the difficulty of determining when components exist, a rule of thumb has been established. Code groups as components when the state treats the groups separately. A state may indicate that it views the groups separately in several ways. If the state capitalized the name of each group in their manual or regulations, these groups are treated as different components in the database. Alternatively, if the state uses bold type for the group names, these groups are also treated as different components in the database.
For example, Montana has three components that were created under their waiver (Families Achieving Independence for Montana) and continued under TANF. The three components (as named by the state) are: the Job Supplement Program (JSP), the Pathways Program and the Community Service Program (CSP).
- JSP: This program is intended to divert applicants from welfare receipt by providing support services (such as, Medicaid and child care assistance) and a one-time employment-related payment. This program is completely optional and participants must still meet AFDC/TANF eligibility requirements.
- Pathways: New applicants who do not opt for the JSP are required to participate in Pathways. Pathways requires a family to complete a Family Investment Agreement (FIA) and limits benefits for adults to 24 months. After the time limit expires, the family enters the CSP.
- CSP: Recipients whose time limits have expired are moved in CPS. CPS requires that recipients participate in job search or community service for 20 hours per week in order to continue receiving benefits.
Overlap Issues:
- Components coded in this category may or may not appear in other categories of the database. If a state has two or more components, each component has a separate record for the categories in which the rules vary by component. If the rules do not differ by component for a particular category, separate records are not coded.
Special Issues:
- The Component key variable is always coded 0.
- The Unit Type key variable is always coded All (1).
Variables and Notes:
Variables | Notes |
| |
(ComponentsName1 | co_1name) |
Name of Component 1 as given by the state. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ComponentsDescribe1 | co_1desc) |
Indicates whom may/must participate in Component 1 and provides a brief description of the component members' requirements. Notes The description can be brief because the details regarding specific policies are captured in other categories in the database. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ComponentsMaxTime1 | co_1time) |
Describes how long an assistance unit may participate in Component 1. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
| |
(ComponentsName2 | co_2name) |
Name of Component 2 as given by the state. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ComponentsDescribe2 | co_2desc) |
Indicates whom may/must participate in Component 2 and provides a brief description of the component members' requirements. Notes The description can be brief because the details regarding specific policies are captured in other categories in the database. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ComponentsMaxTime2 | co_2time) |
Describes how long an assistance unit may participate in Component 2. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
| |
(ComponentsName3 | co_3name) |
Name of Component 3 as given by the state. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ComponentsDescribe3 | co_3desc) |
Indicates whom may/must participate in Component 3 and provides a brief description of the component members' requirements. Notes The description can be brief because the details regarding specific policies are captured in other categories in the database. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ComponentsMaxTime3 | co_3time) |
Describes how long an assistance unit may participate in Component 3. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
| |
(ComponentsName4 | co_4name) |
Name of Component 4 as given by the state. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ComponentsDescribe4 | co_4desc) |
Indicates whom may/must participate in Component 4 and provides a brief description of the component members' requirements. Notes The description can be brief because the details regarding specific policies are captured in other categories in the database. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ComponentsMaxTime4 | co_4time) |
Describes how long an assistance unit may participate in Component 4. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
| |
(ComponentsName5 | co_5name) |
Name of Component 5 as given by the state. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ComponentsDescribe5 | co_5desc) |
Indicates whom may/must participate in Component 5 and provides a brief description of the component members' requirements. Notes The description can be brief because the details regarding specific policies are captured in other categories in the database. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ComponentsMaxTime5 | co_5time) |
Describes how long an assistance unit may participate in Component 5. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(ComponentsInteraction | co_inter) |
Captures any information regarding how each of the components relate to the others, as well as how units move between components (if applicable). Notes In some states components apply to specific types of units and units do not move between components unless the structure of the unit changes. In other states, units move from one component to the next in a designated order. A short description of either type of component system should be coded in this variable. |
Additional Notes (ComponentsOtherNotes) | Description Captures any additional information regarding components |
Contracts and Agreements
This category fulfills a dual purpose. First, it identifies whether a state has a formal contract, agreement, or plan with recipients. If so, this category outlines the requirements included in that agreement. In addition, the category provides a summary of a state's behavioral requirements.
The following requirements are included in this category:
- time limits
- minor parent residency requirements
- cooperation with child support enforcement
- drug and alcohol screening and/or treatment
- immunization and/or health screening
- school requirements including attendance, and parental involvement
- parenting classes/family skills training
- other behavioral requirements.
This category does not include employment and training requirements nor does it include agreements that only include employment and training requirements.
For each type of requirement, the Contracts and Agreements category has two yes/no variables. The first variable identifies whether or not the requirement is included in a formal agreement. The second variable identifies whether or not the requirement is required at all, regardless of whether or not it is included in an agreement. Different states may have the same requirements, but one state may put the requirements in a formal, written agreement, while the other state may have the requirements without an agreement.
Sometimes the content of the agreement depends on the needs of the recipient; therefore, the items included in an agreement vary for different recipients in a state. For example, minor parent residency requirements are included only in minor parent recipients contracts. Consequently, "required" is defined as "required for someone, not necessarily everyone." If an item, such as minor parent residency requirement, is at least sometimes included in an agreement, the "included in agreement" column should be coded "yes" and the "required" column should also be coded "yes."
Under AFDC, states with approved waivers could use contracts and agreements. TANF neither requires nor prohibits contracts and agreements.
If the manual indicates that the agreement will include items "such as...", code yes in the "Included in Contract" column for those items specifically mentioned and ? for the other items that could possibly be included (i.e. those required regardless of the agreement and those not mentioned in the manual). Similarly, if the manual states that the agreement "will include items x, y, and z, and other requirements as appropriate," code yes in the "Included in Contract" column for those items specifically mentioned and ? for the other items that could possibly be included (i.e. those required regardless of the agreement and those not mentioned in the manual).
If you know that an item is not required, then code "no" for that item in the "Included in Contract" column because items that are not required cannot be included in the contract.
Included in Contract:
Yes = Yes, item is included in contract for at least some people covered by the record.
No = Agreement items are specified and this item was not mentioned as a requirement.
? = Agreement is said to include items "such as.." or "as necessary" or "at a minimum...", etc., implying that other items not specifically mentioned could be included in at least some of the Agreements.
Yes = Yes, item is required of at least some people covered by the record.
No = The item is not required of anyone covered by the record
? = Not mentioned in the manual, unsure if that means it is not required
Possible combinations: Combinations that are NOT possible:
Included in Agreement | Required, whether or not included in Agreement | Included in Agreement | Required, whether or not included in Agreement | |
No | No | ? | No | |
No | Yes | Yes | No | |
? | ? | Yes | ? | |
? | Yes | |||
Yes | Yes | |||
Overlap Issues:
• This category does not include the details of the requirements, it merely summarizes whether the requirements exist. Details on time limit, minor parent residency, child support cooperation, immunization/health screening and school requirements can be found in their corresponding categories.
• Given these overlap issues, it may be simplest to code the Contracts and Agreements category after coding all other categories.
• Unit type for this category should always be coded as "All" (1). All distinction between provisions that are only required of certain unit types or individuals should be outlined in the notes variable corresponding to that provision.
Special Issues:
• Even if a state does not have a contract or agreement, the general requirement section of this form MUST be coded. Do Not Skip this Form!
Variables and Notes:
Description | Notes |
(ContractsReq | ca_exist) |
Describes whether or not a state has a formal, written agreement listing the recipient's responsibilities. The list must include at least one of the items summarized in this category. If the list contains only employment related requirements, the agreement is not coded and this variable will be coded "No." Alternatives:
Under AFDC No |
signed? (ContractsSignReq | ca_signd) |
Indicates whether or not the recipient must sign the agreement. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
Negotiated (ContractsNegotiated | ca_negtd) |
Indicates whether or not the recipient is involved in the development of the agreement. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(ContractsPenalty | ca_pnlty) |
Indicates the worst case penalty for not entering into the agreement, not the penalty for non-compliance with particular items in the agreement. Alternatives:
If not entering the agreement will lead to the loss of cash assistance to the entire family at any point. Total benefit loss may be the immediate result of not signing or it may be the ultimate result after several intermediate benefit decreases. The intermediate sanctions should be documented in the corresponding notes variable.
If when the unit does not enter into the agreement, the unit continues to receive at least some cash assistance. For example, if the adult is excluded from the unit when calculating benefits. The details regarding the exact sanction should be describe in the corresponding notes variable.
If another type of penalty is imposed. The details regarding the exact sanction should be describe in the corresponding notes variable.
If entering into the agreement is voluntary or if there is simply no penalty for not entering into the agreement.
If state does not have an agreement Notes All details regarding the penalty are described in the corresponding notes variable, including the duration of the sanction and the treatment of the sanctioned individual's income. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ContractsName | ca_agnme) |
Indicates the name of the agreement, as designated in the state manual. Alternatives:
Notes If the agreement is called an "employability plan" be sure that it requires at least one item included in this category. For many years states have been developing "employability plans" for recipients that only include work-related requirements. To avoid confusion between these old plans and more general Agreements, employment requirements and agreements that only include employability requirements are not included in this category. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ContractsTimeLimitIncl | ca_tlinc) |
Indicates whether or not a time limit provision is included in the contract/agreement for at least some of the state's recipients. Alternatives:
See notes above the table for details regarding when each option should be used. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ContractsTimeLimitReq | ca_tlreq) |
Indicates whether or not at least some recipients are subject to a time limit. Details regarding the time limit policy are found in the Time Limit category. Alternatives:
See notes above the table for details regarding when each option should be used. Under AFDC No |
(ContractsMinorParResidencyIncl | ca_mpinc) |
Indicates whether or not a minor parent residency requirement provision is included in the contract/agreement for at least some of the state's recipients. Alternatives:
See notes above the table for details regarding when each option should be used. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ContractsMinorParResidencyReq | ca_mpreq) |
Indicates whether or not minor parents are required to live with an adult or in some approved living arrangement. Details regarding the minor parent residency requirement policy are found in the Eligibility of Minor Parents category. Alternatives:
See notes above the table for details regarding when each option should be used. Under AFDC No |
(ContractsChildSuppCooperationIncl | ca_csinc) |
Indicates whether or not cooperation with child support enforcement is included in the contract/agreement for at least some of the state's recipients. Alternatives:
See notes above the table for details regarding when each option should be used. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ContractsChildSuppCooperationReq | ca_csreq) |
Indicates whether or not cooperation with child support enforcement is required in the state. Details regarding the cooperation with child support enforcement policy are found in the Child Support category. Alternatives:
See notes above the table for details regarding when each option should be used. Under AFDC No |
(ContractsSubstUseTrtmntIncl | ca_dginc) |
Indicates whether or not drug and alcohol screening and/or treatment is included in the contract/agreement for at least some of the state's recipients. Alternatives:
See notes above the table for details regarding when each option should be used. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ContractsSubstanceUseTrtmntReq | ca_dgreq) |
Indicates whether or not drug and alcohol screening and/or treatment is required in the state. Details on this policy are captured in the corresponding notes variable. Alternatives:
See notes above the table for details regarding when each option should be used. Under AFDC No |
(ContractsImmunizationIncl | ca_iminc) |
Indicates whether or not immunization and/or health screening provisions are included in the contract/agreement for at least some of the state's recipients. Alternatives:
See notes above the table for details regarding when each option should be used. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ContractsImmunizationReq | ca_imreq) |
Indicates whether or not immunizations and/or health screenings are required in the state. Details regarding immunization and health screening policies are found in the Immunization and Health Screening Requirements category. Alternatives:
See notes above the table for details regarding when each option should be used. Under AFDC No |
(ContractsSchoolAttendIncl | ca_sainc) |
Indicates whether or not school attendance and/or parental involvement provisions are included in the contract/agreement for at least some of the state's recipients. Alternatives:
See notes above the table for details regarding when each option should be used. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ContractsSchoolAttendReq | ca_sareq) |
Indicates whether or not school attendance and parental involvement are required in the state. Details regarding school requirements for parents and children are found in the School Policies for Dependent Children and Minor Parents Activities Requirements and Bonuses categories. Alternatives:
See notes above the table for details regarding when each option should be used. Under AFDC No |
(ContractsParentClassesIncl | ca_ptinc) |
Indicates whether or not parenting classes and/or family skills training sessions are included in the contract/agreement for at least some of the state's recipients. Alternatives:
See notes above the table for details regarding when each option should be used. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ContractsParentClassesReq | ca_ptreq) |
Indicates whether or not parenting classes and/or family skills training sessions are required in the state. Details on this policy are captured in the corresponding notes variable. Alternatives:
See notes above the table for details regarding when each option should be used. Under AFDC No |
(ContractsOtherIncl | ca_othin) |
Indicates whether or not other requirements (than those specifically listed) are included in the agreement. Alternatives:
Notes A description of these additional requirements should be coded in the corresponding notes variable, when this variable is coded Yes. Under AFDC n.a. |
(ContractsOtherReq | ca_othrq) |
Indicates whether or not the other requirements referred to in "Other requirements: Included in Agreement" and detailed in the corresponding notes variable are required in the state. Details on this policy are captured in the corresponding notes variable. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
Additional Notes (ContractsOtherNotes) | Description Captures any additional information regarding Contracts and Agreements. |
Countable Income
This category examines the kinds of income that are counted in determining eligibility and benefits. Specifically, it covers the treatment of interest income, dividend income, EITC income, lump sum income and casual/inconsequential income.
Some income has historically been excluded when determining eligibility and benefits. It is assumed that these types of income are excluded unless mentioned in the "Additional notes" section.
Historically excluded income:
Energy Assistance Payments
Bona fide Loans
Education Loans
Agent Orange Payments
Radiation Payments
Payments to Native Americans
Foster Care Payments
Relocation Assistance
Disaster Relief Payments
Work Study
Overlap Issues:
- If state counts EITC or lump sum as assets, not income in month it is received, treatment of EITC and lump sum should still be coded in this category. However, the treatment of this income should be clearly explained in variable field and its corresponding notes field.
- Disregards from earned income are captured in the Earned Income Disregard category.
- Treatment of child support income is described in the Child Support category.
- Deeming of income from persons outside the assistance unit is covered in the Deemed Income category.
- Treatment of children's income is outlined in the Income and Assets of Children category
Special Issues:
- Because these are general rules, the Unit Type variable is generally be coded as "all."
Variables and Notes:
Variable | Notes |
(CountableIncInterestIncTrtmnt | ci_inter) |
Describes the treatment of interest income when determining a unit's eligibility and benefit. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Fully Counted |
(CountableIncDividendIncTrtmnt | ci_divnd) |
Describes the treatment of dividend income when determining a unit's eligibility and benefit. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Fully Counted |
(CountableIncEITCTrtmnt | ci_eitcr) |
Describes the treatment of EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit) when determining a unit's eligibility and benefit. Alternatives:
Under AFDC 1/79-9/81
1/91- TANF
(CountableIncLumpSumType | ci_lstyp) |
Indicates the types of lump sum income receiving special treatment when determining a unit's eligibility and benefit. Alternatives:
Under AFDC All |
(CountableIncLumpSumTrtmnt | ci_lmpsm) |
Describes the treatment of lump sum income when determining an assistance unit's eligibility and benefit. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Pre-OBRA 1981 Lump sum counted as unearned income in month received. If lump sum not spent in first month, treated as assets in following month(s). Post-OBRA 1981 Lump sum divided by assistance unit's need standard to determine the number of months for which eligibility was lost. |
(CountableIncMonthsIneligLumpSum | ci_lslos) |
Indicates the maximum number of lost months of eligibility due to lump sum income. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Pre-OBRA 1981 Lump sum counted as unearned income in month received. If lump sum not spent in first month, treated as assets in following month(s). Post-OBRA 1981 Lump sum divided by assistance unit's need standard to determine the number of months for which eligibility was lost. |
(CountableIncCasualIncTrtmnt | ci_casin) |
Describes the treatment of casual or inconsequential income when determining an assistance unit's eligibility and benefit. Alternatives:
Under AFDC $30 per person per quarter is excluded, for a majority of the states. |
(CountableIncQuarterDisregard | ci_defqt) |
Describes the definition of quarter when determining disregard for casual or inconsequential income. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Calendar quarter, for a majority of the states. |
(CountableIncOtherUnearnedIncTrtmnt | ci_exoth) |
Describes the treatment of other types of unearned income. Notes The exclusion of disability insurance should be included in this variable. Under AFDC n.a. |
(CountableIncOtherNotes | ci_other) |
Captures any additional notes regarding countable income. |
Deemed Income
In general, only the income of assistance unit members is used to determine the unit's eligibility and benefit. But under certain circumstances, some income from persons outside of the assistance unit is "deemed" available to the unit (regardless of whether or not it is in fact available). This "deemed" income is added to the unit's own income when determining eligibility and benefits.
This category is divided into three sub-sections by types of people outside the unit:
- stepparents who live in the household but outside the unit;
- grandparents (parents of minor parents) who live in the household but outside the unit;
- grandparents (parents of minor parents) who live outside the household of the minor parent.
Each sub-section starts with a general variable indicating whether income is deemed from that kind of person. This variable is always coded. If the answer for a particular sub-section is "no" or "not applicable," then the remainder of the sub-section is coded n.a.
After the initial variable in each sub-section, there are several variables that deal with "allocation." States recognize that stepparents and grandparents need a certain portion of their income to take care of themselves and/or other dependents. The portion of the stepparent's or grandparent's income that is set aside (to theoretically provide for the stepparent or grandparent's needs) is referred to as an allocation or the allocated amount. This amount is subtracted from their total income, and the remainder is deemed available to the assistance unit.
The three step-wise allocations are as follows:
- Initial allocation of earned income
- Second allocation equal to W% of X dollar amount for Y non-unit people up to maximum amount, Z ("Non-unit people" refers to individuals not included in the assistance unit)
- Other allocation rules
Allocations are additive; therefore, the total allocation equals the sum of amounts allocated according to any of the rules listed. If allocations are not additive (in cases where the state allocates the larger of two amounts), then the specific allocation rules are described in the notes sections.
Overlap Issues:
- If financial support from people outside the unit is counted only when it is actually provided, then that policy is not deeming and the policy is captured in the Countable Income category rather than in the Deemed Income category.
- Disregard ED#1 is sometimes referred to in this category's variables. Details on this disregard are captured in the Earned Income Disregards category.
- Definitions of State Dollar Amounts #1-3 are contained in the Dollar Amount category.
Special Issues:
- None
Variables and Notes:
Description | Notes |
| |
(DeemedIncStepparIncDeemedTo | di_spwho) |
Describes to whom a step-parent's income is deemed, if at all. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Since federal legislation in the early 1980s, "deemed to spouse and children"; prior to that, "deemed to spouse only." |
Stepparents: Allocation of earned income (earned income disregards applied) (DeemedIncStepparIncAlloc1 | di_spal1) |
Describes the initial allocation of a stepparent's income (income stepparents can keep). Alternatives:
Under AFDC Under standard AFDC rules, only the work expense deduction (ED#1) was allowed, not any other earnings-related disregards that were available to recipients. |
Stepparents: Allocation equal to W% of X dollar amount for Y non-unit people up to maximum, Z W: (DeemedIncStepparAlloc2Percent | di_spa2w) X: (DeemedIncStepparAlloc2Amount | di_spa2x) Y: (DeemedIncStepparAlloc2For | di_spa2y) Z: (DeemedIncStepparAlloc2Max |di_spa2z) |
Description Captures the percent value of W in the second allocation (income stepparents can keep): The allocation equals W% of X dollar amount for Y non-unit people up to maximum amount, Z. X Description Captures the value of X in the second allocation (income stepparents can keep): The allocation equals W% of X dollar amount for Y non-unit people up to maximum Z. Alternatives:
Y Description Captures the value of Y in the next allocation (income stepparents can keep): The allocation equals W% of X dollar amount for Y non-unit people up to maximum amount, Z. Alternatives:
Z Description Captures the value of Z in the next allocation (income stepparents can keep): The allocation equals W% of X dollar amount for Y non-unit people up to maximum amount, Z. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Under standard AFDC rules, 100% (W) of the need standard (X) for the stepparent and any dependents outside the unit (Y) was allocated, up to stepparent's total remaining income, (Z). The remaining income was deemed to the assistance unit. |
(DeemedIncStepparOtherAlloc | di_spoth) |
Describes any additional allocation of a stepparent's income (income stepparents can keep). |
| |
(DeemedIncGrandparIncToMinorParInHhld | di_ghdmd) |
Captures whether or not the income of grandparents in the household is deemed. Beginning in 2001: Describes to whom a grandparent's income is deemed, if at all. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Federal legislation required this type of deeming beginning in the mid-1980s. Some waivers stopped deeming from grandparents or modified the allocations. |
Grandparents in household: Allocation of earned income (earned income disregards applied) (DeemedIncGrandparAlloc1InHhld | di_ghal1) |
Describes the initial allocation applicable to grandparents in the household (the portion of the grandparent's income they are allowed to keep/the portion of the income not deemed). Alternatives:
Under AFDC Under standard AFDC rules, only the work expense deduction (ED#1) was allowed, not any other earnings-related disregards that were available to recipients. |
Grandparents in household: Allocation equal to W% of X dollar amount for Y non-unit people up to maximum Z W: (DeemedIncGrandparAlloc2PercentInHhld | di_gha2w) X: (DeemedIncGrandparAlloc2AmountInHhld | di_gha2x) Y: (DeemedIncGrandparAlloc2ForInHhld | di_gha2y) Z: (DeemedIncGrandparAlloc2MaxInHhld | di_gha2z) |
Description Captures the percent value of W in the second allocation applicable to grandparents in the household (income grandparents can keep): The allocation equals W% of X dollar amount for Y non-unit people up to maximum amount, Z. X Description Captures the value of X in the second allocation applicable to grandparents in the household (income grandparents can keep): The allocation equals W% of X dollar amount for Y non-unit people up to maximum amount, Z. Alternatives:
Y Description Captures the value of Y in the second allocation applicable to grandparents in the household (income grandparents can keep): The allocation equals W% of X dollar amount for Y non-unit people up to maximum amount, Z. Alternatives:
Z Description Captures the value of Z in the second allocation applicable to grandparents in the household (income grandparents can keep): The allocation equals W% of X dollar amount for Y non-unit people up to maximum amount, Z. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Under standard AFDC rules, 100% (W) of the need standard (X) for the grandparent and any dependents outside the unit (Y) was allocated, up to grandparent's total remaining income (Z). The remaining income was deemed to the assistance unit. |
(DeemedIncGrandparOtherAllocInHhld | di_ghoth) |
Describes any additional allocations applicable to grandparents in the household (income grandparents can keep). |
| |
(DeemedIncGrandparIncToMinorParNotInHhld | di_godmd) |
Captures whether or not the income of grandparents outside the household is deemed. Beginning in 2001: Describes to whom a grandparent's income is deemed, if at all. Alternatives:
The grandparent must be included in the unit Under AFDC This type of deeming was never required, but was included in at least one waiver. |
Grandparents not in household: Allocation of earned income (earned income disregards applied) (DeemedIncGrandparAlloc1 | di_goal1) |
Describes the initial allocation applicable to grandparents outside the household (income grandparents can keep). Alternatives:
Under AFDC This type of deeming was never required, but was included in at least one waiver. |
Grandparents not in household: Allocation equal to W% of X dollar amount for Y non-unit people up to maximum Z W: (DeemedIncGrandparAlloc2Percent | di_goa2w) X: (DeemedIncGrandparAlloc2Amount | di_goa2x) Y: (DeemedIncGrandparAlloc2For | di_goa2y) Z: (DeemedIncGrandparAlloc2Max | di_goa2z) |
Description Captures the percent value of W in the second allocation applicable to grandparents outside the household (income grandparents can keep): The allocation equals W% of X dollar amount for Y non-unit people up to maximum amount, Z. X Description Captures the value of X in the second allocation applicable to grandparents outside the household (income grandparents can keep): The allocation equals W% of X dollar amount for Y non-unit people up to maximum amount, Z. Alternatives:
Y Description Captures the value of Y in the second allocation applicable to grandparents outside the household (income grandparents can keep): The allocation equals W% of X dollar amount for Y non-unit people up to maximum amount, Z. Alternatives:
Z Description Captures the value of Z in the second allocation applicable to grandparents outside the household (income grandparents can keep): The allocation equals W% of X dollar amount for Y non-unit people up to maximum Z. Alternatives:
Under AFDC This type of deeming was never required, but was included in at least one waiver. |
(DeemedIncGrandparOtherAllocNotInHhld | di_gooth) |
Describes any additional allocations applicable to grandparents outside the household (income grandparents can keep). |
(DeemedIncOtherNotes | di_other) |
Captures any additional notes regarding deeming income from stepparents and grandparents. |
Diversion programs are types of assistance or activities requirements provided to divert eligible applicants or recipients from ongoing AFDC/TANF receipt. These programs may be either "Formal" diversion or "Informal" Diversion.
Formal Diversion:
Formal programs include: 1) a one-time cash payment; 2) support services such as child care or medical care; or 3) a combination of the two. Only those programs that provide a cash payment or support services are identified as formal diversion programs in this database. For states that provide a cash payment, the payment is generally more than the assistance unit would have received as a monthly AFDC benefit. Often, the cash payment is a multiple of a monthly cash AFDC/TANF benefit and the assistance unit that receives the diversion payment is ineligible for additional payments and/or ongoing AFDC/TANF benefits for a specified length of time. For states that do not provide a cash benefit, only programs that provide support services equal to or in excess of those available to AFDC/TANF recipients are considered diversion programs. Diversion programs may be mandatory or voluntary. Note that a formal diversion program may include a job search requirement (below).
Informal Diversion:
In addition to formal diversion programs, states may also attempt to divert applicants from AFDC/TANF benefits by requiring the applicant to participate in job search activities prior to approving his or her application. States may require applicants to participate in structured work programs or search for work independently. These activities may take place prior to the submission of an application or during the application processing period. Support services such as child care or transportation assistance may also be made available to applicants during the job search period.
Overlap Issues:
- Whether or not a diversion payment counts toward an assistance unit's time limit is contained in this category, not the Time Limits category.
- Transitional services for an assistance unit that loses benefits due to increased earnings or an expired time limit are not considered diversion programs. These types of programs are covered in the Transitional Benefit category.
Special Issues:
- Some diversion programs are available to both applicants and recipients; others are available only to applicants. If applicants and recipients are treated differently with respect to diversion programs, then each group receives its own record.
Variables and Notes:
Variable | Notes |
(DiversionExist | dv_exist) |
Indicates whether or not a diversion program exists. Under AFDC No diversion programs. |
(DiversionTypes | dv_types) |
Describes the form in which diversion assistance is available, whether a one-time cash payment, support services or both. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(DiversionBenMultipleOf | dv_bmult) |
Indicates the maximum number of months of benefits provided as a diversion payment, if the diversion benefit amount is a multiple of the monthly assistance benefit. Alternatives:
Notes Often the maximum cash payment is a multiple of the maximum AFDC/TANF benefit. For instance, in Montana, a recipient receiving a diversion benefit can get up to three times the monthly maximum AFDC/TANF benefit. Montana would thus be coded "3" for this variable. Under AFDC n.a. |
(DiversionBenCalc | dv_bnoth) | Description Describes the maximum benefit in text if the diversion payment is not a multiple of the maximum monthly AFDC/TANF benefit. Under AFDC n.a. |
(DiversionBenefitCalcNotes | dv_$comp) |
Describes any details regarding how the diversion payment is calculated. Information includes whether the state treats earnings differently or uses different disregards in calculating the benefit. Under AFDC n.a. |
(DiversionSuppServices | dv_spsvc) |
Captures any available information on the provision of support services, such as medical care, child care or help in securing employment for units participating in a diversion program. Under AFDC n.a. |
(DiversionFrequency | dv_$freq) |
Describes the time period for which an assistance unit can receive a diversion payment, as well as the time period after which someone who already received a diversion payment can receive another. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(DiversionWaitingPeriod | dv_tmein) |
Describes the length of time an assistance unit must wait before they can receive ongoing AFDC/TANF benefits (not another diversion payment). Diversion payments are designed to steer persons away from ongoing assistance by providing a large benefit. Therefore, those who want to return to AFDC/TANF generally have to wait a specified length of time before they can begin receiving monthly assistance. Notes Often this waiting period is related to the number of months of assistance received through a diversion payment. If a state gave a client a diversion payment 3 times the monthly maximum AFDC benefit, then the client probably has to wait three months before they are eligible for AFDC. However, it is often more complicated. For instance, in Montana a client receiving a diversion payment is ineligible for AFDC for two months per month's worth of benefit payment. In Utah, the recipient is immediately eligible. However, any previous diversion payment will be prorated over a three month period and subtracted from any grant(s) for which the family may be eligible. All details are entered into the field. Under AFDC n.a. |
(DiversionTimeLimit | dv_tmlmt) |
Describes whether diversion assistance counts toward time limits and how it is counted. Under AFDC n.a. |
(DiversionJobSearchReq | Dv_jobsr) |
Indicates whether or not a job search requirement exists. Under AFDC n.a. |
(DiversionReqFor | dv_whorq) |
Describes who is required to participate in job search activities Under AFDC n.a. |
(DiversionJobSearchExempt | dv_whoex) |
Describes who is exempt from job search activities. Under AFDC n.a. |
(DiversionJobSearchReqWhen | dv_timsr) |
Describes the timing of the job search requirement relative to the application process, i.e. prior to submission of the application or during the processing period Under AFDC n.a. |
(DiversionJobSearchStructure | dv_srfocs) |
Describes whether or not the applicant participates in a structured program for job search or makes job contacts independently. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(DiversionJobSearchReqDescribe | dv_whatsr) |
Describes the parameters of the job search requirement such as the number of contacts required. Under AFDC n.a. |
(DiversionJobSearchReqTime | dv_srdur) |
Describes the length of time during which the applicant engages in job search activities. Under AFDC n.a. |
(DiversionSuppServicesAvail | dv_srsup) |
Describes any support services available to the applicant during the job search period, such as child care or transportation assistance. Under AFDC n.a. |
(DiversionPenaltyDescribe | dv_srcon) |
Describes the penalties applied if the applicant does not cooperate with job search requirements such as the application is denied or approved with a sanction applied. Under AFDC n.a. |
(DiversionOtherNotes | dv_other) |
Captures additional notes regarding the state's diversion program. |
Dollar Amounts
This category captures the dollar amounts used in determining eligibility and benefits for an assistance unit. Under AFDC, these dollar amounts included: the need standard, payment standard and maximum benefit. In addition, this category captures information on special needs amounts added to the basic dollar amounts under special circumstances.
Overlap Issues:
- These dollar amounts are referred to in the following categories: Benefit Computation, Deemed Income, Diversion and Income Eligibility Tests.
Special Issues:
- Pay special attention to the additional notes section in this category. The field contains information on specific counties to which the dollar amounts refer or any other important assumptions about the dollar amounts.
- Beginning in 2001 the database captures amounts for child-only units, single parent units, and two parent units in separate records. Prior to 2001, all dollar amounts were based on the assumption that there was one adult in the unit. In states with different dollar amounts for child-only units, the child-only amount for one child was coded for a family size of one only. For all other family sizes, the amounts were based on one adult and children.
Variables and Notes:
Variables | Notes |
(DollarAmountsName1 | da_name1) (DollarAmountsName2 | da_name2) (DollarAmountsName3 | da_name3) |
Captures the name the state uses to refer to Dollar Amount #1-3. Alternatives:
Notes The dollar amount used as the need standard (regardless of the state's name) is coded as Dollar Amount # 1. The dollar amount used as the payment standard (regardless of the state's name) is coded as Dollar Amount # 2, assuming there is a need standard. The dollar amount used as the maximum benefit (regardless of the state's name) is coded as Dollar Amount # 3, assuming there is a need and payment standard. If state no longer has three dollar amounts, the dollar amount used first in the eligibility process is coded as "Dollar Amount #1." Under AFDC Dollar Amount #1 = Need Standard Dollar Amount #2 = Payment Standard Dollar Amount #3 = Maximum Benefit |
da_v1f01 da_v2f01 da_v3f01 (DollarAmounts1FamSize1 DollarAmounts2FamSize1 DollarAmounts3FamSize1) da_v1f02 da_v2f02 da_v3f02 da_v1f03 da_v2f03 da_v3f03 da_v1f04 da_v2f04 da_v3f04 da_v1f05 da_v2f05 da_v3f05 da_v1f06 da_v2f06 da_v3f06 da_v1f07 da_v2f07 da_v3f07 da_v1f08 da_v2f08 da_v3f08 da_v1f09 da_v2f09 da_v3f09 da_v1f10 da_v2f10 da_v3f10 da_v1f11 da_v2f11 da_v3f11 da_v1f12 da_v2f12 da_v3f12 |
Value of Dollar Amount #1-3 for each family size (1 through 12). Under AFDC Varied from state to state. |
(DollarAmountsAddAmnts | da_snadd) |
Indicates whether or not a state adds to the dollar amounts for assistance units with special needs. Under AFDC Varied from state to state. |
(DollarAmountsAddAmntsDescribe | da_snamt) |
Describes the circumstances under which an assistance unit receives special needs amounts, as well as the dollar value of the special needs amount, when applicable. Under AFDC Varied from state to state. |
(DollarAmountsVariesByPublicHousing | da_varph) |
Indicates whether or not dollar amounts vary if a unit lives in public or subsidized housing. Under AFDC Varied from state to state. |
(DollarAmountsVariesByHousingCosts | da_amtph) |
Indicates how the dollar amounts vary for units living in public or subsidized housing if the state uses different dollar amounts for these families. Under AFDC Varied from state to state. |
(DollarAmountsOtherNotes | da_other) |
Captures any additional notes regarding dollar amounts. |
Earned Income Disregards
This category outlines the amounts of earned income an assistance unit may deduct when determining eligibility and benefits. The amounts an assistance unit can deduct are referred to as disregards.
Under AFDC, states were required to disregard a portion of a recipients' earned income when determining eligibility and benefits as a work incentive to clients. The value of a disregard is subtracted from an assistance unit's gross earned income when determining eligibility and benefits. In determining eligibility based on net income, each worker in the unit was allowed to disregard $90 for work expenses plus up to $175 per month for child care for each child age 2 and older (up to $200 for each child under the age of 2). Benefits were calculated using earnings minus a $90 work expense disregard, followed by a disregard of $30 and one-third of remaining earnings. After four months of consecutive earnings, recipients were no longer eligible for the one-third disregard, so the disregard was simply $120 ($90 and $30). After eight additional months of consecutive earnings, recipients were no longer eligible for the $30 disregard, so the disregard was simply $90. In addition, recipients were also allowed to disregard child care expenses up to $175 per month per child ($200 for children under age two). There was no time limit for the child care deduction.
Under waivers, a number of states made changes to this disregard structure, typically increasing the amount of earnings disregarded and eliminating the phase-out of the disregards over time.
PRWORA did not address the issue of earnings disregards specifically, but the creation of TANF gave states the freedom to adopt any disregard structure. The majority of states have implemented new earnings disregards that differ from the standard AFDC disregard.
Overlap Issues:
- The net income test is referenced in this category when describing when each disregard is applied. More details on this test and others are found in the Income Eligibility Test category.
- Disregards, by number, ED#1, may be referred to in the Deemed Income category.
- Special disregards for families affected by family caps are captured in this category, not in the Family Cap category.
- Net income used in the Benefit Computation category is determined using information in this category, as well as Child Support, Countable Income, Deemed Income, Income and Assets of Children and In Kind Income.
- This category captures special disregards for earnings placed in savings during the month in which they are received. This type of disregard is different from IDAs which allow individuals to keep a limited amount of savings for restricted purposes and still remain eligible for benefits. IDAs are captured in the Asset Test category.
Special Issues:
- The form is too long to add any more variables. If state has more than 3 disregards and the same disregards apply to recipients while others apply to applicants, two records exist: one for applicants and one for recipients. If there are more than 3 disregards for all unit types, all disregards that do not fit are coded in the additional notes section. All information coded for the first three disregards is also recorded for the disregards coded in the notes section.
Variables and Notes:
Description | Notes |
(IncDisregardsDisregard1 | ed_edr#1) |
Specifies the numeric value of the first income disregard. (ed_#1$o% describes whether this value is a dollar amount or a percentage) Under AFDC 90 |
(IncDisregards1DollarOrPercent | ed_#1$o%) |
Indicates whether Earnings Disregard #1 is a flat dollar disregard or a percent disregard. Under AFDC Dollars |
(IncDisregards1CompUse | ed_#1use) |
Describes when Earnings Disregard #1 is used. Alternatives:
Notes A state is only considered to have a net income test if the disregards or dollar amounts for this test differ from those used in determining a unit's benefit. Under AFDC Net income test and benefit computation. |
(IncDisregards1Length | ed_#1tme) |
Describes how long an assistance unit qualifies for Earnings Disregard #1. Alternatives:
Under AFDC All months |
(IncDisregards1AppliesTo | ed_#1rge) |
Indicates range of dollar values to which Earnings Disregard #1 applies. Alternatives:
Notes For example, under NY CAP waiver there was a disregard of 90% for the earnings below poverty and a disregard of 33% for earnings above poverty, so the 90% disregard is indicated as "0-poverty level.". Under AFDC All |
(IncDisregardsDisregard2 | ed_edr#2) |
Specifies the numeric value of the first income disregard. (ed_#2$o% describes whether this value is a dollar amount or a percentage) Under AFDC 30 |
(IncDisregards2DollarOrPercent | ed_#2$o%) |
Indicates whether Earnings Disregard #2 is a flat dollar disregard or a percent disregard. Under AFDC Dollars |
(IncDisregards2CompUse | ed_#2use) |
Describes when Earnings Disregard #2 is used. Alternatives:
Notes A state is only considered to have a net income test if the disregards or dollar amounts for this test differ from those used in determining a unit's benefit. Under AFDC Benefit computation. |
(IncDisregards2Length | ed_#2tme) |
Describes how long an assistance unit qualifies for Earnings Disregard #2. Alternatives:
Under AFDC First 12 consecutive months of earnings |
(IncDisregards2AppliesTo | ed_#2rge) |
Indicates range of dollar values to which Earnings Disregard #2 applies. Alternatives:
Notes For example, under NY CAP waiver there was a disregard of 90% for the earnings below poverty and a disregard of 33% for earnings above poverty, so the 90% disregard is indicated as "0-poverty level.". Under AFDC All |
(IncDisregardsDisregard3 | ed_edr#3) |
Specifies the numeric value of the first income disregard. (ed_#3$o% describes whether this value is a dollar amount or a percentage) Under AFDC 33.3 |
(IncDisregards3DollarOrPercent | ed_#3$o%) |
Indicates whether Earnings Disregard #3 is a flat dollar disregard or a percent disregard. Under AFDC Percent |
(IncDisregards3CompUse | ed_#3use) |
Describes when Earnings Disregard #3 is used. Alternatives:
Notes A state is only considered to have a net income test if the disregards or dollar amounts for this test differ from those used in determining a unit's benefit. Under AFDC Benefit computation. |
(IncDisregards3Length | ed_#3tme) |
Describes how long an assistance unit qualifies for Earnings Disregard #3. Alternatives:
Under AFDC First 4 consecutive months of earnings |
(IncDisregards3AppliesTo | ed_#3rge) |
Indicates range of dollar values to which Earnings Disregard #3 applies. Alternatives:
Notes For example, under NY CAP waiver there was a disregard of 90% for the earnings below poverty and a disregard of 33% for earnings above poverty, so the 90% disregard is indicated as "0-poverty level.". Under AFDC All |
(IncDisregardsChildCare | ed_ccare) |
Describes whether or not an assistance unit can disregard a portion of its actual child care expenses. Under AFDC Yes |
(IncDisregardsChildCareMaxAge | ed_ccage) |
If the maximum allowable child care disregard varies by the child's age, this variable indicates the age cutoff between the two disregard amounts. Under AFDC 2 |
(IncDisregardsChildCareMaxYoungChild | ed_ccmxl) |
Describes the maximum deduction allowed for young children if deduction varies by age. If deduction does not vary by age, the variable describes the maximum deduction for all children. Under AFDC 200 |
(IncDisregardsChildCareMaxOlderChild | ed_ccmxh) |
Describes the maximum deduction allowed for the older children if deduction varies by the child's age. Under AFDC 175 |
(IncDisregardsChildCareUse | ed_ccuse) |
Describes when the child care disregard is used. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Net income test and benefit computation. |
(IncDisregardsChildCareLength | ed_cctme) |
Describes how long an assistance unit qualifies for a child care disregard. Under AFDC All months |
(IncDisregardsChildCareOrder | ed_ccord) |
Describes how the child care disregard fits into the sequence of all other disregards. Under AFDC Disregard earnings remaining after earnings disregards 1,2, and 3. |
(IncDisregardsChildCarePartTime | ed_ccptm) |
Describes the child care disregard policy with respect to part-time workers, if applicable. Under AFDC Varied by state. |
(IncDisregardsChildCareOther | ed_ccoth) |
Captures any other useful information about the child care disregard. Under AFDC Varied by state. |
(IncDisregardsSavings | ed_svngs) |
Captures whether a state disregards earnings that are placed directly into savings. Notes This variable overlaps with IDA accounts to some degree. However, this variable refers to earnings received in the current month, while IDAs disregard savings from previous months. Under AFDC No |
(IncDisregardsSavingsDescribe | ed_svdes) |
Describes special disregard for earnings put into savings in month received. Under AFDC n.a. |
(IncDisregardsFamCap | ed_fmcap) |
Indicates whether or not a state has a special earnings disregard for assistance units affected by a family cap. Notes Some states have allowed for additional earned income disregards equal to the amount the family would have received for the additional child. This in effect allows the family to work more to support this child but not receive assistance for this child from the state. Under AFDC No |
(IncDisregardsFamCapDescribe | ed_fcdes) |
Describes the earnings disregard for families affected by a family cap. Under AFDC n.a. |
(IncDisregardsTimeLimit | ed_tmlmt) |
Captures whether or not a state has a special earnings disregard for those affected by a time limit. Under AFDC No |
(IncDisregardsTimeLimitDescribe | ed_tldes) |
Describes the earnings disregard for families affected by a time limit. Under AFDC n.a. |
(IncDisregardsOtherNotes | ed_other) |
Captures any additional information regarding earned income disregards. |
Eligibility by Number/Type of Parents
Program eligibility may be restricted to certain types of families, as defined by the number or type of parents/caretakers. Under AFDC, the federal government established the types of families that were covered under AFDC, with one exception. Prior to 1988, states could choose whether or not to cover two-parent families in which neither parent was disabled. In 1988, the Family Support Act was passed requiring all states to provide assistance to two-parent families. However, states that previously did not provide benefits to two-parent families could choose to restrict assistance to a limited number of months (at least six out of twelve). Under TANF, states have authority to define the types of families that are potentially eligible for benefits.
Overlap Issues:
- Eligibility rules for units headed by minor parents are covered in the Eligibility of Units Headed by Minor Parents.
- Eligibility rules for pregnant women who do not already have children are covered in the Eligibility of Pregnant Women.
- Eligibility of specific individuals is covered in the Eligibility of Individual Family Members.
Special Issues:
- The Unit Type variable is not applicable for this category because the category captures whether or not different unit types are eligible. Therefore, Unit Type is always coded "All."
Variables and Notes:
Description | Notes |
(EligTypeParTwoParUnits | en_twopt) |
Describes whether two-parent, non-disabled units are eligible. Under AFDC Prior to the implementation of the Family Support Act of 1988, some states did not provide AFDC benefits to two-parent non-disabled families. The FSA required all states to provide at least limited benefits to these families. |
(EligTypeParChildOnlyLivingWithIneligPar | en_chprt) |
Describes whether child-only units living with ineligible parents are eligible. Under AFDC In these types of families, the children were potentially eligible for benefits as a "child-only" case. |
(EligTypeParLivingWithRel | en_chrel) |
Describes whether child-only units living with ineligible non-parent relatives are eligible. Under AFDC In these types of families, the children were potentially eligible for benefits as a "child-only" case. |
(EligTypeParKinshipCarePrgrm | en_kincp) | Description: Describes whether the state has a formalized kinship care program. Under AFDC n.a. |
(EligTypeParKinshipCarePrgrmDescribe | en_kinde) | Description: Describes the state's formalized kinship care program. Under AFDC n.a. |
(EligTypeParChildLivingWithNonRelative | en_choth) |
Describes whether child living with non-relative caregivers are eligible. Under AFDC Children living with caretakers who were non-relatives were not eligible for benefits. (In some states, this type of family has been covered by the state's "general assistance" program instead.) |
(EligTypeParOtherNotes | en_other) |
Captures any additional information regarding the eligibility of different types of families. |
Eligibility of Individual Family Members
This category describes which family members are part of the assistance unit, given that the unit as a whole is potentially eligible for benefits.
Overlap Issues:
- Inclusion of Non-Citizens in the Unit covers the eligibility of family members based on their immigration and citizenship status.
- Eligibility by Number/Type of Parents and Eligibility of Units Headed by Minor Parents include the rules for whether a unit as a whole is potentially eligible for benefits.
Special Issues:
- The Unit Type key variable is not applicable for this category, and will always be coded "all."
Variables and Notes:
Description | Notes |
(EligFamMembsParsInHhld | ei_prent) |
Indicates whether it is mandatory or optional to include natural/adoptive parents living in the household as members of the unit. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Since the early 1980s, mandatory under federal rules. |
(EligFamMembsDepndtChildInHhld | ei_depch) |
Indicates whether it is mandatory or optional to include all dependent children living in the household as members of the unit. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Since the early 1980s, mandatory under federal rules. Under waivers: At least one state's waiver allowed some siblings to remain outside the unit, presumably if their income would reduce the family's benefit. |
(EligFamMembsChildAge | ei_chage) |
Age under which an individual is considered a child without restrictions. Under AFDC Age 18 |
(EligFamMembsChildAgeRestr | ei_chres) |
Age under which an individual is considered a child with restrictions, described in ei_chcon. Under AFDC States had the option to consider some 18 year-old as children. |
(EligFamMembsChildElig | ei_chcon) |
Conditions that children under the age in ei_chres must meet in order to be eligible for benefits. Alternatives:
Under AFDC 18 year-olds could only be considered children if full-time students in secondary or vo/tech schools |
(EligFamMembsInclSteppar | ei_stprt) |
Indicates whether inclusion of stepparent in the unit is mandatory, optional or prohibited. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Some states have laws of general applicability, requiring the inclusion of stepparents in the unit. For the remaining states, the inclusion of stepparents was optional. |
(EligFamMembsSSIRecipIncl | ei_onssi) |
Indicates whether SSI recipients are eligible. Under AFDC No |
(EligFamMembsStrikeElig | ei_strke) |
Indicates whether persons on strike are eligible. Under AFDC Since the early 1980s, no. |
(EligFamMembsSubUseFelonyElig | ei_drgfl) |
Indicates whether persons convicted of a drug felony are eligible. Under AFDC Yes |
(EligFamMembsOtherNotes | ei_other) |
Captures any additional information regarding the eligibility of individual family members. |
Eligibility of Pregnant Women
Under AFDC, states had the option of providing assistance to pregnant women. If a state chose to provide benefits, pregnant women with no other children received assistance based on the state's need standard for one adult or one adult and one child. Receipt of assistance was conditional on the fact that the pregnant woman would be eligible if the child were born and living with her. This category reports whether pregnant women are eligible and if so, month of the pregnancy in which eligibility begins.
Overlap Issues:
- None
Special Issues:
- None
Variables and Notes:
Description | Notes |
(EligPregEverEligible | ep_asteg) |
Indicates whether pregnant women are ever eligible in the state and whether only the mother's eligible or whether the mother and her unborn child are eligible. Alternatives:
Notes If a state does not mention any provisions for pregnant women, it is assumed that pregnant women are not eligible for benefits. Under AFDC Yes, mother only, for a majority of states |
(EligPregMonthEligible | ep_month) |
For states that provide assistance to pregnant women, indicates the month or pregnancy during which eligibility begins for a pregnant woman with no other children. Alternatives:
Notes One of North Dakota's waivers, the Early Intervention Program, allowed benefits to begin in month 5 from April, 1995 to July, 1997. Under AFDC 6, for a majority of states |
(EligPregOtherNotes | ep_other) |
Captures any additional information regarding the eligibility of pregnant women. |
Eligibility of Units Headed by Minor Parents
This category covers eligibility rules for units headed by minor parents. This information includes the youngest age a minor parent can receive benefits as a head of an assistance unit, the oldest age a residency requirement is imposed, the acceptable living arrangements that meet the residency requirement and whether a minor parent who was receiving benefits as a child member of a unit remains in that unit after her child is born.
Overlap Issues:
- Eligibility rules specific to minor parents are included in this category rather than in the more general category for eligibility rules by number/type of parents or caretakers.
Special Issues:
- The Unit Type key variable in the header record are coded as "all," rather than "minor parents," for consistency with the key variable coding of other categories dealing with demographic eligibility rules.
Variables and Notes:
(EligMinorParDefinition | em_defmp) |
Describes the state's definition of who qualifies as a minor parent. Under AFDC An unmarried individual under the age of 18. |
(EligMinorParYoungestAge | em_agehd) |
Indicates the minimum age at which an unmarried parent can receive benefits as the head of an assistance unit. Alternatives:
Under AFDC There was no minimum specified in federal regulations. States might have had minimums in practice, but none were explicitly reported in the State Plans. |
(EligMinorParOldestAge | em_rdage) |
Describes the oldest age at which residency requirements are imposed on unmarried parents. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Since the early 1990s, states have had the option to impose residency rules. |
(EligMinorParResidencyParGuard | em_rdprt) |
Indicates whether living with a parent or legal guardian fulfills the minor parent's residency requirement. Under AFDC States had the option of imposing this requirement without a waiver. |
(EligMinorParResidencyOtherAdult | em_rdrel) |
Indicates whether living with an adult relative other than a parent fulfills the minor parent's residency requirement. Under AFDC States had the option of imposing this requirement without a waiver. |
(EligMinorParResidencySupervisedHome | em_rdhme) |
Indicates whether living in an adult supervised home fulfills the minor parent's residency requirement. Under AFDC States had the option of imposing this requirement without a waiver. |
Conservator or legal custodian (EligMinorParResidencyCustodian | em_rdcvt) |
Indicates whether living with a conservator or legal custodian fulfills the minor parent's residency requirement. Under AFDC No |
(EligMinorParOtherNotes | em_other) |
Captures any additional information regarding the eligibility of assistance units headed by minor parents. |
Eligibility of Two-Parent Families
This category captures employment related eligibility criteria for two-parent, non-disabled families. These criteria include rules regarding employment status and labor force attachment.
Under AFDC, two-parent, non-disabled families were only potentially eligible for the AFDC-UP program. In order to qualify for the program, a family's principal earner had to be unemployed or severely underemployed, unemployed for a minimum length of time, and previously attached to the labor force. Specifically, the rules were:
100 Hour Rule:
This rule restricted AFDC-UP eligibility to families in which the principal wage earner was employed for less than 100 hours per month (or unemployed).
Work History Requirement:
This rule restricted AFDC-UP eligibility to families that demonstrated labor force attachment by requiring that families show proof of wages in at least 6 of the last 13 quarters ending within a year before applying for AFDC.
30 Day Waiting Period:
This rule restricted AFDC-UP eligibility to families in which the principal wage earner had been unemployed for at least 30 days.
Under waivers, a number of states eliminated or modified these rules.
Under TANF, states have complete discretion in setting eligibility rules. They choose whether or not to impose special employment-related rules on two-parent families.
Overlap Issues:
- This category overlaps with the Eligibility by Number/Type of Parents category. Whether or not a two-parent, non-disabled family is eligible is coded in the Eligibility by Number/Type of Parents category. If two-parent, non-disabled families are not eligible, then the variables in this category do not apply and are coded n.a.
Special Issues:
- This category only applies to two-parent, non-disabled families and the Unit Type variable should always be coded "All".
Variables and Notes:
(EligTwoParMaxWrkHrsApp | tp_maxap) |
Indicates the maximum number of hours a principal earner in a two-parent, non-disabled applicant unit can work and still be eligible for benefits. (The 100 hour rule for applicants). Alternatives:
Under AFDC 100 |
(EligTwoParMaxWrkHrsRecip | tp_maxrc) |
Indicates the maximum number of hours a principal earner in a two-parent, non-disabled recipient unit can work and still be eligible for benefits. (The 100 hour rule for recipients). Alternatives:
Under AFDC 100 |
(EligTwoParWrkHistoryReq | tp_wkhis) |
Captures the required proof of labor force attachment for the principal earner in a two-parent, non-disabled applicant unit in order to be eligible for benefits (The work history rule). Alternatives:
Under AFDC Units are required to show proof of wages during 6 out of 13 quarters ending within a year. |
(EligTwoParWaitingPeriod | tp_bwait) |
Length of time the principal earner of a two-parent, non-disabled family must be unemployed in order to receive benefits. (The 30 day waiting period rule). Alternatives:
Under AFDC 30 |
(EligTwoParOtherNotes | tp_other) |
Captures any additional information regarding the eligibility of two-parent families. |
Family Caps
A family cap limits the increase in benefits a recipient unit can receive after the birth of another child. Family caps were not a standard provision in AFDC programs. Only under waiver authority were states able to implement a family cap. State policies varied in the percentage by which the incremental benefit is reduced and how long a family must be on AFDC to be affected by the family cap.
Overlap Issues:
- Information regarding special earned income disregards for families affected by family caps is located in the Earned Income Disregards category.
- This category indicates whether or not a capped child's income, such as child support, is counted in determining eligibility. This overlaps with the Child Support and Countable Income categories.
Special Issues:
- None
Variables and Notes:
(FamCapExist | fc_exist) |
Indicates whether or not the state has a family cap provision. Under AFDC No |
(FamCapDate | fc_1date) |
Specifies the date when family cap policy was first implemented in the state. Notes This variable never changes after a family cap policy is implemented. Under AFDC n.a. |
(FamCapMonthChildExclu | fc_m1mon) |
Describes the number of months following the case opening after which a newborn child is excluded from the assistance unit. Notes Most states allow families to give birth in the first 10 months of benefit receipt without being subject to the family cap. Essentially, this allows children to be born on AFDC if they were not conceived while the mother was receiving benefits. Under AFDC n.a. |
(FamCapPrevExcluChild | fc_m2mon) |
Captures the required number of months a family must be off assistance before the capped child can be counted as a member of the unit. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(FamCapInclAfterXMonthsNonReceipt | fc_m3mon) |
Captures the minimum number of months between spells of assistance required for a child born/conceived during a period of non-receipt to be included in the unit. Alternatives:
Notes Some states have implemented this type of policy to prevent units from going off assistance to get pregnant and then returning for assistance unaffected by the family cap. Under AFDC n.a. |
(FamCapInclIfBornOrConceivedNonReceipt | fc_nonrc) |
Captures whether a child is included as a member of the unit if conceived, born or either during a period of non-receipt. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(FamCapBenRedPerCappedChild | fc_%redc) |
Indicates the percentage by which the incremental benefits is reduced for the second, third and fourth child born while receiving benefits. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(FamCapCappedChildInclElig | fc_chelg) |
Indicates whether the child is included in the unit when determining need. Under AFDC n.a. |
(FamCapChildExemptIfNonconsensual | fc_rpinc) |
Indicates whether a child conceived due to rape or incest is exempted from the family cap. Under AFDC n.a. |
(FamCapChildResidencyinUnitExempt | fc_chout) |
Indicates whether a "capped" child that moves to another "child-only" unit is exempted from the family cap. Under AFDC n.a. |
(FamCapFirstChildtoMinorParExempt | fc_1minr) |
Indicates whether the state exempts the first births to minor parents from the family cap provision. Under AFDC n.a. |
(FamCapChildSupptIncExclu | fc_chinc) |
Indicates whether the state excludes the "capped" child's income (e.g. child support) when determining eligibility for the unit. Under AFDC n.a. |
(FamCapOtherExemptions | fc_exoth) |
Captures any additional circumstances under which a child is exempt from the family cap. Under AFDC n.a. |
(FamCapOtherNotes | fc_other) |
Captures any additional details regarding the family cap provision. Under AFDC n.a. |
Immunization and Health Screening Policies
The Immunization and Health Screening Policies category contains information on requirement and sanction policies. The variables include information on both children and adults, although the requirements usually apply only to children.
Immunization and Health Screening Requirements:
Variables include standard immunizations, regular health check-ups, and other requirements, such as Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT).
Immunization and Health Screening Sanctions:
This category includes sanctions resulting from the failure to meet immunization and/or health screening requirements.
The consequence of failing to meet a requirement is coded as a sanction only if it results in a direct penalty. Most often, this penalty is financial. Requiring the distribution of benefits through a protective payee is also considered a sanction because it directly impacts the receipt of benefits. However, consequences designed to avoid a financial or other direct penalty are considered conciliation processes, not sanctions. For example, consequences such as discussing the problem with a case worker, developing a formal plan for addressing the problem and even "probationary periods" in which the requirement becomes more stringent are forms of conciliation and therefore are not included as a sanction.
The database only contains the worst case sanction for immunization and health screening non-compliance. For example, if there are two sanctions, a $25 reduction in benefits for the first offense and a 50% reduction for any further non-compliance, only the 50% reduction is coded. If, however, there is a sanction for immunization non-compliance and a sanction for health screening non-compliance, both sanction are coded in the worst case sanction variable.
Under AFDC, states could have immunization and health screening sanctions only under a waiver. TANF neither requires nor prohibits immunization and health screening sanctions.
Overlap Issues:
- The existence of Immunization and Health Screening requirements is also recorded in the Contracts & Agreements category.
Special Issues:
- For consistency, when a state indicates that a policy applies to children, dependent children or minor children, the variable capturing who the policy applies to should be coded "All children" and when the policy indicates children under 6, the variable should be coded "Preschool age children".
Variables and Notes:
Description | Notes |
(HealthReqAnyReq | im_rqany) |
Captures whether the state has an immunization and/or health screening requirement. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(HealthReqImmunizationsReq | im_imreq) |
Captures whether the state has an immunization requirement. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(HealthReqImmunizationsReqFor | im_imwho) |
Identifies who must receive immunizations. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(HealthReqHealthScreeningReq | im_hsreq) |
Captures whether the state requires annual health checkups. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(HealthReqHealthScreeningReqFor | im_hswho) |
Identifies who must receive annual health checkups. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(HealthReqOtherReq | im_rqoth) |
Captures whether other immunization or health screening policies are required. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(HealthReqOtherReqDescribe | im_othex) |
Describes any requirements other than immunizations and regular checkups. Notes Often, states require children to be enrolled in EPSDT. This is a Medicaid program which includes its own immunization and checkups requirements as well as other health activities such as hearing and vision screenings and screenings for age-appropriate development. Although participation in EPSDT may be required of recipients through the Medicaid program, it is only included in this category if it is specifically mentioned as a requirement for cash assistance. Under AFDC n.a. |
(HealthReqMostSevereSanc | im_wsanc) |
Describes the most severe penalty imposed on the unit for non-compliance with any other health and/or immunization requirements. Alternatives:
Notes The description should include what the sanction is and, if relevant, the duration of the sanction. For example: "Unit size for benefit computation excludes the child for twelve months." If there is a sanction for immunization non-compliance and a sanction for health screening non-compliance, they are both coded in the worst case sanction variable. Under AFDC n.a. |
(HealthReqOtherNotes | imz_req_Notes) |
Captures any additional information regarding immunization and health screening policies. |
In-kind Income
Starting in 1981, states had the option to count a portion of the value of housing assistance and/or food stamps as unearned income for purposes of determining AFDC eligibility and benefits. Under TANF, states have complete discretion in what they include in their definition of income. Only a few states used this option under AFDC, but recently the number of states using this policy has increased.
Overlap Issues:
- None
Special Issues:
- None
Variables and Notes:
Variable | Notes |
(InKindIncPubOrSubHousing | ik_house) |
Indicates whether a state counts some portion of housing assistance as unearned income in determining eligibility and benefits. Notes The corresponding notes variable captures how the state calculates what portion of the housing assistance is included as unearned income. Under AFDC Prior to 1981, no. Beginning in 1981, varied by state. |
(InKindIncSNAP | ik_fstmp) |
Indicates whether a state counts some portion of Food Stamps as unearned income in determining eligibility and benefits. Notes The corresponding notes variable captures how the state calculates what portion of the food stamp assistance is included as unearned income. Under AFDC Prior to 1981, no. Beginning in 1981, varied by state |
(InKindIncOtherNotes | ik_other) |
Captures any additional information regarding the inclusion of in-kind income when determining eligibility or benefits. |
Inclusion of Non-citizens in the Unit
The Inclusion of Non-Citizens in the Unit category contains information on when and which immigrants may receive welfare benefits.
Under AFDC, non-citizens classified as permanent residents and those residing in the U.S. under color of law (PRUCOL) were eligible for assistance. Illegal immigrants and nonimmigrants were not eligible for benefits.
However, PRWORA significantly restricted TANF benefits to legal immigrants who have not become U.S. citizens. With the exception of a few federally exempted groups, states were given the discretion to provide, deny, deem, or otherwise limit benefits to current immigrants. The use of TANF funds was, however, somewhat limited by the timing of the immigrants' arrival in the U.S..
Essentially, PRWORA created two distinct time periods within which only certain groups of immigrants are always eligible for TANF dollars. The table below describes the two time periods and which groups within those periods are eligible for benefits. It should be noted that illegal and nonimmigrants are never eligible for TANF funds, but states are allowed to provide state-funded benefits to these groups if they choose. The qualified immigrants that arrived in the country before 8/22/96, who are referred to as Pre-reform immigrants, are eligible for TANF dollars if the state decides to extend benefits to these groups. Qualified immigrants that arrive in the country on or after 8/22/96, or the Post-reform immigrants (also referred to as the new immigrants), are split into sub-groups, those that have been in the U.S. less than five years and those that have been in the U.S. for five years or more. TANF funds cannot be used for new immigrants during their first five years in the country; however, states have the option to fund these immigrants at the states' expense. After the five year ban on new immigrants has passed, the states again have the option to provide benefits to all or groups of qualified immigrants using TANF funds.
Pre-reform Immigrants (Arrive in the US before 8/22/96) | Post-reform Immigrants (Arrive in the US after 8/22/96) | ||||
| ||||
This category is broken into two periods, Pre-reform and Post-reform. The Pre-reform section captures the treatment of immigrants during the AFDC years and those immigrants that were in the country before August 22, 1996. The Post-reform section captures the treatment of immigrants that arrive after August 22, 1996. The Post-reform section is further divided into the treatment of new immigrants during their first five years in the country and new immigrants after their first five years in the country. Therefore, all records before August 1996 (or more likely 1/97, since legal immigrants were eligible through 1996) are only coded for the first section of variables and all variables in the Post-reform section are coded n.a.. However, all records after 8/96 (or 1/97) are coded for both sections.
The Inclusion of Non-citizens in the Unit category also includes a section on deeming for the legal children of illegal parents. There has been some indication from CPS data that illegal immigrants are receiving benefits for their children that are legal U.S. citizens. Although, this may be very unlikely in most states, it is possible that states have included policies on deeming for these special cases. The deeming policies may or may not be the same as those used for sponsors.
Overlap Issues:
- If a state calculates benefits or dollar amounts differently for immigrants than for citizens, the information is captured in this category, not in the Benefit Computation or Dollar Amount categories.
- Deeming of immigrant sponsors and illegal parents is captured in this category instead of the Deemed Income category.
- Although immigrant eligibility could be considered in the Eligibility of Individual Family Members or Eligibility by Number/Type of Parent categories, immigrants have their own category because of the complexity of the policies.
Special Issues:
- Only the variables that correspond to the Pre-reform section are coded for the AFDC years. The rest of the variables in the form are coded n.a.
Variables and Notes:
(NonCitizensUnauthElig | nc_ilegl) |
Captures whether illegal immigrants, or undocumented aliens who are remaining in the U.S. without INS permission, are eligible for benefits. Alternatives:
Notes It is highly unlikely a state will choose to provide assistance to this group. However, if a state does fund this group, include the state program name and details in the notes field. Under AFDC Never Eligible |
(NonCitizensAuthNonImmigrantElig | nc_nonim) |
Captures whether nonimmigrants, or aliens who have been admitted for a temporary stay in the U.S. in order to fulfill a specific purpose (i.e., tourists, students, business visitors), are eligible for benefits. Alternatives:
Notes It is also unlikely that a state will provide benefits to this group, but again if the state does fund this group, include the state program name and details in the notes field. Under AFDC Never Eligible |
| |
(NonCitizensPreRefSpecialTrtmnt | nc_ospec) |
Captures any pre-reform immigrant groups that the federal government exempts. These groups are treated essentially as citizens and are afforded the same benefits. Alternatives:
Any restrictions on these groups are discussed in the notes. Under AFDC n.a. |
| |
(NonCitizensPreRefLPRElig | nc_operm) |
Captures whether the non-exempt group of "regular immigrants" who enter the U.S. with a green card or are permitted permanent residence under the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) or Special Agricultural Worker provisions of the IRCA are eligible for benefits. Alternatives:
Notes Some Eligible refers to instances when the state only provides benefits to specific sub groups of immigrants, i.e. children or elderly individuals. Under AFDC All Eligible |
(NonCitizensPreRefAsylRefugElig | nc_orefg) |
Captures whether the non-exempt immigrant group with humanitarian status based on conditions abroad (i.e., may face persecution in their homeland) is eligible for benefits. Refugee status permits non-citizens to enter from abroad, and asylee status permits non-citizens already in the U.S. to remain. Alternatives:
Notes Some Eligible refers to instances when the state only provides benefits to specific sub groups of immigrants, i.e. children or elderly individuals. Under PRWORA, this group is exempt from federal restrictions for the first five years they are in the country. This variable, however, is discussing the treatment of asylees and refugees that have been in the country longer than five years (non-exempt). Under AFDC All Eligible |
(NonCitizensPreRefDeportElig | nc_odprt) |
Captures whether non-exempt non-citizens granted a stay of deportation or who have had their deportation withheld are eligible for benefits. Alternatives:
Notes Some Eligible refers to instances when the state only provides benefits to specific sub groups of immigrants, i.e. children or elderly individuals. Under PRWORA, this group is exempt from federal restrictions for the first five years they are in the country. This variable, however, is discussing the treatment of individual who have had deportation withheld that have been in the country longer than five years (non-exempt). Under AFDC All Eligible |
(NonCitizensPreRefParoleesElig | nc_oprle) |
Captures whether non-exempt persons or immigrant groups that are permitted entry into the U.S. in cases of emergency or because of an overriding public interest are eligible for benefits. These entrants are granted temporary residence and are not likely to become residents. Alternatives:
Notes Some Eligible refers to instances when the state only provides benefits to specific sub groups of immigrants, i.e. children or elderly individuals. Under AFDC All Eligible |
(NonCitizensPreRefBatteredElig | nc_obatt) |
Captures whether non-exempt non-citizens who have been battered or parents of battered children are eligible for benefits. Alternatives:
Notes Some Eligible refers to instances when the state only provides benefits to specific sub groups of immigrants, i.e. children or elderly individuals. Not Eligible Unless Otherwise Qualified refers to instances in which the state does not exempt battered immigrants specifically. States have the option to exempt all battered immigrants, whether they would be otherwise qualified or not. Under AFDC n.a. |
| |
(NonCitizensPreRefBenComp | nc_obncl) |
Captures whether there is any difference between the calculation of eligible, pre-reform immigrants' benefits and citizens' benefits. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(NonCitizensPreRefBenCompDescribe | nc_obcex) |
Describes any differences in benefit calculations between eligible, pre-reform immigrants and citizens. Notes This variable includes the use of different standards or reduced benefits. This variable is only coded if (nc_obncl) is checked. Under AFDC n.a. |
(NonCitizensPreRefSponsorIncDeem | nc_odeem) |
Captures whether a sponsor's income is deemed to or counted toward an eligible, pre-reform immigrant's income for benefit eligibility and calculation purposes. Alternatives:
Notes Under sponsor deeming, the income and resources of an individual (or "sponsor") are added to those of an immigrant when he/she applies for needs-based assistance in order to determine if the immigrant is eligible for assistance. When the immigrant enters the country, they must have a sponsor that takes responsibility for them if they should happen to need financial help. If the immigrant should apply for assistance, a portion of the sponsor's income is used in the benefit calculation, because it is assumed that the sponsor will take care of the immigrant. Under AFDC Income was deemed from sponsors. |
(NonCitizensPreRefSponsorIncDeemLength | nc_odmtm) |
Describes how long income of a sponsor is deemed available to an immigrant. Alternatives:
Notes This variable is only coded if (nc_odeem) is checked. Under AFDC 3 Years |
(NonCitizensPreRefSponsorIncDeemDescribe | nc_odmds) |
Describes how much of a sponsor's income is deemed to an immigrant. Under AFDC All of the sponsor's income minus the first $90 of earnings and 100% of the state's need standard for the sponsor and dependents was deemed to the immigrant. (The rules were the same as those for stepparents under AFDC) |
(NonCitizensPreRefOtherNotes | nc_oothr) |
Includes any additional notes on the eligibility of pre-reform immigrants. |
| |
| |
(NonCitizensPostRefSpecialTrtmnt5Yrs | nc_5fedl) |
Captures any post-reform, immigrant groups that the federal government exempts during their first five years in the country. These groups are treated essentially as citizens and are afforded the same benefits. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(NonCitizensPostRefAnyAddQualElig5Yrs | nc_5ste$) |
Captures whether the state chooses to fund any groups of non-exempt qualified, new immigrants during their first five years in the country. Alternatives:
Notes States have the option to provide benefits using state funds during the immigrants first five years in the country. They can limit the groups in anyway that they choose. Several states have decided to provide benefits with state funds. Under AFDC n.a. |
(NonCitizensPostRefEligDescribe5Yrs | nc_5who$) |
Captures which groups of non-exempt new immigrants the state chooses to fund during their first five years in the country. Under AFDC n.a. |
| |
(NonCitizensPostRefBenComp5Yrs | nc_5bncl) |
Captures whether there is any difference between the calculation of new, eligible immigrants' benefits and citizens' benefits, during the immigrants' first five years in the U.S.. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(NonCitizensPostRefBenCompDescribe5Yrs | nc_5bcex) |
Describes any differences in benefit calculation between eligible, new immigrants during the first five years in the U.S. and citizens. This variable includes the use of different standards or reduced benefits. Notes This variable is only coded if (nc_5bncl) is checked. Under AFDC n.a. |
(NonCitizensPostRefSponsorIncDeem5Yrs | nc_5deem) |
Captures whether a sponsor's income is deemed to or counted toward an eligible, new immigrant's income for benefit eligibility and calculation purposes, during the first five years in the U.S.. Alternatives:
Notes Under sponsor deeming, the income and resources of an individual (or "sponsor") are added to those of an immigrant when he/she applies for needs-based assistance in order to determine if the immigrant is eligible for assistance. When the immigrant enters the country, they must have a sponsor that takes responsibility for them if they should happen to need financial help. If the immigrant should apply for assistance, a portion of the sponsor's income is used in the benefit calculation, because it is assumed that the sponsor will take care of the immigrant. Under AFDC n.a. |
(NonCitizensPostRefSponsorIncDeemLength5Yrs | nc_5dmtm) |
Describes how long the deemed income of a sponsor is counted toward the income of an eligible, new immigrant during their first five years in the country. Alternatives:
Notes This variable is coded only if (nc_5deem) is checked. Under AFDC n.a. |
(NonCitizensPostRefSponsorIncDeemDescribe5Yrs | nc_5dmds) |
Describes how much of a sponsor's income is deemed to an eligible, new immigrant during their first five years in the country. Under AFDC n.a. |
(NonCitizensPostRefOtherNotes5Yrs | nc_nothr) |
Includes any additional notes on the eligibility of post-reform immigrants during their first five years in the country. |
| |
| |
(NonCitizensPostRefLPRElig | nc_nperm) |
Captures whether the non-exempt group of new immigrants who enter the U.S. with a green card or are permitted permanent residence under the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) or Special Agricultural Worker provisions of the IRCA are eligible for benefits after their first five years in the country . Alternatives:
These options are the same for the following four variables. Under AFDC n.a. |
(NonCitizensPostRefAsylRefugElig | nc_nrefg) |
Captures whether the non-exempt group of new immigrants with humanitarian status based on conditions abroad (i.e., may face persecution in their homeland) is eligible for benefits after their first five years in the country. Refugee status permits non-citizens to enter from abroad, and asylee status permits non-citizens already in the U.S. to remain. Alternatives:
Notes Under PRWORA, this group is exempted from federal restrictions for the first five years they are in the country. This variable, however, is discussing the treatment of asylees and refugees that have been in the country longer than five years (non-exempt). Under AFDC n.a. |
(NonCitizensPostRefDeportElig | nc_ndprt) |
Captures whether non-exempt new non-citizens granted a stay of deportation or who have had their deportation withheld are eligible for benefits after their first five years in the country. Alternatives:
Notes Under PRWORA, this group is exempted from federal restrictions for the first five years they are in the country. This variable, however, is discussing the treatment of individuals who have had deportation withheld and have been in the country longer than five years (non-exempt). Under AFDC n.a. |
(NonCitizensPostRefParoleesElig | nc_nprle) |
Captures whether non-exempt new immigrants that are permitted entry into the US in cases of emergency or because of an overriding public interest are eligible for benefits after their first five years in the country. These entrants are granted temporary residence and are not likely to become residents. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(NonCitizensPostRefBatteredElig | nc_nbatt) |
Captures whether non-exempt new non-citizens who have been battered or parents of battered children are eligible for benefits after their first five years in the country. Alternatives:
Not Eligible Unless Otherwise Qualified refers to instances in which the state does not exempt battered immigrants specifically. States have the option to exempt all battered immigrants, whether they would be otherwise qualified or not. Under AFDC n.a. |
(NonCitizensDifferencesTrtmnt | nc_treat) |
Describes any differences between the treatment of eligible, post-reform immigrants and eligible, pre-reform immigrants. This variable includes information regarding benefit calculation or deeming differences. Under AFDC n.a. |
(NonCitizensPostRefSpecialReqElig | nc_reqre) |
Captures any special requirements states may place on new immigrants after their first five years in the country in order for them to be eligible. Notes Some states have indicated that they will require new immigrants to reside in the state for at least one year before they are eligible to apply for benefits. This variable includes a full description of any and all special rules that apply to new immigrants. Under AFDC n.a. |
Includes any additional notes on the eligibility of post-reform immigrants after their first five years in the country. |
| |
Is the income of an illegal immigrant parent deemed to their legal immigrant child to determine benefit eligibility? (NonCitizensUnauthIncDeemChild | nc_illdm) | Description Captures whether the income of an illegal immigrant parent is deemed to their legal immigrant child when determining benefit eligibility. Alternatives:
Notes Instances in which an illegal immigrant has a legal immigrant child, either because the child was born in the U.S. or the child was given citizenship for some other reason. If the child applies for benefits, the parents are still responsible for the child's support and all or a portion of their earnings may be deemed to the child. Although it seems a bit strange that an illegal alien would admit they are illegal for purposes of deeming, it does happen and states may have policies for this situation. Under AFDC n.a. |
Initial Allocation: Illegal immigrant parent: Allocation of earned income (NonCitizensUnauthAlloc1 | nc_ilal1) | Description Describes the initial allocation of an illegal immigrant parent's income (An allocation is the portion of the parent's income they are allowed to keep/the portion of the income not deemed). Alternatives:
Second Allocation: Illegal immigrant parent: Allocation equal to W% of X dollar amount for Y people up to maximum Z (NonCitizensUnauthAlloc2Percent | nc_ila2w) (NonCitizensUnauthAlloc2Amount | nc_ila2x) (NonCitizensUnauthAlloc2For | nc_ila2y) (NonCitizensUnauthAlloc2MaxIncDeem | nc_ila2z) | W Description Captures the percent value of W in the next allocation (amount of illegal immigrant parent's income they can keep): The allocation equals W% of X dollar amount for Y people up to maximum Z. Alternatives:
X Description Captures the value of X in the next allocation (amount of illegal immigrant parent's income they can keep): The allocation equals W% of X dollar amount for Y people up to maximum Z. Alternatives:
Y Description Captures the value of Y in the next allocation (amount of illegal immigrant parent's income they can keep): The allocation equals W% of X dollar amount for Y people up to maximum Z. Alternatives:
Z Description Captures the value of Z in the next allocation (amount of illegal immigrant parent's income they can keep): The allocation equals W% of X dollar amount for Y people up to maximum Z. Alternatives:
Under AFDC: n.a. |
Describes any additional allocations of an illegal immigrant parent's income (amount of illegal immigrant parent's income they can keep). |
(NonCitizensOtherNotes | nc_iloth) |
Captures any additional information regarding the inclusion of non-citizens in the unit. |
Income and Assets of Children
This category indicates whether the income, earned and unearned, of children in an assistance unit is excluded when determining the unit's eligibility or benefit. "Children" refers to individuals with child status under each state's AFDC/TANF definitions. In states where children's income receives special treatment, details are provided concerning the specific type of children involved and the length of time their income is excluded.
Overlap Issues:
- Deductions from earned income of adults are captured in the Earned Income Disregards category. The rules captured in Earned Income Disregards also apply to the earned income of children if their income receives no special treatment.
- A complete exclusion of children's earnings could be considered a 100% disregard and could be coded in the earnings disregard category; however, the complete exclusion of children's earnings is captured in this category.
- Treatment of child support income is covered in the Child Support category.
- Deeming of income from persons outside the assistance unit is covered in the Deemed Income category.
Special Issues:
- The variable Unit Type is coded for "All" and only refers to children in an assistance unit.
Variables and Notes:
(IncAssetsChildSpecialTrtmnt | ic_sptmt) |
Indicates which type of children, if any, receive special treatment with regard to their earned income. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Earned income of full time students could be disregarded for up to 6 months when determining unit's eligibility. If the unit was deemed eligible, a state could disregard earned income from full-time students and part-time students (not working full time) for up to 6 months when determining benefit level. |
(IncAssetsIncExcluElig| ic_elmon) |
Indicates the number of months per year earnings of the children described in ic_sptmt are excluded when determining eligibility. Alternatives:
Under AFDC 6, for a majority of the states. |
(IncAssetsIncExcluBen | ic_bnmon) |
Indicates the number of months per year earnings of the children described in ic_sptmt are excluded when determining an assistance unit's benefit. Alternatives:
Under AFDC 6, for a majority of the states. |
(IncAssetsSummerIncTrtmnt | ic_summr) |
Captures whether a child's summer earnings are disregarded. Under AFDC n.a. |
(IncAssetsChildSavingsTrtmnt | ic_trsav) |
Captures how a child's savings are treated when determining an assistance unit's eligibility and benefit. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Treated the same as savings of adults. |
(IncAssetsChildOtherNotes | ic_other) |
Captures any additional notes regarding the income and assets of children. |
Income Eligibility Tests
Income eligibility tests began under AFDC and most states continue to use them in their TANF programs. Under AFDC, recipients and applicants were subject to different sets of tests. Applicant assistance units had to pass two income tests in order to be eligible. First, a unit's gross earned and unearned income (before applying any earnings disregards) had to be less than 185 percent of the state's need standard. The need standard was based on each state's definition of the cost of meeting basic living needs for a family of a given size. Second, a unit's net income (earned after applying the earned income disregards plus unearned income) had to be less than the payment standard. After passing both of these tests, a unit was considered financially eligible, provided the value of their assets was below a designated level. Units who received benefits in the previous month only had to pass the gross income test. The net income test was implicit in the calculation of benefits. (See information under Special Issues)
Under waivers, a few states made changes to income eligibility tests, such as removing the gross income test or setting income eligibility limits as a percentage of the federal poverty level. Changes to income eligibility limits were also made implicitly when states changed need or payment standards or modified earnings disregards under waivers.
PRWORA did not specify the income eligibility tests that states had to use under TANF, giving states the flexibility to maintain the AFDC eligibility rules or create new ones.
Overlap Issues:
- The disregards used to determine net earned income are outlined in the Earned Income Disregard category.
- Earned and unearned income counted in determining gross and net income is outlined in the following categories: Countable Income, Income and Assets of Children, Deemed Income, In kind Income, Child Support and Family Caps.
- Definitions of State Dollar Amounts #1-3 are contained in the Dollar Amounts category.
- Dollar amounts for specific family sizes are described in the Dollar Amounts category.
Special Issues:
- The distinction between calculating whether or not a family qualifies for a positive benefit and a net income test is not clear in many states. As a result, the database is coded under a strict definition of whether tests designated by the state are actually coded as tests. A rule referred to as a "test" by a state is only coded as a test if the disregards and/or the dollar amounts used in that test differ from those used in calculating benefits. For example, under AFDC, some state manuals stated that recipients must also pass a net income test in order to receive benefits. Net earned income was calculated by subtracting the $90 work expense disregard, the $30 and 1/3 disregard (provided the time limit on these disregards had not expired for the unit) and, the appropriate child care deductions from the unit's gross earned income. Net income was then calculated by adding the unit's net earned income to their unearned income. If this net income was less than the payment standard for the appropriate family size, the unit was considered eligible. In calculating the benefit for a recipient family, the same disregards were applied to gross earned income and then the same total net income was subtracted from the payment standard. In this case, the disregards and dollar amounts used in the net income test and the benefit calculation were the same. Consequently, the net income test described by the state was not coded in the database. In this case, the benefit computation is an implicit eligibility test, even though the state calls it a net income test.
- Under AFDC and under many state TANF plans, states have different tests for applicants and recipients. Therefore, two records are coded for most states.
Variables and Notes:
Variable | Notes |
(IncEligTestsGrossIncTest | et_gsinc) |
Indicates whether the state has any test that compares gross income (unearned income plus earned income without disregards) to an income threshold. Under AFDC Applicants - Yes Recipients - Yes |
(IncEligTestsGrossIncTestPercent | et_gits%) |
Describes the percent by which the threshold is multiplied for the gross income test. Under AFDC 185 |
(IncEligTestsGrossIncTestThrshld | et_githr) |
Indicates the threshold against which gross income is compared. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Dollar amount #1 (identified as the need standard in the Dollar Amounts category). |
(IncEligTestsGrossEarningsTest | et_gsern) |
Indicates whether the state has any test that compares gross earnings (earned income without disregards) to an income threshold. Under AFDC No |
(IncEligTestsGrossEarningsTestPercent | et_gets%) |
Describes the percent by which the threshold is multiplied for the gross earnings test. Under AFDC n.a. |
(IncEligTestsGrossEarningsTestThrshld | et_gethr) |
Indicates the threshold against which gross earnings is compared. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(IncEligTestsNetIncTest | et_ntinc) |
Indicates whether the state has any test that compares net income (unearned income plus earned income with disregards) to an income threshold. Under AFDC Applicants - Yes Recipients - No |
(IncEligTestsNetIncTestPercent | et_nits%) |
Describes the percent by which the threshold is multiplied for the net income test. Under AFDC Applicants - 100 Recipients - n.a. |
(IncEligTestsNetIncTestThrshld | et_nithr) |
Indicates the threshold against which net income is compared. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Applicants - State dollar amount #1 Recipients - n.a. |
(IncEligTestsNetEarningsTest | et_ntern) |
Indicates whether the state has any test that compares net earnings (earned income with disregards) to an income threshold. Under AFDC No |
(IncEligTestsNetEarningsTestPercent | et_nets%) |
Describes the percent by which the threshold is multiplied for the net earnings test. Under AFDC n.a. |
(IncEligTestsNetEarningsTestThrshld | et_nethr) |
Indicates the threshold against which net earnings are compared. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(IncEligTestsUnearnedIncTest | et_unern) |
Indicates whether the state has any test that compares unearned income to an income threshold. Under AFDC No |
(IncEligTestsUnearnedIncTestPercent | et_uets%) |
Describes the percent by which the threshold is multiplied for the unearned income test. Under AFDC n.a. |
(IncEligTestsUnearnedIncTestThrshld | et_uethr) |
Indicates the threshold against which unearned income is compared. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(IncEligTestsOtherNotes | et_other) |
Captures any additional information regarding income eligibility tests. |
Minor Parent Activities Requirements and Bonuses
This category is designed to capture activities requirements and school bonuses that apply only to minor parents, as defined by each state. While some states capture activities required of minor parents in their activities/work programs (information coded in the Activities Exemptions, Activities Requirements and Activities Sanctions categories), other states consider minor parent requirements a separate issue/policy. This category was created to insure that the database captures the requirements specific to minor parents, regardless of their exemption status in the Activities categories. However, these requirements may also be captured in the Activities Requirements category if the state considers these requirements part of their overall work/activity program.
This category divides minor parents into two groups: those without a high school diploma or GED and those with a high school diploma or a GED. The section pertaining to minor parents without a diploma or GED contains variables designed to capture the school requirements and/or work requirements that apply to these minor parents. This section also contains variables that indicate the circumstances under which minor parents are excused from meeting these requirements and the consequences for not meeting the requirements.
The second section provides information regarding the requirements of minor parents with a diploma or a GED. The first variable in this section describes the activity requirements for minor parents who have a high school diploma or GED. The remaining variables outline the consequences of not meeting the requirements and which minor parents are exempted from the requirements.
In addition to these two section, the final section in this category outlines the details of any school bonuses that apply to minor parents. In some states, the monthly benefit for minor parents is increased if these parents meet specific school achievements. This category outlines the requirements necessary to receive a bonus, to whom the bonuses are available, as well as the value of the bonuses.
Overlap issues:
• This category may contain replicated information from the Activities Exemptions, Activities Requirements and Activities Sanctions categories because those category outline each state's work/activity program exactly as it is described in their manual. This category extracts the information relevant to minor parents from that program as well as any other additional program rules that apply to minor parents, 17 years old or younger
• School Policies for Dependent Children contains information regarding school requirements and bonuses for dependent children in the unit. While some states treat minor parents as dependent children in a larger unit, the database only contains information regarding dependent children without children of their own in the School Policies for Dependent Children category. Information regarding school requirements and bonuses for all minor parents (including minor parents that some states consider dependent children) are coded in this category.
Special Issues:
Variables and Notes:
Variable | Notes |
| |
(MinorParActvReqNoDiplOrGEDReq | ma_noged) |
Describes the type of activities required of minor parents who do not have a high school diploma or GED. Alternatives:
Notes Alternatives using "Must" indicate that if the minor parents does not meet that requirement he/she is sanctioned. Alternatives using "May" indicate that other options exist; therefore, a minor parent that does not participate in school may do something else in order to avoid a sanction. If some minor parents without a diploma or GED must be in school, while others may be in school, code this variable as "Must be in school under certain circumstance". Describes the circumstances in the "Explain activities requirement" variable. School indicates junior high or senior high, not vocational school. If a state considers vocational school as a part of high school, alter the alternatives to include high school/vocational school. Under AFDC Under JOBS, states had one of two policies:
(MinorParActvReqNoDiplOrGEDReqDescribe | ma_ngdsc) |
Explains any relevant details associated with the activities requirements for minor parents who do not have a high school diploma or GED. Notes Explanation should include:
If the variable "Activities requirements for minor parents who have not finished high school or received a GED" is coded "May be school," the following information should be coded: If minor chooses not to attend school, he/she must meet the same requirements as non-exempt,...
If the variable "Activities requirements for minor parents who have not finished high school or received a GED" is coded "Must participate in non-school activities", the following information should be coded: Minor parent must meet same requirements as,
Under AFDC Under JOBS:
(MinorParActvReqNoDiplOrGEDReqExempt | ma_ngexp) |
Describes the circumstances under which minor parents (who do not have a high school diploma or GED) do not have to meet the requirements described in "Explain activities requirements." Notes Code "No Exemptions" if there are no exceptions Under AFDC Under JOBS: Minor parents with children under the age of 3 are excused if child care is not guaranteed by the state. States had the option of excusing minor parents from the school requirement if they were beyond the age of the compulsory school attendance requirement. |
(MinorParActvReqNoDiplOrGEDReqSanc | ma_ngsnc) |
Describes the consequences/sanctions for minor parents (who do not have a high school diploma or GED) who do not participate in the required activities. Alternatives: If a minor parent record is coded for Activities Sanctions, use the following option:
If only one record is coded for Activities Sanctions, use the following option:
If more than one record is coded in Activities Sanctions and none of the records are specifically for minor parents, use one of the following options:
If none of the sanctions described in the Activities Sanctions, apply to minor parents, describe the sanctions. Under AFDC Under JOBS: Same as non-exempt adults |
| |
(MinorParActvReqDiplomaOrGEDReq | ma_hvged) |
Indicates how a minor parent with a high school diploma or GED is treated. Alternatives: If a minor parent record is coded for Activities Requirements, use the following option:
If only one record is coded for Activities Requirements, use the following option:
If more than one record is coded in Activities Requirements and none of the records are specifically for minor parents, use one of the following options:
If requirements of minor parents are not captured in the state's work program, and therefore they are not captured in the Activities categories, use the following option:
Under AFDC Under JOBS: Same as non-exempt adults, if older than the age of exemption indicated in the Activities Exemption category. |
(MinorParActvReqDiplomaOrGEDDescribe | ma_hgdif) |
Explains activity requirements specific to minor parents with a high school diploma or GED, if different from all individuals described in Activities Requirements Notes: This variable should be coded n.a., unless minor parents are treated differently than all individuals described in Activities Requirements. Under AFDC n.a. |
(MinorParActvReqDiplomaOrGEDExempt | ma_hgexp) |
Describes the circumstances under which minor parents (who have a high school diploma or GED) are not required to meet the requirements described in "Explain activities requirements." Notes: This variable should be coded n.a. unless minor parents are treated differently than all individuals described in Activities Requirements. Under AFDC n.a. |
(MinorParActvReqDiplomaOrGEDSanct | ma_hgsnc) |
Describe the consequences/sanctions for minor parents (who have a high school diploma or GED) who do not participate in the required activities. Notes: This variable should be coded n.a. unless minor parents are treated differently than all individuals described in Activities Requirements. Under AFDC n.a. |
| |
(MinorParActvReqSchoolBonus | ma_bonus) |
Indicates whether the state offers school bonuses to minor parents Under AFDC No |
(MinorParActvReqSchoolBonusDescribe | ma_sbwhy) |
Describes the reasons why a minor parent may receive a school bonus Notes If a state has more than one bonus, enter this information for all bonuses in this field. Distinguish between bonuses by coding "Bonus 1:" before information referring to the first bonus and "Bonus 2:" before information referring to the second bonus, etc. Under AFDC n.a. |
(MinorParActvReqSchoolBonusElig | ma_sbwho) |
Describes which minor parents are potentially eligible for school bonuses Notes If a state has more than one bonus, enter this information for all bonuses in this field. Distinguish between bonuses by coding "Bonus 1:" before information referring to the first bonus and "Bonus 2:" before information referring to the second bonus, etc. Under AFDC n.a. |
(MinorParActvReqSchoolBonusAmntFreq | ma_sbamt) |
Describes the amount of the minor parent's school bonus and any information regarding how often the unit may receive a school bonus Notes If a state has more than one bonus, enter this information for all bonuses in this field. Distinguish between bonuses by coding "Bonus 1:" before information referring to the first bonus and "Bonus 2:" before information referring to the second bonus, etc. Under AFDC n.a. |
(MinorParActvReqSchoolBonusNotes | ma_sboth) |
Captures any additional information on the state's school bonuses for minor parents. Notes If a state has more than one bonus, enter this information for all bonuses in this field. Distinguish between bonuses by coding "Bonus 1:" before information referring to the first bonus and "Bonus 2:" before information referring to the second bonus, etc. Under AFDC n.a. |
(MinorParActvReqOtherNotes | ma_other) |
Captures any additional information regarding activities requirements and bonuses for minor parents. |
School Policies for Dependent Children
The School Policies for Dependent Children category includes information on school-related requirements, school-related sanctions and school-related bonuses. All variables in the category apply only to dependent children in the assistance unit.
School Requirements:
Under states' general laws, all school-age children are required to attend school. For our purposes, however, a policy is considered a school requirement only if the state's manual explicitly mentions it as a requirement for cash assistance. These policies may require children to attend school, to achieve at least a minimal grade point average and/or parents to be involved in their children's education in some way.
School Sanctions:
A school sanction results when an assistance unit fails to meet one or more of the states' school requirements.
The consequence of failing to meet a requirement is coded as a sanction only if it results in a direct penalty. Most often, this penalty is financial. Requiring the distribution of benefits through a protective payee is also considered a sanction because it directly impacts the receipt of benefits. However, consequences designed to avoid a financial or other direct penalty are considered conciliation processes, not sanctions. For example, consequences such as discussing the problem with a case worker, developing a formal plan for addressing the problem and even "probationary periods" in which the requirement becomes more stringent are forms of conciliation and therefore are not included as a sanction.
The maximum and minimum sanction amount and duration are coded for each school requirement.
School Bonuses:
These variables capture financial incentives for assistance units whose children meet specific attendance or achievement standards. So, whereas school sanctions penalize assistance units that do not meet school requirements, school bonuses reward units that do meet certain standards.
Some states may have more than one bonus. The form only contains one set of variables for any and all school bonuses. So, if states do have more than one bonus, they are all coded in the same field. For example, "Bonus 1: $25; Bonus 2: $50; Bonus 3: $100, etc".
Under AFDC, states could only impose school policies using waivers. TANF neither requires nor prohibits school policies.
Overlap Issues:
- This category includes information on school policies for dependent children only. It does not cover school requirements, sanctions or bonuses for minor parents. Those policies are included in the Minor Parent Activities Requirements and Bonuses category.
- It is possible that school bonuses could overlap with the Benefit Computation category. In Virginia there is a small school attendance demonstration project in three middle schools. The families of children participating in the program have their benefits calculated at 100% of the state standard of need instead of the usual 90% of need, provided they meet school attendance, achievement, and involvement goals. Instead of creating new records for Virginia in the Benefit Computation category, the increased benefit level is treated as a school bonus.
- Some states allow individuals ages 18 and 19 who have not completed school, to remain eligible if they stay in school and are scheduled to complete their degree by the age of 19. Although, this may seem like a school requirement specifically for 18 and 19 year olds, it is really an eligibility issue. Consequently, it is captured in the Eligibility of Individual Family Members category.
Special Issues:
- A record should be coded for every state/year even if they do not have any School Policies.
- The "unit type" should be coded "all", even though the policies generally apply only to the children in the unit.
Variables and Notes:
Description | Notes |
(SchoolReqAnyReq | sp_ screq) |
Captures whether the state has any school requirements. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(SchoolReqAttendReq | sp_attnd) |
Captures whether school attendance is required. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(SchoolReqAttendReqDescribe | sp_atdef) |
Explains what the state means by school attendance. Notes School attendance requirements sometimes include specific rules about how many unexcused absences are required (e.g. "not more than 4 unexcused absences in a nine-week period") and other times the description is vague (e.g. regular school attendance). Under AFDC n.a. |
(SchoolReqAttendReqFor | sp_atwho) |
Captures which children are required to attend school. Notes Some states require attendance of all school-age children. Others specify ages, grade levels, graduation, or some combination (over 16 and not yet graduated from high school). Again, only requirements applying to dependent children are coded in this category. Minor parents are captured elsewhere. Under AFDC n.a. |
(SchoolReqAttendSanc | sp_atsnc) |
Captures the minimum and maximum sanction that could be applied to a unit's benefit if they do not comply with the school attendance requirement in the state. The variable also includes the length of time each sanction is imposed. Alternatives:
Notes Duration responses often include "until compliance" or "permanently", but there may be more specific time frames established by the state. Under AFDC n.a. |
(SchoolReqParInvolvedReq | sp_prent) |
Captures whether parents are required to be involved in their children's education in any way other than encouraging school attendance. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(SchoolReqParInvolvedReqDescribe | sp_ptdef) |
Explains any school-related parental involvement required other than encouraging school attendance. Notes Most often, the parental involvement required is that parents attend school conferences. Other states may require parents to meet goals determined for each family by team of school personnel. Under AFDC n.a. |
(SchoolReqParInvolvedReqSanc | sp_ptsnc) |
Captures the minimum and maximum sanction that could be applied to an assistance unit's benefit if they do not comply with the parental involvement requirement in the state. The variable also discusses the length of time each sanction is imposed on the unit. Alternatives:
Notes Responses often include "until compliance" or "permanently", but there may be more specific time frames established by the state. Under AFDC n.a. |
(SchoolReqSchoolAchievementReq | sp_achve) |
Captures whether students are required to achieve at least minimum school standards. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(SchoolReqSchoolAchievementReqDescribe | sp_acdef) |
Describes any school achievement requirements. Notes As of 1996, only one state had a school achievement requirement. These were non-specific: "Goals determined for each family by a team of school personnel". However, more specific requirements may arise. This variable would capture such requirements as minimum grade averages and possibly even high school graduation. Under AFDC n.a. |
(SchoolReqSchoolAchievementReqFor | sp_acwho) |
Captures the age or grade range of children who must meet school achievement requirements. Under AFDC n.a. |
(SchoolReqSchoolAchievementSanc | sp_acsnc) |
Captures the minimum and maximum sanction that could be applied to a unit's benefit if they do not comply with the school achievement requirement in the state. The variable also includes the length of time each sanction is imposed on the unit. Alternatives:
Notes Responses often include "until compliance" or "permanently", but there may be more specific time frames established by the state. Under AFDC n.a. |
(SchoolReqCumulativeSancDescribe | sp_snctn) |
Captures the interaction between sanctions and/or whether the sanctions are imposed simultaneously or consecutively (if the unit is not complying with more than one requirement) . Under AFDC n.a. |
(SchoolReqSchoolBonus | sp_bonus) |
Identifies whether any school bonuses are offered for compliance with school requirements. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(SchoolReqSchoolBonusDescribe| sp_bndef) |
Describes what a recipient must do to receive the school bonus (e.g. "graduation from high school"; "C average or better"). Notes Some states may have more than one bonus. Since the form only contains one set of variables for any and all school bonuses, all bonuses are all coded in the same field. For example, "Bonus 1: C average or better; Bonus 2: graduation from high school, etc". Under AFDC n.a. |
(SchoolReqSchoolBonusFor | sp_bnwho) |
Identifies who is categorically eligible to receive the bonus (e.g. "All children under 16"). Notes Some states may have more than one bonus. Since the form only contains one set of variables for any and all school bonuses, all bonuses are all coded in the same field. For example, "Bonus 1: All children under 16; Bonus 2: All children under 6, etc". Under AFDC n.a. |
(SchoolReqSchoolBonusAmntFreq | sp_bnamt) |
Describes the dollar or other value of the school bonus (e.g. "$100"; "AFDC benefits calculated at 100% of the State's standard of need.") and the amount of time the bonus is allowed (some options are "One time bonus" or "monthly benefit increase"). Notes Some states may have more than one bonus. Since the form only contains one set of variables for any and all school bonuses, all bonuses are all coded in the same field. For example, "Bonus 1: $25 for 2 months; Bonus 2: $150 one time, etc". Under AFDC n.a. |
Additional Notes: (SchoolReqOtherNotes | sp_bnoth) | Description Captures any additional information regarding school policies. |
Time Limits
The Time Limits category describes the various limits that either terminate or reduce an assistance unit's benefits due to the amount of time they have received aid. Note that time limits which require a unit head to do something in order to continue receiving assistance, such as work activity time limits are not captured in this category. Only time limits that affect the unit's benefit are discussed in this category.
There was no limit on the number of months an assistance unit could receive benefits under AFDC; however, some states were granted waivers that introduced time limits to all or portions of the state. Time limits can either terminate or reduce a unit's benefits after a set period of time. Most states did exempt certain groups of people from time limits or granted an extension to certain groups after the time limit was reached.
The federal government restricts TANF assistance to 60 months. This means, unless an assistance unit is exempted, they may only receive 60 months of benefits in their lifetime. States have the option to exempt up to 20% of the caseload from the 60 month rule, in any way that they choose. However, if the state wants to provide benefits to more than 20% of the caseload for more than five years, the recipients must be funded using state money.
State Options:
States may not use TANF funds to provide benefits to unit's after the head has been receiving for more than 60 months; however, states do have several options. States'
- may limit benefits to less than 60 months.
- may use state funds to provide benefits to units after the 60 month limit has expired.
- that had a waiver before the reform are allowed to continue the waiver if they are less restrictive than the federal regulations.
- may employ any type or combination of time limits they choose.
Description of Time Limit Types:
States have developed several different types of time limits that either reduce benefits, limit the number of consecutive months a unit can receive benefits or terminate benefits. Often states use a combinations of time limits. The following describes the types of time limits captured in this category.
Lifetime Limit
Limits the number of months an assistance unit is able to receive benefits over the unit's lifetime. In other words, there is a finite number of months in which an assistance unit is eligible for benefits. The federal lifetime limit is 60 months, however, states have the option to extend or shorten this limit. The months of assistance do not need to be accumulated consecutively.
Periodic Limit
Limits the number of months an assistance unit may receive benefits within a given period of time. Basically, the unit is eligible for a specified number of benefit months within another specified period of time. For example, if the periodic limit is 12 out of 24 months, the assistance unit may only receive 12 months of benefits in any 24 month period. This time limit does not require the unit to use the 12 months consecutively. A unit may, for example, receive benefits for 2 months, leave assistance for 4 months and receive another 10 months of benefits. To determine if an assistance unit is eligible in a given month, the state calculates the number of months, during the previous 24, the unit received benefits. If the number of months in which benefits were received equals 12, the unit is not eligible. If the number of months is less than 12, the unit is eligible for another month of benefits. So, the 24 months is not static from the point the unit first received benefits, but can be any 24 month period.
Benefit Waiting Period
Under this type of limit, an assistance unit is ineligible for benefits for a specified number of months after they have received benefits for another specified number of months. For example, a unit is ineligible for benefits for 12 months after they have received benefits for 24 months. It does not matter how long it takes the unit to accumulate the initial 24 months, the unit is ineligible for 12 months after 24 months of receipt.
Benefit Reduction Limit
This type of limit does not terminate benefits, but it reduces an assistance unit's benefit after a specified number of months of receipt. The benefit reduction is usually permanent and does not stem from a sanction or noncooperation. Even if the unit fulfills every requirement, the unit's benefit will be reduced. Often the reduction is equivalent to the unit head's portion of the benefit. Sometimes, the reduced amount is returned to the family in the form of a voucher payment or given to a third-party as payment.
Note: If a periodic or benefit waiting period time limit does not result in the termination of benefits for the entire unit, but rather the unit head is removed (or the benefit is reduced), the limit is coded in the section devoted to the periodic or benefit waiting period and information about the benefit reduction is provided in the notes variable for that time limit.
Extensions and exemptions:
As mentioned above, the federal government allows states to exempt up to 20% of their caseload from the 60 month time limit. The state has full discretion in choosing which groups, if any, they exempt. Exemptions and extensions are two ways to exclude individuals from the 60 month time limit. Often state definitions of and the distinction between extensions and exemptions is vague, but they can affect people in very different ways. Essentially, they do the same thing. The month that is exempted or extended is not counted toward a unit's time limit. However, if a person is exempted from the time limit, the clock stops for the unit as long as the circumstances exist. So, when their circumstances change and the clock again begins to tick, they still have 60 months of benefits. Extensions, on the other hand, only occur after the unit has reached their time limit. If the unit reaches the time limit, but meets certain criteria, their benefits will continue as long as they qualify for the extension. However, when the unit no longer meets the extension criteria, they are ineligible for assistance.
Both extensions and exemptions allow an assistance unit to remain eligible for another month. However, exemptions stop the time limit clock, while extensions only delay ineligibility for another month.
Overlap Issues:
- Work-Related Time Limits are discussed in the Activities Requirement category
Special Issues:
- This category contains seven separate sections; Time Limits, Lifetime Limits, Periodic Time Limits, Benefit Waiting Period, Benefit Reduction Limits, Exemptions and Extensions, and Additional Information.
- The first and last sections, Time Limits and Additional Information, address general issues related to the states time limit policies.
- Four sections: Lifetime Limits, Periodic Time Limits, Benefit Waiting Period, Benefit Reduction Limits, describe the specifics of state time limit policies. Each time limit policy contains A, B, and C variables that identify the number of months and units covered by the limit. The three variables (A, B, C) are only used if the time limit policy varies by unit type or characteristic of a unit member. For example, if the state allows units with children under the age of six to receive benefits for 60 months, while units with no children under age six are only allowed to receive benefits for 48 months, Lifetime Limits A and B are coded. Limit A is coded for units with children under age six and Limit B is coded for units with no children under age six. Each section follows this same logic. Whenever a time limit policy varies by unit type or characteristic of a unit member, the limits are coded separately within one record.
- The final section, Extensions and Exemption, identifies which time limits exempt or extend months for various types of situations.
- The "Unit Type" variable in the header record is always coded "all". Any unit variation is coded in the record.
- April 1999, the final Federal Regulation on TANF were released. The federal government clarified their position on state waivers and the federal 60 month limit. They indicate that any months during which a non-exempt head of household receives TANF funded assistance under a waiver will count toward the federal time limit. Therefore, in addition to the state time limit, there is also a 60 month lifetime limit that applies retroactively to all recipients as of the date TANF began or first month of receipt under the waiver, whichever is later. A note to this affect is included in the additional notes section for states that have a waiver without a lifetime limit.
Variables and Notes:
Time Limits | ||||
(TimeLimitsType | tl_types) | Description Describes which combination of time limits the state employs. Alternatives:
Notes Several combinations have been added to the pull down box, but if one of the combinations is not included, simply type in the limit names as seen above. Add an 'and' in between the combinations, or commas and an 'and' if there is more than two limits. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
Lifetime Limit | ||||
Lifetime Limit A: | ||||
(TimeLimitsMaxMonthsLifetimeLimitA | tl_lamos) | Description Describes the maximum number of months an assistance unit is eligible for benefits for the group described in Lifetime Limit A. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsLifetimeLimitAAppliesTo | tl_lawho) | Description Describes the type of assistance units that are affected by Lifetime Limit A. Notes If the limit affects everyone in the state, the variable is coded, "All non-exempt recipients". Under AFDC n.a. | |||
Lifetime Limit B: | ||||
(TimeLimitsMaxMonthsLifetimeLimitB | tl_lbmos) | Description Describes the maximum number of months an assistance unit is eligible for benefits for the group described in Lifetime Limit B. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsLifetimeLimitBAppliesTo | tl_lbwho) | Description Describes the type of assistance units that are affected by Lifetime Limit B. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
Lifetime Limit C: | ||||
(TimeLimitsMaxMonthsLifetimeLimitC | tl_lcmos) | Description Describes the maximum number of months an assistance unit is eligible for benefits for the group described in Lifetime Limit C. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsLifetimeLimitCAppliesTo | tl_lcwho) | Description Describes the type of assistance units that are affected by Lifetime Limit C. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsLifetimeLimitImplemented | tl_limpl) | Description Captures the Lifetime Limit implementation date. Notes The date should be coded X/X/XX. If the policy applies retroactively to recipients as of another date, the header record should be coded with the implementation date and the retroactive date should be coded here. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitLifetimeLimitClockStarts | tl_lwhen) | Description Describes when the Lifetime Limit begins for the assistance unit. Notes Often, this variable is coded as "in first month of receipt", but some states may not begin counting the benefit months until the unit is enrolled in the state's work program. Even though states may have work requirements, some parts of the state may not have the resources to provide all recipients with support services. Until the unit has access, the state may exempt them from the time limits. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsLifetimeLimitNotes | tl_lloth) | Description Includes any special notes on Lifetime Limits. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
Periodic Time Limit | ||||
Periodic Limit A | ||||
(TimeLimitsXMonthsPeriodicLimitA tl_paxmo) (TimeLimitsYMonthsPeriodicLimitA | tl_paymo) | X Description Captures the number of months (X) an assistance unit may receive benefits in Periodic Limit A. The limit equals X months of assistance allowed during Y months. Y Description Captures the period (Y) in which the assistance unit may accumulate benefits in Periodic Limit A. The limit equals X months of assistance allowed during Y months. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsPeriodicLimitAAppliesTo | tl_pawho) | Description Describes the type of assistance units that are affected by Periodic Limit A. Notes If the limit affects everyone in the state, the variable is coded, "All non-exempt recipients". Under AFDC n.a. | |||
Periodic Limit B | ||||
(TimeLimitsXMonthsPeriodicLimitB | tl_pbxmo) (TimeLimitsYMonthsPeriodicLimitB | tl_pbymo) | X Description Captures the number of months (X) an assistance unit may receive benefits in Periodic Limit B. The limit equals X months of assistance allowed during Y months. Y Description Captures the period (Y) in which the assistance unit may accumulate benefits in Periodic Limit B. The limit equals X months of assistance allowed during Y months. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsPeriodicLimitBAppliesTo | tl_pbwho) | Description Describes the type of assistance units that are affected by Periodic Limit B. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
Periodic Limit C | ||||
(TimeLimitsXMonthsPeriodicLimitC | tl_pcxmo) (TimeLimitsYMonthsPeriodicLimitC | tl_pcymo) | X Description Captures the number of months (X) an assistance unit may receive benefits in Periodic Limit C. The limit equals X months of assistance allowed during Y months. Y Description Captures the period (Y) in which the assistance unit may accumulate benefits in Periodic Limit C. The limit equals X months of assistance allowed during Y months. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsPeriodicLimitCAppliesTo | tl_pcwho) | Description Describes the type of assistance units that are affected by Periodic Limit C. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsPeriodicLimitImplemented | tl_pimpl) | Description Captures the Periodic Limit implementation date. Notes The date should be coded X/X/XX. If the policy applies retroactively to recipients as of another date, the header record should be coded with the implementation date and the retroactive date should be coded here. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsPeriodicLimitClockStarts | tl_pwhen) | Description Describes when the Periodic Limit begins for the assistance unit. Notes Often, this variable is coded as "in first month of receipt", but some states may not begin counting the benefit months until the unit is enrolled in the state's work program. Even though states may have work requirements, some parts of the state may not have the resources to provide all recipients with support services. Until the unit has access, the state may exempt them from the time limits. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
Notes (TimeLimitsPeriodicLimitNotes | tl_ploth) | Description Includes any special notes on Periodic Limits. | |||
Benefit Waiting Period | ||||
Benefit Waiting Period A | ||||
(TimeLimitsXMonthsBenWaitingPeriodA | tl_waxmo) (TimeLimitsYMonthsBenWaitingPeriodA | tl_waymo) | X Description Captures the number of months (X) an assistance unit may receive benefits before ineligible in Benefit Waiting Period A. The limit states, may receive X months of assistance, then ineligible for Y months. Y Description Captures the number of months an assistance unit is ineligible (Y) after receiving benefits for a certain number of months in Benefit Waiting Period A. The limit states, may receive X months of assistance, then ineligible for Y months. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsBenWaitingPeriodAAppliesTo | tl_wawho) | Description Describes the type of assistance units that are affected by Benefit Waiting Period A. Notes If the limit affects everyone in the state, the variable is coded, "All non-exempt recipients". Under AFDC n.a. | |||
Benefit Waiting Period B | ||||
(TimeLimitsXMonthsBenWaitingPeriodB | tl_wbxmo) (TimeLimitsYMonthsBenWaitingPeriodB | tl_wbymo) | X Description Captures the number of months (X) an assistance unit may receive benefits before ineligible in Benefit Waiting Period B. The limit states, may receive X months of assistance, then ineligible for Y months. Y Description Captures the number of months an assistance unit is ineligible (Y) after receiving benefits for a certain number of months in Benefit Waiting Period B. The limit states, may receive X months of assistance, then ineligible for Y months. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsBenWaitingPeriodBAppliesTo | tl_wbwho) | Description Describes the type of assistance units that are affected by Benefit Waiting Period B. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
Benefit Waiting Period C | ||||
(TimeLimitsXMonthsBenWaitingPeriodC | tl_wcxmo) (TimeLimitsYMonthsBenWaitingPeriodC | tl_wcymo) | X Description Captures the number of months (X) an assistance unit may receive benefits before ineligible in Benefit Waiting Period C. The limit states, may receive X months of assistance, then ineligible for Y months. Y Description Captures the number of months an assistance unit is ineligible (Y) after receiving benefits for a certain number of months in Benefit Waiting Period C. The limit states, may receive X months of assistance, then ineligible for Y months. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsBenWaitingPeriodCAppliesTo | tl_wcwho) | Description Describes the type of assistance units that are affected by Benefit Waiting Period C. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsBenWaitingPeriodImplemented | tl_wimpl) | Description Captures the Benefit Waiting Period implementation date. Notes The date should be coded X/X/XX. If the policy applies retroactively to recipients as of another date, the header record should be coded with the implementation date and the retroactive date should be coded here. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsBenWaitingPeriodIClockStarts | tl_wwhen) | Description Describes when the Benefit Waiting Period begins for the assistance unit. Notes Often, this variable is coded as "in first month of receipt", but some states may not begin counting the benefit months until the unit is enrolled in the state's work program. Even though states may have work requirements, some parts of the state may not have the resources to provide all recipients with support services. Until the unit has access, the state may exempt them from the time limits. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsBenWaitingPeriodNotes | tl_wpoth) | Description Includes any special notes on Benefit Waiting Period. | |||
Benefit Reduction Limit | ||||
Benefit Reduction Limit A: | ||||
(TimeLimitsMonthsBenReductionLimitA | tl_ramos) | Description Describes the number of months an assistance unit can receive benefits before their benefit is reduced in Benefit Reduction A. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsBenReductionLimitAAppliesTo | tl_rawho) | Description Describes the type of assistance units that are affected by Benefit Reduction A. Notes If the limit affects everyone in the state, the variable is coded, "All non-exempt recipients". Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsTypeBenReductionLimitA | tl_rahow) | Description Describes how the benefit if reduced in Benefit Reduction A. Notes Often the head of the household is removed from the benefit computation, but states may reduce the benefit by a percentage or flat dollar amount. Any information regarding how income and assets of an excluded member are treated is also coded in this variable. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
Benefit Reduction Limit B: | ||||
(TimeLimitsMonthsBenReductionLimitB | tl_rbmos) | Description Describes the number of months an assistance unit can receive benefits before their benefit is reduced in Benefit Reduction B. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsBenReductionLimitBAppliesTo | tl_rbwho) | Description Describes the type of assistance units that are affected by Benefit Reduction B. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsTypeBenReductionLimitB | tl_rbhow) | Description Describes how the benefit if reduced in Benefit Reduction B. Notes Often the head of the household is removed from the benefit computation, but states may reduce the benefit by a percentage or flat dollar amount. Any information regarding how income and assets of an excluded member are treated is also coded in this variable. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
Benefit Reduction Limit C: | ||||
(TimeLimitsMonthsBenReductionLimitC | tl_rcmos) | Description Describes the number of months an assistance unit can receive benefits before their benefit is reduced in Benefit Reduction C. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsBenReductionLimitCAppliesTo | tl_rcwho) | Description Describes the type of assistance units that are affected by Benefit Reduction C. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsTypeBenReductionLimitC | tl_rchow) | Description Describes how the benefit if reduced in Benefit Reduction C. Notes Often the head of the household is removed from the benefit computation, but states may reduce the benefit by a percentage or flat dollar amount. Any information regarding how income and assets of an excluded member are treated is also coded in this variable. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsBenReductionLimitImplemented | tl_rimpl) | Description Captures the Benefit Reduction implementation date. Notes The date should be coded X/X/XX. If the policy applies retroactively to recipients as of another date, the header record should be coded with the implementation date and the retroactive date should be coded here. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsBenReductionLimitClockStarts | tl_rwhen) | Description Describes when the Benefit Reduction Limit begins for the assistance unit. Notes Often, this variable is coded as "in first month of receipt", but some states may not begin counting the benefit months until the unit is enrolled in the state's work program. Even though states may have work requirements, some parts of the state may not have the resources to provide all recipients with support services. Until the unit has access, the state may exempt them from the time limits. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsBenReductionLimitNotes | tl_rdoth) | Description Includes any special notes on benefit reduction. | |||
Exemptions and Extensions | ||||
(TimeLimitsExtensionType | tl_extyp) | Description Captures how the extension policy is implemented in the state. Basically, this variable describes if the state has a set policy on granting extensions or if each case is evaluated on its own personal merits. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. | |||
| Allowed as Exemption: | Allowed as Extension: | Length of Extension | |
Under AFDC n.a. | Describes which time limits either exempt, extend benefits, or both exempt and extend benefits to assistance units. Alternatives:
Notes The exemptions and extensions are coded according to how the state refers to the months. States often do not clearly define the difference between exemptions and extensions, so if they are used interchangeably, both fields should be coded. Under AFDC n.a. | The length of extension indicates the maximum amount of time a unit can be extended for each individual month type. Under AFDC n.a. | ||
(TimeLimitsreceivedBenOthrStateExemption | tl_steex) (TimeLimitsReceivedBenOthrStateExtension | tl_steen) (TimeLimitsReceivedBenOthrStateExtensionLength | tl_stelg) | Description Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for months in which benefits were received in another state. Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for months in which benefits were received in another state. Describes how long benefits are extended to units for months in which benefits were received in another state. | |||
(TimeLimitsReceivedBenWaiverExemption | tl_wavex) (TimeLimitsReceivedBenWaiverExtension | tl_waven) (TimeLimitsReceivedBenWaiverExtensionLength | tl_wavlg) | Description Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for months, after TANF began, in which benefits were received under a waiver. Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for months, after TANF began, in which benefits were received under a waiver. Describes how long benefits are extended to units for months, after TANF began, in which benefits were received under a waiver. | |||
(TimeLimitsReceivedDiversionExemption | tl_divex) (TimeLimitsReceivedDiversionExtension | tl_diven) (TimeLimitsReceivedDiversionExtensionLength | tl_divlg) | Description Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for months in which a diversion payment was received. Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for months in which a diversion payment was received. Describes how long benefits are extended to units for months in which a diversion payment was received. | |||
(TimeLimitsReceivedBenMinorParExemption | tl_minex) (TimeLimitsReceivedBenMinorParExtensionLength | tl_minen) (TimeLimitsReceivedBenMinorParExtension | tl_minlg) | Description Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for months in which a minor parent received benefits as a unit head. Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for months in which a minor parent received benefits as a unit head. Describes how long benefits are extended to units for months in which a minor parent received benefits as a unit head. | |||
(TimeLimitsOlderAdultExemption | tl_eldex) (TimeLimitsOlderAdultExtension | tl_elden) (TimeLimitsOlderAdultExtensionLength | tl_eldlg) | Description Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for months in which the unit head is elderly. Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for months in which the unit head is elderly. Describes how long benefits are extended to units for months in which the unit head is elderly. Notes The state' definition of elderly is explained in the notes at the end of this section. | |||
(TimeLimitsCaringForYoungChildExemption | tl_chlex) (TimeLimitsCaringForYoungChildExtension | tl_chlen) (TimeLimitsCaringForYoungChildExtensionLength | tl_chllg) | Description Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for months in which the unit head is caring for a young child. Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for months in which the unit head is caring for a young child. Describes how long benefits are extended to units for months in which the unit head is caring for a young child. Notes The age of the child is defined in the notes at the end of this section. | |||
(TimeLimitsIllDisabledExemption | tl_illex) (TimeLimitsIllDisabledExtension | tl_illen) (TimeLimitsIllDisabledExtensionLength | tl_illlg) | Description Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for months in which the unit head is ill/incapacitated/disabled. Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for months in which the unit head is ill/incapacitated/disabled. Describes how long benefits are extended to units for months in which the unit head is ill/incapacitated/disabled. | |||
(TimeLimitsCaringForIllDisabledExemption | tl_creex) (TimeLimitsCaringForIllDisabledExtension | tl_creen) (TimeLimitsCaringForIllDisabledExtensionLength | tl_crelg) | Description Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for months in which the unit head cares for an ill/incapacitated/disabled adult relative or child. Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for months in which the unit head cares for an ill/incapacitated/disabled adult relative or child. Describes how long benefits are extended to units for months in which the unit head cares for an ill/incapacitated/disabled adult relative or child. | |||
(TimeLimitsSubstUseTrtmntExemption | tl_tmtex) (TimeLimitsSubstUseTrtmntExtension | tl_tmten) (TimeLimitsSubstUseTrtmntExtensionLength | tl_tmtlg) | Description Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for months in which the unit head participates in drug, alcohol, or mental health treatment. Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for months in which the unit head participates in drug, alcohol, or mental health treatment. Describes how long benefits are extended to units for months in which the unit head participates in drug, alcohol, or mental health treatment. | |||
(TimeLimitsDomesticViolenceExemption | tl_dvlex) (TimeLimitsDomesticViolenceExtension | tl_dvlen) (TimeLimitsDomesticViolenceExtensionLength | tl_dvllg) | Description Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for months in which the assistance unit is fleeing from or receiving treatment for domestic violence or abuse. Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for months in which the assistance unit is fleeing from or receiving treatment for domestic violence or abuse. Describes how long benefits are extended to units for months in which the assistance unit is fleeing from or receiving treatment for domestic violence or abuse. | |||
(TimeLimitsNotJobReadyExemption | tl_njrex) (TimeLimitsNotJobReadyExtension | tl_njren) (TimeLimitsNotJobReadyExtensionLength | tl_njrlg) | Description Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for months in which the unit head is not job ready due to limited job skills, poor education and/or illiteracy. Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for months in which the unit head is not job ready due to limited job skills, poor education and/or illiteracy. Describes how long benefits are extended to units for months in which the unit head is not job ready due to limited job skills, poor education and/or illiteracy. Notes This variable includes any extensions or exemptions when a unit head is participating in job training or education programs. | |||
(TimeLimitsSuppServicesUnavailExemption | tl_nssex) (TimeLimitsSuppServicesUnavailExtension | tl_nssen) (TimeLimitsSuppServicesUnavailExtensionLength | tl_nsslg) | Description Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for months in which support services (i.e. child care, transportation) are not available. Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for months in which support services (i.e. child care, transportation) are not available. Describes how long benefits are extended to units for months in which support services (i.e. child care, transportation) are not available. | |||
(TimeLimitsHighLocalUnemployExemption | tl_uneex) (TimeLimitsHighLocalUnemployExtension | tl_uneen) (TimeLimitsHighLocalUnemployExtensionLength | tl_unelg) | Description Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for months in which jobs are unavailable due to high local unemployment. Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for months in which jobs are unavailable due to high local unemployment. Describes how long benefits are extended to units for months in which jobs are unavailable due to high local unemployment. | |||
(TimeLimitsActivitiesNotReqExemption | tl_nrqex) (TimeLimitsActivitiesNotReqExtension | tl_nrqen) (TimeLimitsActivitiesNotReqExtensionLength | tl_nrqlg) | Description Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for months in which unit head is not required to participate in work activities. Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for months in which unit head is not required to participate in work activities. Describes how long benefits are extended to units for months in which unit head is not required to participate in work activities. | |||
(TimeLimitsUnsubsidizedJobExemption | tl_jobex) (TimeLimitsUnsubsidizedJobExtension | tl_joben) (TimeLimitsUnsubsidizedJobExtensionLength | tl_joblg) | Description Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for months in which unit head works at an unsubsidized job. Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for months in which unit head works at an unsubsidized job. Describes how long benefits are extended to units for months in which unit head works at an unsubsidized job. | |||
(TimeLimitsEmploymentUnavailExemption | tl_copex) (TimeLimitsEmploymentUnavailExtension | tl_copen) (TimeLimitsEmploymentUnavailExtensionLength | tl_coplg) | Description Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for months in which the unit head has fully cooperated with program requirements and still cannot find employment. Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for months in which the unit head has fully cooperated with program requirements and still cannot find employment. Describes how long benefits are extended to units for months in which the unit head has fully cooperated with program requirements and still cannot find employment. | |||
(TimeLimitsSanctionedUnitExemption | tl_sncex) (TimeLimitsSanctionedUnitExtension | tl_sncen) (TimeLimitsSanctionedUnitExtensionLength | tl_snclg) | Description Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for months in which the unit is sanctioned. Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for months in which the unit is sanctioned. Describes how long benefits are extended to units for months in which the unit is sanctioned. | |||
(TimeLimitsOtherDescribe1 | tl_ot1de) (TimeLimitsOtherExemption1 | tl_ot1ex) (TimeLimitsOtherExtension1 | tl_ot1en) (TimeLimitsOtherExtensionLength1 | tl_ot1lg) | Description Describes Other Reason #1. Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for other reason #1 Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for other reason #1 Describes how long benefits are extended to units for other reason #1 | |||
(TimeLimitsOtherDescribe2 | tl_ot2de) (TimeLimitsOtherExemption2 | tl_ot2ex) (TimeLimitsOtherExtension2 | tl_ot2en) (TimeLimitsOtherExtensionLength2 | tl_ot2lg) | Description Describes Other Reason #2. Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for other reason #2 Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for other reason #2 Describes how long benefits are extended to units for other reason #2 | |||
Other #3 (TimeLimitsOtherDescribe3 | tl_ot3de) (TimeLimitsOtherExemption3 | tl_ot3ex) (TimeLimitsOtherExtension3 | tl_ot3en) (TimeLimitsOtherExtensionLength3 | tl_ot3lg) | Description Describes Other Reason #3. Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for other reason #3 Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for other reason #3 Describes how long benefits are extended to units for other reason #3 | |||
(TimeLimitsOtherDescribe4 | tl_ot4de) (TimeLimitsOtherExemption4 | tl_ot4ex) (TimeLimitsOtherExtension4| tl_ot4en) (TimeLimitsOtherExtensionLength4 | tl_ot4lg) | Description Describes Other Reason #4. Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for other reason #4 Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for other reason #4 Describes how long benefits are extended to units for other reason #4 | |||
(TimeLimitsOtherDescribe5 | tl_ot5de) (TimeLimitsOtherExemption5 | tl_ot5ex) (TimeLimitsOtherExtension5 | tl_ot5en) (TimeLimitsOtherExtensionLength5 | tl_ot5lg) | Description Describes Other Reason #5. Describes which time limit(s) exempt units for other reason #5 Describes which time limit(s) extend benefits to units for other reason #5 Describes how long benefits are extended to units for other reason #5 | |||
(TimeLimitsNotesExemptExten | tl_exadd) | Description Includes any additional information on month type or details regarding extension/exemption. | |||
(TimeLimitsMaxExtensions | tl_exmax) | Description Includes notes on the maximum number of extensions and/or maximum months of extended benefits allowed under time limits. Notes This variable includes any or all of the following information if noted in the manual:
extended for a unit
extension if maximum varies by extension type | |||
| ||||
(TimeLimitsNoLifetimeLimit | tl_nolmt) | Description Describes the funding source or program change that occurs when a non-exempt assistance unit continues to receive benefits after they have reached the federal or state time limit. Notes This variable is for states that have no lifetime limit on benefits. At the end of 60 months, if the state wants to continue providing benefits, they must use state funds or move the recipients into another program. Any information on this type of policy is captured in this variable. Very few states are providing benefits past 60 months, so for most states the variable is coded n.a. This variable also includes any information in the manual about funding. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsCaseClosureEffect | tl_fsmef) | Description Includes any information on how other programs, such as Food Stamps, child care, Medicaid and General Assistance, are affected by the termination of benefits due to the expiration of a time limit. Under AFDC n.a. | |||
(TimeLimitsOtherNotes | tl_other) | Description Includes any general time limit information. |
Transitional Benefits
The Transitional Benefits category describes the services that assistance units are eligible for after losing AFDC/TANF benefits. This category focuses on transitional child care and transitional Medicaid; however, any other transitional benefits a state offers are also captured in this category.
Under AFDC, states offered two type of transitional assistance to units that became ineligible for benefits due to increased earnings or the lose of certain earned income disregards: Transitional Child Care and Transitional Medicaid.
Transitional Child Care:
The Family Support Act of 1988 required states, as of April 1990, to provide 12 months of Transitional Child Care (TCC) to former recipients who met two requirements. First, assistance units were only eligible for TCC if they lost benefits because their income exceeded the eligibility limits due to one of the following circumstances: an increase in wages, an increase in the number of hours worked or the expiration of an earned income disregard (see Overlap Issues for details). Second, units were only eligible if they received assistance for at least 3 out of the previous 6 months prior to losing benefits. In addition to these federal requirements, states had the option of requiring units to pay a fee for TCC based on a sliding scale.
Transitional Medicaid Assistance:
Beginning April 1981, the federal government required states to extend four months of Transitional Medicaid Assistance (TMA) to units who lost benefits due to increased earnings. The Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 expanded these Medicaid benefits. The states were still required to provide 4 months of TMA to units who lost benefits due to increased earnings; however, beginning October 1984, states were also required to provide 9 months of TMA to units who lost assistance due to the removal of the one-third earned income disregard. States also had the option to provide 6 months of Medicaid for units that lost benefits due to the removal of the $30 and one-third earned income disregards.
The Family Support Act of 1988 revised the previous Transitional Medicaid benefits. Beginning April 1990, the federal government required states to offer assistance units 12 months of TMA, provided the units met certain eligibility requirements. First, assistance units were only eligible for TMA if they lost benefits because their income exceeded the eligibility limits due to one of the following circumstances: an increase in wages, an increase in the number of hours worked or the expiration of an earned income disregard (see Overlap Issues for details). Second, units were only eligible if they received assistance for at least 3 out of the previous 6 months prior to losing benefits. Finally, after the first 6 months of TMA, units could only receive the additional 6 months if their gross earnings (net of child care expenses) were below 185% of the Federal Poverty Guideline.
In addition to these federal requirements, states had the option of instituting other restrictions on TMA receipts.
During the second six months of TMA, states could limit the scope of coverage, charge a premium for units with incomes above 100% of poverty and/or offer alternative sources of coverage, such as HMOs or state run insurance plans. In addition to these options, states could, in any of the 12 months, use Medicaid funds to pay the employee's portion of premiums if the unit received coverage from a new employer.
Under waiver demonstrations, many states changed the duration of and eligibility restrictions for transitional benefits. Most states extended TMA and TCC from 12 to 24 months and/or removed the 3 out of 6 months requirement. A few states extended transitional benefits to units that were ineligible for reasons other than increased earnings.
Under TANF, states are no longer required to operate TCC because child care funding is now dispersed through a separate child care block grant. However, many states have continued their TCC programs. Although TCC is not required under TANF, the federal government still requires that states provide 12 months of Medicaid for units that lose benefits due to increased earnings.
Overlap Issues:
- Expiration of earned income disregards refers to the elimination of the $30 and/or the one-third disregards. In addition to the $90 work expense disregard and the child care deduction under AFDC, states allowed units to disregard $30 plus one-third of their remaining earnings for the first four months of consecutive earnings. After the first 4 months, units could disregard $30 of their earnings for an additional 8 months of consecutive earnings. After these 12 months, units were only allowed the $90 work expense and the child care disregard. More details regarding disregards are found in the Earned Income Disregard category.
Special Issues:
- None
Variables and Notes:
Variable | Notes |
(TransitionalBenChildCareWho | tb_tcpvd) |
Indicates whether a state provides Transitional Child Care to some or all former program participants. Under AFDC Since April 1, 1990, yes. |
(TransitionalBenChildCareElig | tb_tcltd) |
Indicates whether a state limits Transitional Child Care benefits to cases that are closed because the unit's income exceeds the eligibility limits due to increased hours of work, increased earnings or the expiration of earned income disregards. Under AFDC Since April 1, 1990, yes |
(TransitionalBenChildCareCaseClosure | tb_tccls) |
Describes other situations in which a unit may lose benefits and still remain eligible for Transitional Child Care. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(TransitionalBenBenDurPriorChildCare | tb_tcdur) |
Describes the duration of prior assistance receipt required for a unit to be eligible for Transitional Child Care. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Since April 1, 1990, 3 of last 6 months prior to ineligibility |
(TransitionalBenChildCareMonthsAvail | tb_tcmos) |
Indicates the number of months Transitional Child Care is available without income eligibility restrictions. Under AFDC Since April 1, 1990, states were required to provide up to 12 months of TCC without income restrictions, but they had the option of requiring a fee based on a sliding scale. |
(TransitionalBenChildCareNotes | tb_tcoth) |
Describes any additional rules that apply to Transitional Child Care. Under AFDC None |
(TransitionalBenMedicaidWho | tb_tmpvd) |
Indicates whether state provides Transitional Medicaid coverage to some or all former program participants. Under AFDC Since 1981, yes. |
(tb_tmlmt) |
Indicates whether a state limits Transitional Medicaid to cases that are closed because the unit's income exceeds the eligibility limits due to increased hours of work, increased earnings or the expiration of earned income disregards. Under AFDC Since April 1, 1990, yes. This variable does not apply prior to April 1, 1990. See description above. |
(TransitionalBenMedicaidCaseClosure | tb_tmcls) |
Describes other situations in which a unit may lose benefits and still remain eligible for Transitional Medicaid. Alternatives:
Under AFDC n.a. |
(TransitionalBenBenDurPriorMedicaid | tb_tmdur) |
Describes the duration of prior assistance receipt required for a unit to be eligible for Transitional Medicaid. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Since April 1, 1990, 3 of last 6 months prior to ineligibility |
(TransitionalBenMedicaidMonthsAvail | tb_tmmos) |
Captures the number of months that Transitional Medicaid is available. Under AFDC Since April 1, 1990, federal regulations required that states provide TMA for 12 months after a unit became ineligible for acceptable reasons. |
(TransitionalBenMedicaidNotes | tb_tmoth) |
Describes additional rules that apply to Transitional Medicaid. Under AFDC None |
(TransitionalBenOtherNotes | tb_other) |
Describes additional transitional benefits a state provides (other than child care and medical benefits). Notes For example, South Dakota provides a Transitional Employment allowance equal to one month's AFDC benefit in the initial month after ineligibility. Under AFDC None |
Treatment of Additional Adults in the Household
This category describes how states treat noncaretaker adults living in the household with an assistance unit. These adults include adult relatives (e.g. mother living with her daughter and her daughter's children) living with a caretaker and their children, nonparent, partners (e.g. boyfriend with no children) living with the caretaker, or nonrelative, nonpartners (e.g. a friend of the mother heading the unit) living in the household. The adults described in this category do not have children of their own living in the household and are not the primary caretaker of any of the children in the household.
The category captures information about three types of information; which adults are eligible for benefits, how income of nonunit members is treated, and how shared shelter costs affect eligibility and benefits. In some states, adults who live in the household but have no children living with them may be included in the assistance unit. If the adults are included in the unit, their income is counted like all other adult members of the unit. Generally, if the adult is not included in the unit, their income is not counted against the unit for eligibility or benefits. However, in some cases, states may count some portion of the nonunit adult's income against the unit's eligibility or benefits. These policies are included in this category. Finally, some states reduce benefits or provide lower eligibility thresholds for those assistance units that do not pay for all or any of their shelter costs. Often these policies are imposed only when the unit lives with a relative who pays the shelter costs; however, some states reduce benefits when the unit lives with any adult who pays for the family's shelter (including a boyfriend or girlfriend).
Overlap Issues:
- Other eligibility information about individuals in the household is captured in the following categories: Eligibility of Individual Family Members, Inclusion of Noncitizens in the Unit, and Units Headed by Minor Parents.
- The Dollar Amounts category contains information on decreases in benefits for families living in public or subsidized housing. Most states make a distinction between families that receive housing assistance from the government versus assistance from a friend or family member (i.e. they live with a family member who pays the rental costs). For those states that do not make a distinction -- indicating that any family not paying for rent will receive a lower benefit -- the information should be coded in both categories.
Special Issues:
- None
Variables and Notes:
Variables | Notes | |
Eligibility of Nonparent Adults Living in the Household | ||
(AdditionalAdultsRelativeInHhldIncl | ta_relel) |
Indicates whether an adult relative (sometimes called an essential person) living in the household with a parent caretaker and children is included in the unit. Alternatives:
Notes If some, but not all, adult relatives are eligible, define in the notes field which types of adults are eligible. Under AFDC Some states allowed persons other than caretakers and children to receive benefits, if those persons were considered essential to the well-being of the children. | |
(AdditionalAdultsPartnerInHhldIncl | ta_parel) |
Indicates whether an adult, nonrelative partner (boyfriend or girlfriend who is not the parent of a child in the unit) living in the household with a parent caretaker and children is included in the unit. Alternatives:
Notes If some, but not all, adult-nonrelative partners are eligible, define in the notes field which types of adults are eligible. Under AFDC Some states allowed persons other than caretakers and children to receive benefits, if those persons were considered essential to the well-being of the children. | |
(AdditionalAdultsNonRelNonPartIncl | ta_nrel) |
Indicates whether an adult, nonrelative nonpartner (e.g. an adult friend with no children) living in the household with a parent caretaker and children is included in the unit. Alternatives:
Notes If some, but not all, adult-nonrelative nonpartners are eligible, define in the notes field which types of adults are eligible. Under AFDC Some states allowed persons other than caretakers and children to receive benefits, if those persons were considered essential to the well-being of the children. | |
Inclusion of Nonunit Members' Income | ||
(AdditionalAdultsNonCaretakerIncTrtmnt | ta_incon) |
Indicates whether income of a noncaretaker adult who is living in the household but not included in the assistance unit is counted as unearned income toward the unit's eligibility or benefit calculations. Under AFDC The income of individuals not included in the unit (other than stepparents, grandparents, and immigrant sponsors) was not counted against the unit. | |
(AdditionalAdultsOthrAdultsIncTrtmnt | ta_inwho) |
Specifies which types of adults' income are counted as unearned income. Alternatives:
Under AFDC N.A. | |
(AdditionalAdultsNonCaretakerIncCounted | ta_inamt) |
Describes what portion of the noncaretaker adult's income is counted. Notes Describe, in detail, the formula used for allocating income to the unit. Under AFDC N.A. | |
(AdditionalAdultsNonCaretakerIncCountedDescribe | ta_intes) |
Indicates whether the income counted from a noncaretaker adult is counted as unearned income toward the unit's eligibility and/or benefit calculations. Alternatives:
Under AFDC N.A. | |
Sharing Shelter Costs | ||
(AdditionalAdultsPaidShelterTrtmnt | ta_prora) |
Captures whether a state prorates benefits for units living in households with persons excluded from the unit. In some states, assistance units who live in households with non-recipients may receive decreased benefits. This policy is known as proration. States assume that persons sharing a household also share shelter and utility costs, thereby decreasing the need of these recipients. Notes This policy is different from the information captured in dollar amounts related to decreases in benefits based on public or subsidized housing. Most states will make a distinction between families that receive housing assistance from the government versus assistance from a friend or family member (i.e. they live with a family member who pays the rental costs). For those states that do not make a distinction and simply describe that any family not paying for rent will receive a lower benefit, the information should be coded in both places. Under AFDC Some states prorated benefit under AFDC when the family lived with a relative or partner. | |
(AdditionalAdultsEffect | ta_prwhn) |
Captures the circumstances under which proration is applied to the eligibility and/or benefit calculations of the unit. For example, some states only prorate if units live with a relative excluded from the unit, while others prorate if the unit lives with any person excluded from the unit. Under AFDC Some states prorated benefit under AFDC when the family lived with a relative or partner. | |
(AdditionalAdultsLivingArrangEffect | ta_prwho) |
Indicates which living arrangements cause state to reduce the unit's benefits. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Some states prorated benefit under AFDC when the family lived with a relative or partner. | |
(AdditionalAdultsSharedShelterEffect | ta_pramt) |
Captures how the prorated benefit amount is calculated. Notes For example, an amount equal to the actual shelter costs per household member could be deducted from the benefit (Idaho in 1990) or alternatively, the state could subtract the need standard amount for each non-unit person in the household from the benefit level (Michigan in 1990). Under AFDC The calculation varied by state. | |
(AdditionalAdultsSharedShelterCalc | ta_prtes) |
Indicates whether the reduction in benefit for sharing shelter costs impacts the unit's eligibility and/or benefit calculations. Alternatives:
Under AFDC Generally, only the unit's benefit was decreased for sharing shelter with nonunit members. |
Term | Definition |
AFDC | Aid to Families with Dependent Children |
Allocation | The portion of a non-unit person's income that is set aside for their needs (and the needs of their dependents outside of the unit) when determining the amount of their income deemed available to the assistance unit. This portion of the non-unit person's income is subtracted from their total income and the remainder is deemed available to the unit. See Deemed Income for additional information. |
Assistance Unit | Members of a family or household that are considered part of the group eligible to receive welfare assistance. The members of this group vary from state to state, depending on the state's eligibility rules. Assistance unit is often shortened to unit. |
Deemed Income | The amount of non-unit persons' income that the state considers available to the assistance unit when determining eligibility and benefits. Under AFDC, states recognized that non-unit members who lived with the assistance unit provided some financial support for the unit. As a result, states determined that some of the non-unit person's income was available to the unit and included that income when determining the unit's eligibility and benefits. The non-unit person's income counted as part of the unit's income is considered Deemed Income. The amount of income deemed available is determined by subtracting the non-unit person's allocations from their total income, the remainder is the deemed income. |
Disregard | Amount of earned income an assistance unit can subtract from their gross earned income when determining eligibility or benefits. Also referred to as a deduction. |
Deduction | Amount of earned income an assistance unit can subtract from their gross earned income when determining eligibility or benefits. Also referred to as a disregard. |
Family | All related individuals, living in the same dwelling. |
Field | Rectangular space in the Access form where data are entered. |
Form | Access screens where data are entered and viewed. Each form has a set structure that displaying variable definitions and provides blank fields for entering data. |
Household | All individuals living in the same dwelling. |
Non-Unit Persons | Individual in the family or household that is not considered part of the assistance unit. |
Record | A record is the set of variables that captures a state's policies for a given category. A record is comparable to an observation in a survey data set. |
TANF | Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. |
WRD | Welfare Rules Database. |