The policy categories are organized from the perspective of a family applying for benefits. Select a category to learn more about the policy information we capture.
Does the state or territory try to divert the family from applying for benefits? Scroll to top of What categories of TANF policy are not captured in the WRD?
What kinds of families are potentially eligible?
Which people in a family are potentially eligible?
What level of assets can a family have and still be eligible? How is income counted?
How much income can a family have and still be eligible?
If family passes all eligibility tests, what is the amount of their benefit?
What are a recipient family's child support requirements?
What are a recipient family's behavioral requirements?
What are a recipient family's work-related activities requirements?
How long can a family receive benefits? What happens after a family no longer receives benefits? What categories of TANF policy are not captured in the WRD?
Administrative policies
Caseworker practices
Budgets or expenditures